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消費者奢侈品購買行為之探討 — 以鑽石連鎖專賣店為例 A Study on Consumer's Purchasing Behavior of Luxury Goods— Diamond Chain Stores as an Example |
Advisor: |
Meng-Yen Lin |
Committee: |
Liu, Day-Yang 蔡瑤昇 Ysai, Yau-Sheng |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2005 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 93 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 69 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 消費者行為 、鑽石飾品 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Consumer Behavior, Diamond Ornament |
Reference times: | Clicks: 634 Downloads: 24 |
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In the recent decades, with the dramatic growth rate of GDP and remarkable consuming power in the island wide, Taiwan becomes a new battle for the worldwide suppliers who aim on luxury goods, especially on diamond product. With the changing and extension of consuming concept, consumers switch their preference from gold to jewelry gradually. Instead of caring of value sustain and memorial, consumers care more about how to distinguish themselves and how to show off their own wealth by jewelry. The research of DeBeers Group shows, in the past five years the business scales of diamond retailing in Taiwan is about NT$18 billion to NT$20 billion, and in Great China (including China, Hong Kong and Taiwan) is USD$30.8 billion, 10% of global diamond sales. The growth rate of diamond retailing sales in Great China is the number one in the world. By the study of consumer behavior in purchasing of diamond ornament and the differentiation of customer, this research intends to provide the diamond retailer a reference in the decision process of marketing and promotion strategy.
The conceptual of framework is based on E-K-B consumer behavior model. The research attributes consumer purchasing behavior in diamond to demographics as input variables. Consumer behavior is described in several variables that affect the consuming patterns such as motives, consuming information, rules of appraise, reaction after purchasing and word of mouth. The scope of this study is limited in branding diamond retailing chain stores in Taiwan and focuses on the walk-in customers. In this study, the assumption of the test, basic statement statistics, cross reference table and Pier Carson test etc. are used for the data verification and plot chart preparation.
The study shows that female people who age between 26 and 35 are the major consumers of diamond ornaments, especially having preference of ring and necklace. The average monthly income of these diamond lovers is less than $80,000, and their allowance for purchasing personal ornaments such as diamond ornament is less than $100,000. However living area of different consumers does make difference in translating their purchasing behavior. The major motives of purchasing diamond are self-rewarding, investment purpose, and job necessity. The sources of consuming information come from TV commercials, magazines, stores advertisement, and recommendation from close friends and relatives. Such diamond buyers think sales service the most important criteria in their decision process, but pay less attention on product promotion. Word of mouth from consumer does have certain influence on purchasing behavior but the recommendation providers might have less professional knowledge about the commodity. This research suggests that diamond retailers/wholesalers get closer to consumers by educating consumers more profession knowledge of diamond and use the right commercial media to give more exposure.
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4.台灣鑽石推廣諮詢中心 (DTC),