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研究生: 林恒宇
Heng-Yu Lin
論文名稱: 再生二氧化矽應用於丁腈橡膠之物性研究
The performance and application of regenerate silica for NBR
指導教授: 邱顯堂
Hsien-Tang Chiu
口試委員: 邱智瑋
Chih-Wei Chiu
Chin-Yang Yu
Chang-Mou Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: 二氧化矽丁腈橡膠粒徑硫化循環經濟
外文關鍵詞: silica, NBR, particle size, Vulcanization, Circular Economy
相關次數: 點閱:491下載:8
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Circular economy (CE) is currently a popular concept promoted by the EU, by several national governments and by many businesses around the world. In traditional way, the pollution of silicon wafer cutting slurry is disposed of in a landfill. Nowadays, there’s a green treatment to give silicon wafer cutting slurry a new life. Using a chemical method to purify silicon wafer cutting slurry, the “Generate silica” comes out.
This study is to find the best material parameters of regenerate silica. Therefore, a commercial silica, Tokusil-255, from Oriental Silicas Corporation, is used as control. Through comparing the different material parameters of commercial silica and regenerate silica, we try to find the best material parameters of regenerate silica for NBR.
Experimentally, at first, we identify the particle size and elemental composition of commercial silica and regenerate silica in SEM, EDS, TEM. Secondly, we compare to the properties such as water content, pH, BET, particle size, bulk density. At last, we add both silica into NBR and compare the mechanical properties of vulcanizates. From the experiments above, we try to generalize the best material parameters of regenerate silica for NBR.
According to experiment, we find best material parameters of regenerate silica for NBR as follows: Water content<5%, pH remain Neutral, particle size D90<1.8um (the smaller, the better). When all the conditions meet, the mechanical properties of generate silica are closed to commercial silica, Tokusil-255.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機 1 第二章 文獻回顧 3 2.1 二氧化矽 3 2.2 丁腈橡膠 5 2.2.1 生產方式 5 2.2.2 結構 7 2.2.3 應用 9 2.3 碳黑 10 2.4 橡膠硫化概述 11 2.4.1 橡膠硫化歷史 11 2.4.2 橡膠硫化體系 12 第三章 實驗部分 16 3.1 實驗架構 16 3.2 材料及配方 17 3.2.1 使用材料及配方 17 3.3 試驗方法與步驟 22 3.3.1 形態學分析 22 3.3.2 熱重量損失分析 25 3.3.3 化學性質分析 26 3.3.4 硫化膠製備 32 3.3.5 硫化試驗 35 3.3.6 機械性質分析 36 3.3.7 常見性質分析 41 第四章 結果與討論 42 4.1 原料鑑定 42 4.1.1 粒徑分析 42 4.1.2 元素分析 44 4.1.3 熱重分析 46 4.1.4 化學性質分析 47 4.1.5 硫化曲線 49 4.2 機械性質分析 52 4.2.1 硬度試驗 52 4.2.2 拉伸強度及伸長率試驗 54 4.2.3 熱老化試驗 57 4.2.4 壓縮永久變形試驗 59 4.3 常用性質分析 61 4.3.1 摩擦係數 61 4.3.2 絕緣破壞強度 63 第五章 結論 64 第六章 參考文獻 65

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