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研究生: 林聿甄
論文名稱: 二手高價汽車的永恆與奢華特性對購買意圖的中介效果
The Mediation Effects of Timeliness and Luxury on Purchase Intentions for Used Premium Automotive
指導教授: 曾盛恕
Seng-Su Tsang
口試委員: 呂志豪
Shih-Hao Lu
Ja-shen Chen
Seng-Su Tsang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 39
中文關鍵詞: 二手車耐用性永恆性卓越品質自我認同相對平價
外文關鍵詞: used cars, durability, excellent quality, timelessness, self identification, relative parity
相關次數: 點閱:353下載:0
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本研究主要在分析與探討消費者購買二手高價汽車的偏好因素,例如:價格、性能、保養保固等傳統因素外,進一步探討耐用性(Durability)、卓越品質(Superior quality)、相對平價(Relative inexpensive)是否對二手車帶來效益,以及永恆性(Timelessness)、可負擔奢華(Affordable luxury)是否對購買意圖具中介效果。
本研究採用Stata16統計法,進行敘述性統計及相關性分析。透過大台北地區中古車門市來店賞車客戶取得問卷作為研究樣本,總回收樣本數合計307份,扣除已賞車尚未購車及部分未揭露個資等無效樣本,有效樣本數為292份。依據敘述性統計研究結果顯示:已婚的男性購車者相對於女性購車者較能接受購買二手車,此外,年收入介於50~100萬元之間的消費者購買二手車的意願較大;另外根據相關性分析研究顯示:(1) 二手車的耐用性、卓越品質對購買意圖有正向影響。(2) 二手車的永恆性對購買意圖具有中介效果。(3)二手車的可負擔奢華對購買意圖有負面影響未具中介效果。(4)二手車的相對平價對購買意圖有負向影響。

The study explores consumers' attributes for buying second-hand high-priced cars, such as: price, performance, warranty and other traditional factors, and further discusses Durability, Superior quality, and price comparative. Whether it brings benefits to second-hand cars, and whether timelessness and affordable luxury have a mediation effect on purchase intentions.
Stata16 was used for descriptive statistics and regression analyses. The questionnaires were obtained from customers who visited the store in the Taipei Automobile Stores in the Greater Taipei Area. The total number of samples obtained was 307. After deducting invalid samples, those that have not yet purchased used cars and some with undisclosed personal information, the effective number of samples was 292. According to the descriptive statistic results, married male car buyers are keen to accept used car than female. In addition, consumers with annual incomes between NTD 500,000 and 1 million have a greater willingness to buy used car. According to regression analyses, (1) The durability and excellent quality positively affect the purchase intention of used cars. (2) The eternity of used cars has a mediation effect on purchase intentions. (3) The affordable luxury has no mediation effect. (4) The relative inexpensive of used cars has a negative impact on purchase intentions.

摘要 2 ABSTRACT 3 誌謝 4 目錄 5 表目錄 6 圖目錄 7 1緒論 8 1.1研究背景與動機 8 1.2研究目的 8 1.3研究流程 9 2文獻探討 11 2.1產業概況 11 2.1.1汽車產業 12 2.1.2二手車產業 14 2.2 二手車的資訊不對稱 15 2.3方法目的鏈(MEANS-END CHAINS) 16 2.4產品屬性 16 2.4.1 永恆性(Timelessness) 17 2.4.2 可負擔奢華(Affordable Luxury) 18 3研究方法 19 3.1研究架構圖 19 3.2研究方法 20 3.3研究範圍與對象 20 3.4問卷設計 20 3.5資料分析與方法 22 4研究分析 24 4.1描述性統計 24 4.2 研究假說驗證 25 假說1:永恆性之中介效果驗證 26 假說2:可負擔奢華之中介效果驗證 27 5結論 29 5.1研究結果 29 5.1.1、二手車的耐用性、卓越品質對購買意圖之影響。 29 5.1.2、二手車的永恆性對購買意圖之影響。 29 5.1.3、二手車的相對平價、可負擔的奢華對購買意圖之影響。 30 5.2研究限制 30 5.3研究意涵 31 5.3.1學術意涵 31 5.3.2實務意涵 31 5.4研究建議 33 參考文獻 35

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