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研究生: 林勝凱
san - lin
論文名稱: 台灣手機遊戲公司經營模式之研究
Research on Taiwan game companies' business model– case study for mobile games
指導教授: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
口試委員: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Che
Ruey Huei (Robert) Yeh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 59
中文關鍵詞: 手機遊戲公司台灣遊戲公司經營模式
外文關鍵詞: Mobile game companies, Taiwan game companies, business model
相關次數: 點閱:224下載:0
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  • 摘要
    遊戲產業日新月異,面對手機遊戲市場崛起,在智慧型手機和網路頻寬的普及化,遊戲產品推陳出新,導致產品的生命週期越來越短,相對地機會與威脅與日俱增。遊戲公司唯有跟著市場需求不斷創新變化,才能保有遊戲公司競爭優勢。2007年Apple推出了智慧型手機iPhone,隔年為其iPhone、iPad等創建一個應用程式發布的平台(App Store),同年Google也跟著推出屬於Android手機使用的應用平台(Google Play),兩大平台開創了手機遊戲新的經營模式,不過在此情形下還是有許多台灣遊戲公司採用過去的經營模式繼續運營,過去台灣遊戲公司以開發遊戲、代理遊戲或兩者兼具的經營模式來運營,面對許多外來新的強勁對手帶來的挑戰,台灣遊戲公司並未對公司內、外部環境充分了解,在不同時期應有不同的經營模式,應檢視內部評估自己的優劣勢,善用自己的優點及清除問題。

    Due to the rise of the mobile game market and the popularity of smartphones and broadband the gaming industries are changing rapidly. Gaming companies have to launch the new products in order to cope with both increasing opportunity and competition. As a result, the life cycle of gaming products are getting shorter and shorter. To enhance competitiveness and meet market demand, gaming companies constantly develop new products. In 2007, Apple launched their first smartphone - iPhone, and built up the App Store, the application platform for iPhone and iPad in the following year. In the same year, Google introduced Google Play - an application for Android smartphones. These two major platforms for smartphones initiated a new business model. However, gaming companies in Taiwan are still operating under an older model. For example, developing or being an agent for games, or doing both as a business. This entails a lot of challenges for them. Taiwan gaming companies need to adopt different business models for different stages. They need to review and understand their own advantages and disadvantages as well as the environment in order to become more competitive.
    There is little published reference material on the mobile game industry, especially on business models and strategic theory. Therefore this study focuses on the operational and strategic models from Taiwanese companies' perspective with interviewing several senior managers in gaming industries to review and draw conclusions, as well as explore the different approaches on their business models and strategies. Through these analyses, this research suggests alternatives in improving the current business models for mobile game companies in the future development.
    Keywords: Mobile game companies, Taiwan game companies, business model

    目錄 摘要I ABSTRACTII 目錄IV 表目錄VI 第1章 緒論1 1.1 研究背景與研究動機1 1.2 研究目的3 第2章 文獻探討6 2.1全球遊戲產業6 2.1.1全球行動遊戲發展6 2.1.2 台灣行動遊戲發展6 2.1.3 大陸行動遊戲發展7 2.2手機遊戲7 2.2.1手機遊戲的定義與起源發展7 2.2.2台灣行動遊戲公司現況8 2.2.3政府政策方面12 2.2.4 遊戲產業鏈及產業經營模式13 第3章 研究方法與設計17 3.1 研究對象18 3.2 專家會議20 3.3 研究流程21 第4章研究結果與分析22 4.1 研究架構的理論基礎22 4.2 分析與討論25 4.2.1 產業競爭導致經營策略差異性25 4.2.2 遊戲開發模式與代理模式皆有擅長27 4.2.3 手機遊戲市場契機30 第5章 結論與建議33 5.1 研究結論和建議33 5.2 對未來研究的建議37 5.3 研究範圍與研究限制38 參考文獻40 附件一 專家訪談問卷42 附件二 專家訪談摘要44

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