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研究生: 沈珮嘉
Pei-Jia Shen
論文名稱: 以服務設計觀點探討智慧手錶串流音樂應用程式之體驗
A Study on the Music Streaming Application of Smartwatch from the Perspective of Service Design
指導教授: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
口試委員: 柯志祥
Chih-Hsiang Ko
Wen-Xiang Lai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 115
中文關鍵詞: 服務設計串流音樂平台智慧手錶應用程式服務體驗體驗價值
外文關鍵詞: Service design, Music streaming services, Smartwatch application, Service experience, Experience value
相關次數: 點閱:428下載:0
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本研究依循雙鑽石設計流程進行,第一階段「蒐集探索」,透過文獻資料的蒐集,釐清研究相關背景並建構理論基礎,以規劃整體研究流程;第二階段「定義服務缺口與痛點」,經由深入訪談、非參與式觀察發掘服務缺口,另外也透過使用性任務績效測試,釐清介面操作問題,再經由人物誌與顧客旅程地圖繪製,分析歸納設計方針;第三階段「原型設計之發展」,依循分析歸納的設計方針,進行實驗原型設計;第四階段「實行原型設計之評估」,採用圖片與動畫方式呈現新、舊應用程式功能流程並進行比較,其問卷結合受測者基本資料與價值體驗量表(Experiential Value Scale, EVS),經由網路發放蒐集有效問卷135份,並將結果進行分析檢定。

With the advancement of technology, the market size and users of wearable smartwatches have been expanding year by year. According to Forrester's estimates, the wearable device market will grow to 9.1 billion U.S. dollars in 2022, and its smartwatches will account for 55%. At present, the main functions of smartwatches include entertainment in addition to health monitoring, text messages, and digital wallets. Listening to music is the primary application of entertainment functions. On the other hand, as the music market from offline physical records to online music streaming for on-demand listening, the service provision of music streaming applications has become the mainstream. However, in today's music streaming service, the functions on smartwatches are very streamlined and lacking. Most applications focus on extending the operation of smartphones, and the user interface design and operations need to be optimized. The overall experience of smartwatches needs to be strengthened and improved. Therefore, the purpose of this research study is to improve the service experience of smartwatch music streaming applications and explore the service experience of Taiwan’s primary music streaming applications on smartwatches from the perspective of service design.
This research study follows the Double-diamond design process. The first stage of "collection and exploration" is to clarify the relevant background of the research and construct the theoretical basis through the collection of literature data to help plan the overall research process. The second stage is to "define ervice gaps and pain points" through in-depth interviews and non-participant observations to discover service gaps, and also through useability tests to clarify the user interface and operation problems. The personas and customer journey maps were created to summarize the design requirements. In the third stage, "development of prototype design", follows the analysis results and design requirements to carry out experimental prototype designs. The final stage, "evaluation of the implementation of prototype design", uses pictures and animations to present application functions and operation processes, then compare the differences between new and old applications. The questionnaire combines the basic data and the Experiential Value Scale (EVS). Then the results of 135 valid questionnaires from Internet survey were analyzed and verified.
The generated research results revealed that: (1) Six pain points were "lack of recommended playlist", "unable to share playlist", "lack of complete lyrics and album-related information", "complex information structure", "functions without image or text button displayed ", "icon buttons are no feedback and auxiliary instructions". (2) There are significant differences between the new and old application designs in the four dimensions of experience value scape, i.e., "aesthetic", "playfulness", "customer return on investment", and "service excellence", the optimized design of the new application helps to enhance the user’s service experience. In the end, based on the research results, relevant design and research suggestions are put forward, hoping to help the development of music streaming services on smartwatch application in the future.

第一章 緒論1 1.1 研究背景與動機1 1.2 研究目的2 1.3 研究架構與流程3 1.4 研究範圍與限制6 第二章 文獻探討7 2.1 串流音樂7 2.1.1串流媒體7 2.1.2串流音樂市場7 2.1.3串流音樂品牌8 2.2 穿戴式裝置10 2.2.1穿戴式裝置的定義與類型10 2.2.2智慧手錶市場11 2.3服務設計12 2.3.1服務設計的定義12 2.3.2服務設計的流程13 2.3.3服務體驗14 2.3.4服務體驗品質之評估(科技接受模型)15 2.4人機介面16 2.4.1介面設計16 2.4.2互動設計18 2.4.3心智模型21 2.4.4人機互動設計22 2.5文獻小結23 第三章 研究方法與實驗流程24 3.1研究方法24 3.2實驗流程24 3.2.1前導性實驗25 3.2.2驗證實驗28 第四章 前導性實驗30 4.1質性用戶研究30 4.1.1訪談對象選樣與考量30 4.1.2訪談流程說明與結果彙整31 4.1.3訪談流程說明與結果彙整34 4.1.4人物誌角色的原型設定37 4.1.5顧客旅程地圖分析服務缺口40 4.2量化研究45 4.2.1實驗樣本45 4.2.2現有串流音樂應用程式之調查45 4.2.3實驗工具與樣本48 4.2.4實驗問卷設計49 4.2.5實驗流程50 4.2.6前導實驗之受測者資料分析51 4.2.7任務操作績效分析54 4.2.8系統使用性尺度量表(SUS)分析59 4.2.9 使用者互動滿意度量表(QUIS)61 4.3前導實驗之結果建議65 第五章 原型設計與評估67 5.1新的智慧手錶音樂串流應用程式設計67 5.1.1 新增推薦的歌單曲目與排行榜67 5.1.2 新增歌單曲目的社群分享68 5.1.3 新增完整與動態歌詞相關資訊69 5.1.4 優化應用程式的資訊架構69 5.1.5 優化功能按鈕的顯示71 5.1.6 優化圖示按鈕的交互反饋輔助72 5.2服務體驗價值評估73 5.2.1 評估問卷樣本73 5.2.2 問卷設計73 5.2.3 受測者資料分析75 5.2.4 服務體驗價值之分析77 5.3服務體驗價值問卷之小結79 第六章 結論與建議81 6.1研究之結論81 6.2設計實務建議83 6.3後續研究建議84 參考文獻 86 附錄一 智慧手錶用戶之音樂應用程式使用訪談問卷91 附錄二 前測實驗之受測者基本資料問卷92 附錄三 前測實驗之系統使用性尺度量表(SUS)93 附錄四 前測實驗之使用者互動滿意度問卷(QUIS)94 附錄五 串流音樂應用程式之體驗價值基本問卷96 附錄六 新、舊串流音樂應用程式之體驗價值量表(EVS)97

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