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研究生: 劉政宗
Cheng-Tsung Liu
論文名稱: 適用於雲端環境且以身份為基礎之確保責任歸屬帳務協定
An Accountable Identity-based Billing Protocol for Cloud Environment
指導教授: 羅乃維
Nai Wei, Lo
口試委員: 吳宗成
Tzong Chen, Wu
Ray Lin, Tso
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 62
中文關鍵詞: 雲端運算身份為基礎之加密系統身份辨識責任歸屬
外文關鍵詞: Cloud computing, Identity-based cryptosystem, Authentication, Accountability
相關次數: 點閱:388下載:4
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  • 雲端運算是許多公司IT基礎設施的選擇,雲端運算提供商在客戶需要之時提供按使用量計價特性的服務。根據此特性,雲端運算提供商處理資源使用記錄時必須要提供一套安全並合理的作法。否則客戶在使用雲端服務的帳單很可能會不正確,並且難以追蹤問題的來源。因此,一套健全的帳務協定是非常重要的,並且其必須要包括以下幾種需求:在安全且有效率的身分驗證機制下傳輸訊息;帳務交易流程中必須參與者相互驗證服務規格的機制;並且在協定下的記錄資訊必須在可追究責任與不可否認的特性下儲存。

    Cloud computing is becoming a widespread adoption of company’s IT infra-structure. Cloud computing providers offer the service when the customer needs them which is based on a pay-per-use basis. According to the basis, the cloud computing provider must make sure the log of cloud resources usage is recorded in a reasonable and secure way. Otherwise, the monthly bill which charged with the customer may be incorrect and makes difficult for the customer and the provider to reason why and how the disputed expense incurred. Hence, a robust billing protocol is vital for cloud computing environment. This environment requires several requirements: (1) the billing transaction, which including several message exchanges, needs a secure and efficient authentication mechanism; (2) the whole process for billing transaction must involves a mutual participants verification mechanism for the consistency of service specification; and (3) all of the logs in the protocol must store in an accountability and non-repudiation way.
    Our research goal in this paper is to design a feasible approach for accountable identity-based billing protocol to support these requirements: (1) we implement the identity-based encryption into our protocol to keep the message exchanging secure and efficient. (2) We added a trusted third party auditor which performs the verifica-tion mechanism for resolving the disputes. (3) Also, we adopt a trusted platform mod-ule which generating the attestation data to provide a non-tamper guaranteed log mechanism. Hence, we think that our proposed billing protocols are well-suitable for cloud environment, and significantly improve the reliability of monthly billing.

    中文摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III Contents IV List of Figures V List of Tables VI Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Related Work 5 2.1 Billing Systems 6 2.2 Security Concern for Billing 8 2.3 Accountability 9 Chapter 3 The Proposed Protocol 11 3.1 Overview 11 3.2 Notations 14 3.3 Proposed Billing Protocol 16 3.3.1 Phase 1: The Preliminary 18 3.3.2 Phase 2: The Transaction Hash Chain Creation and Registration 19 3.3.3 Phase 3: Billing Transaction 20 3.4 Monitoring Techniques 24 3.5 Verification Mechanism 26 3.6 Monthly Invoice Generation 31 Chapter 4 Protocol Analysis 36 4.1 Security Analysis 36 4.2 Performance Analysis 40 4.3 Discussion 43 4.3.1 The concern of actual deployment 43 4.3.2 The concern of adopting other encryption algorithms 44 4.3.3 The concern of scalability in our protocol 44 Chapter 5 Conclusion 46 References 47

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