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研究生: 李翊綺
論文名稱: 「塑」造永續
Sustainability of Plastic
指導教授: 陳俊男
Chun-Nan Chen
Jen-Wei Cheng
口試委員: 陳嬿如
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 57
中文關鍵詞: 循環經濟商業模式創業家精神永續經營社會影響力
外文關鍵詞: circular economy business models, entrepreneurship, sustainable business, social impact
相關次數: 點閱:166下載:0
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Since the 1970s, plastic has become an indispensable material in our daily lives due to its affordability, lightweight, convenience, and waterproof properties. King Yuan Fu Packaging Enterprise was established in 1978, primarily producing food packaging containers. Through customization and order-driven strategies, and by establishing a rare international vacuum forming production line, it has become the largest vacuum forming factory in Asia.
As the company continues to thrive, the global issues of plastic pollution and marine litter have become severe. Consumers are increasingly negative towards plastics, facing challenges from environmental trends and global carbon reduction initiatives. King Yuan Fu responded by creating rPET products to meet the changing demands of the market, environment, and public. They initiated a series of actions with the goal of sustainable packaging, laying a more competitive foundation for the future and achieving the objectives of environmental and corporate sustainability.
This case study describes how the second-generation leaders, facing global issues and public perception, redefine the value of the traditional plastic manufacturer, King Yuan Fu. They aim to create a circular economy starting from production, explore potential new markets and customer bases, promote education and sharing, cultivate stakeholders' knowledge of plastics and environmental awareness, implement policies and actions, and deepen the sustainable operation of the enterprise to adapt to the rapidly changing economic environment.
The study is written in the Harvard case teaching method, discussing topics such as circular economy business models, entrepreneurship, sustainable business, and social impact through the case content. It explores how a company with over forty years of history turns crises into opportunities, creates high value-added products, integrates sustainability into its operations, and moves towards the goal of becoming the best company in the world.

目錄 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 V 表目錄 VI 壹、個案本文 1 一、序幕 1 二、個案蓬勃的歷程 2 三、開創的再生之道 5 附錄一:金元福營收內外銷占比 18 附錄二:金元福營收資訊 18 附錄三:金元福ESG委員會組織架構圖 19 貳、教學指引 20 一、個案總覽 20 二、教學目標與適用課程 21 三、學員課前準備 23 四、學員課前問題討論 24 五、個案人物的背景 25 六、個案分析 26 教學目標一:循環經濟商業模式之探討 27 教學目標二:創業家精神之探討 34 教學目標三:永續經營之探討 38 教學目標四:社會影響力之探討 43 七、課程結論 46 八、教學建議 47 九、板書規劃 51 參考文獻 54 英文參考文獻 54 中文參考文獻 55 網路部分 56

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7. United Nations Global Compact(2004). Who Cares Wins, 1-8
8. United Nations(2015). Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
9. World Commission on Environment and Development(1987). Our Common Future, 27

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1. 大紀元:招商有成 包裝龍頭金元福冬山設廠
2. 環宇包裝網:帶領台灣真空成型包材行銷全球的榮耀王者-金元福 陳志堅
3. 經理人:38歲扛起CEO,營收每年刷新高!金元福陳郁卉:有些事,領導者嘗到甜頭前就要做
4. 數位時代:被嫌棄的塑膠出頭天!亞洲塑膠盒大廠「金元福」,包材貴3成卻更搶手?
5. 經理人:做塑膠也能環保又賺錢?金元福:做對地球好的事,員工不再低著頭
6. 商周:【與永續者同行】外銷54億的塑膠容器大廠金元福,如何做到淨零排放?
7. 全國創新創業總會網站:啟動產業環保革命 建構資源永續新願景|第44屆創業楷模 陳郁卉 執行長|金元福包裝企業股份有限公司
8. SDGs永續發展目標:169細項懶人包https://www.haofun.tw/view/article/sdgs17169/
9. 2030年禁塑令「禁限用不再是唯一方向」,環保署:將以循環經濟引導減量
10. 商業模式是什麼?用 Airbnb 看懂商業模式九宮格、找出企業價值
11. ESG懶人包》什麼是ESG?全面解析ESG核心定義、案例、檢測工具,一次讀懂ESG的行動指南
12. 永續經營是什麼?企業如何做到?五分鐘帶您快速著手永續經營策略!
13. 全球永續發展概念的起源與必然性
14. 「商業模式九宮格」?商模建構之創業人必看!為客戶創造價值及鎖定目標客戶(daoteng.org)
15. 循環經濟是什麼?比回收更重要的是?多國實際案例帶您認識!
16. 那些被用過即丟的塑膠包裝,後來到哪去了?
17. 金元福官方網站:目錄下載 > 2021ESG報告書
18. 金元福官方網站:目錄下載 > 2018 KYF 40週年紀念目錄
19. 金元福官方網站:永續經營 >目標及願景

全文公開日期 2029/06/26 (校外網路)
全文公開日期 2029/06/26 (國家圖書館:臺灣博碩士論文系統)