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研究生: 楊明達
Ming-Ta Yang
論文名稱: 應用小波轉換及神經網路於配電線路高阻抗故障偵測之研究
Applying Wavelet Transform and Neural Networks to High Impedance Fault Detection for Distribution Lines
指導教授: 辜志承
Jhy-Cherng Gu
口試委員: 陳士麟
Shi-Lin Chen
Chao-Shun Chen
Ying-Yi Hong
Chih-Wen Liu
Li Wang
Ching-Yin Lee
Zai-Xiang Chen
Chi-Jui Wu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 138
中文關鍵詞: 小波轉換神經網路阻抗故障配電線路
外文關鍵詞: wavelet transform, neural networks, high impedance fault, Distribution Lines
相關次數: 點閱:1048下載:15
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Protection of aerial lines from high impedance faults (HIFs) is a signification topic for worldwide electric utilities. Arcing phenomena between a fallen conductor and the ground are usually linked with HIFs, which may lead to a fire hazard or endanger beings. This work successfully develops a new intelligent HIF detector that adopts 3I0 zero sequence current to solve HIF problems in aerial lines. A self-turning scheme based on the chi-square distribution and 95% confidence interval is first applied to set the threshold level automatically for the 3I0 zero sequence current variances examined. The feature extraction scheme based on wavelet transform and the pattern recognition technique found on neural networks are then applied to discriminate effectively between HIFs and switching operations. The proposed approach has three distinct features. First, the input signal of this algorithm is 3I0 zero sequence current, rather than the conventional three individual phase currents. Secondly, it is different from the literatures; the details and the approximations of 3I0 zero sequence current are utilized for HIFs identification. Thirdly, the function of the “suspected HIF” improves the performance of security and reliability of HIFs identification. Security and reliability are very important issues in HIFs detection. The results of software simulation clearly show that the proposed technique can accurately identify the HIFs from the switching transient of load or capacitor banks in the distribution feeder. For combining theory with practice, two staged fault tests were performed to study the feasibility of the proposed algorithm and evaluate its performance. The performance of other relaying algorithms existing in the literature was also compared with proposed intelligent HIF detector based on the staged fault records. Experimental results reveal that the proposed intelligent relay is feasible performance well.

中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 符號索引 VII 圖表索引 VIII 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 文獻回顧 4 1.3 研究方法 8 1.4 研究貢獻 10 1.5 論文內容架構 11 第二章 配電系統架空線路高阻抗故障偵測技術 2.1 前言 13 2.2 國內高阻抗故障保護現況 14 2.3 國外高阻抗故障保護現況 16 2.3.1 機構式 16 2.3.2 電氣式 18 2.4 高阻抗故障偵測演算法 21 2.4.1 二次諧波電流法 21 2.4.2 三次諧波電流法 23 2.4.3 三次諧波相量法 24 2.4.4 高頻諧波能量法 25 2.4.5 電流取樣差值法 26 2.4.6 正規化偶次諧波功率增量變異法 27 第三章 高阻抗故障電腦模擬 3.1 模擬工具軟體ARENE介紹 31 3.2 高阻抗故障模擬 32 3.2.1 配電系統架構 32 3.2.2 電弧模型的建立 34 3.2.3 模擬內容 37 第四章 研究方法基本原理 4.1 統計分析 39 4.1.1 卡方分配 39 4.1.2 信賴區間 40 4.2小波轉換 41 4.2.1 小波轉換的由來 41 4.2.2 小波轉換定義及特點 43 4.3 神經網路 46 第五章 智慧型高阻抗故障偵測演算法 5.1 高阻抗故障的電氣特性 49 5.2 故障信號特徵解析 51 5.3 故障信號辨析分類 58 5.4 智慧型高阻抗故障偵測流程 64 第六章 高阻抗人工故障試驗 6.1 前言 67 6.2 試驗架構與配置 67 6.3 試驗內容與方法 72 6.3.1 高阻抗接地故障 72 6.3.2 斷線未接地故障 73 6.3.3 試驗方法 73 6.4 故障信號量測及分析 74 6.5 信號量測後的神經網路修正及故障辨識結果 90 第七章 可靠度分析 7.1 前言 93 7.2 智慧型高阻抗故障偵測器之實現 93 7.2.1 硬體架構 93 7.2.2 軟體架構 95 7.3 台西變電所現場即時故障偵測結果分析 98 7.4 某商品化高阻抗故障保護電驛的現場實測 112 7.5 離線智慧型高阻抗故障偵測器性能評估 113 7.6 相較於其他的高阻抗故障偵測演算法性能評估 117 7.7 利用其他的故障試驗資料作故障偵測演算法性能評估 118 第八章 結論與未來研究方向 8.1 結論 123 8.2 未來研究方向 124 參考資料 125 附錄 135 作者簡介 137

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