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Author: 洪宜君
Yi-Chun Hung
Thesis Title: 車聯網環境下基於橢圓曲線密碼之無憑證身分鑑別協定
Certificateless ECC-based Authentication Protocol for Internet of Vehicles
Advisor: 羅乃維
Nai-Wei Lo
Committee: 吳宗成
Tzong-Chen Wu
Jheng-Jia Huang
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2023
Graduation Academic Year: 111
Language: 英文
Pages: 67
Keywords (in Chinese): 無憑證身分鑑別橢圓曲線密碼學
Keywords (in other languages): Certificateless, Authentication, Elliptic Curve Cryptography
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  • 隨著無線通訊技術的進步和廣泛部署,促進了智能交通系統的蓬勃發展,其中車載自組網路是構成智能交通系統的重要技術之一。車載自組網路主要由車輛與路邊基礎設施透過專用短距離通訊技術進行資料交換來維持交通安全。然而在開放通道進行資料交換容易受到攻擊的影響,儘管已經有許多學者提出滿足身分驗證和安全性的相關方法,但仍然存在通訊與計算性能方面的問題,因此,車輛如何有效地驗證資料來源與確保資料完整性是重要的議題。

    The progress and extensive adoption of wireless communication technologies have led to significant growth in the development of Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANET). VANET is mainly used to maintain traffic safety by exchanging data between vehicles and roadside units via Dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) technology. However, data exchange in the insecure channel is vulnerable to attacks and although many scholars have proposed relevant methods to satisfy authentication and security, there are still communication and computational performance problems, so how to effectively verify data sources and ensure data integrity in vehicles is an important issue.
    In this thesis, we propose an elliptic curve cryptography-based certificateless identity authentication protocol in the internet of vehicle environment, we use certificateless to solve the problem of the certificate revocation list, the vehicle does not need to check the revocation list frequently so it can improve the communication efficiency. In addition, the existing literature has not explained how to establish a secure channel, so our registration stage is carried out in the insecure channel to increase flexibility in implementation. Finally, our proposed method effectively reduces computational and communication costs by utilizing elliptic curve cryptography and general hash functions, outperforming similar recent methods in terms of efficiency.

    摘要 ................................................................................................................................ I Abstract ......................................................................................................................... II 致謝 .............................................................................................................................. III Table of Contents ......................................................................................................... IV List of Figures .............................................................................................................. VI Lists of Tables ............................................................................................................ VII Chapter 1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 1 1.1 Background ............................................................................................ 1 1.2 Motivation .............................................................................................. 4 1.3 Contributions ......................................................................................... 5 Chapter 2 Related Work .......................................................................................... 7 Chapter 3 Preliminaries ........................................................................................ 13 3.1 Elliptic Curve Cryptography ................................................................ 13 3.2 Computation hard problem .................................................................. 14 3.3 Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman ............................................................. 14 3.4 Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm ......................................... 14 3.5 Keyed-hashing for Message Authentication ........................................ 16 Chapter 4 Proposed Authentication Protocol ........................................................ 17 4.1 System Model ...................................................................................... 17 4.2 Security Goals ...................................................................................... 21 4.3 System Initialization Phase .................................................................. 22 4.4 Registration Phase ................................................................................ 23 4.5 V2I Mutual Authentication Phase ........................................................ 27 4.6 V2V Authentication Phase ................................................................... 30 Chapter 5 Security and Performance Analyses ..................................................... 32 5.1 Formal Security Verification Using Scyther ........................................ 32 5.2 Informal Security Analysis .................................................................. 42 5.2.1 Message Authentication and Integrity ......................................... 42 5.2.2 Identity Privacy ............................................................................ 43 5.2.3 Unlinkability ................................................................................ 43 5.2.4 Partial Distribution of Authority .................................................. 43 5.2.5 Forward secrecy ........................................................................... 44 5.2.6 Resistance against Attacks ........................................................... 44 5.3 Performance Analysis .......................................................................... 46 Chapter 6 Conclusion ........................................................................................... 52 References .................................................................................................................... 53

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    Full text public date 2025/07/20 (Internet public)
    Full text public date 2025/07/20 (National library)