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研究生: 葉爾芬
Er-fan Yeh
論文名稱: 新商業平台之組織設計
Organization Design for New Business Platform
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Ju-Yu Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 55
中文關鍵詞: 新商業平台資源整合跨界管理左右開弓IC通路商控股集團
外文關鍵詞: New Business Platform, Resource Integration, Boundary-Spanning Management, Ambidexterity Organization, IC Distributor, Holding Corporation
相關次數: 點閱:343下載:15
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企業的永續經營始終是每位企業主所追求的,然而,隨著內外在環境的變遷,企業於每一個階段都會面對不同的經營問題、不同的抉擇。誠如陳永隆(2003)提到2002年為「即時經濟」(Now Economy)時代的來到,新時代的來臨帶給企業不同的經營方向:隨時監控、立即反應環境變遷、根據新資訊發展領先的產品與服務。而在「即時經濟」時代,成功致勝的關鍵為:協同合作、虛擬工作團隊、動態企業管理、資源整合應用、多元價值。本研究個案公司所處年代、轉型的過程、達到最終成功的經營模式,整個過程中的每一個步伐似乎依循著如上的軌跡。

Sustainable operation is what every corporate owner looks for. However, with external and internal environment changes, corporate might have to face different business issues and make different decisions at different stages. Just like what Dr. Yeong-Long Chen (陳永隆) mentioned in his presentation“中小企業的新難題與新契機”(2003), year 2002 is the beginning of “Now Economy”era, which has brought the industry new directions of operation: Real-time monitoring, immediate reaction to environment changes, developing leading products and services by new information. And in the era of “Now Economy”, the key to success will be: collaboration, virtual work team, dynamic business management, resources integration/application and multi-value. The timeline, process of reform, successful business model achieved of the company in this case seem quite a fit to that path.
WPI and SAC mentioned in this case are both IC Distributors. Since year 2000, they both faced the business difficulty because of the emerging market in China as well as problem on slow profit growth. Both of them were looking for a new chance – corporate reform. With top managements’ past experiences on channel operation, understanding of the industry and clear performance target of the reform, they formed the WPG Holdings in November 2005 through the help of a professional team from a security firm.
When the holdings group was found, on the left-hand side, resources integration was done through mechanism of inter-company organization, with which subsidiary companies can share the resources and the top managements can share the experiences. While on the right-hand side, as independent entities, subsidiary companies compete with each other maintaining the flexibility and competence on the sales at the market front. The holdings group is responsible for auditing and control of subsidiary’s daily operations. Effective resources’ sharing provides a better management for subsidiary companies bringing advantage for sales team to obtain orders. Through experience sharing between top managements, subsidiary companies have a chance to learn and grow to be more sensible to the change of outside world so as to come up with appropriate and immediate strategy.
The key successful factor of WPG Holdings is not only on its flexibility of capital utilization within holding companies, but also on the design and operation of its organization. The seeming conflict “Co-competition” management model within the corporate and between subsidiary companies have been encouraging group innovation within the corporate and has created a new model of commercial platform for such distribution business by inviting more and more partners with the similar philosophy to join for synergy.
This thesis is divided into two sections, case context and case study, with which readers can learn how a corporate resolves its difficulty in management and further creates a new business model platform to change the eco-system of the industry through enterprise grouping, resource integration, boundary-spanning management and ambidexterity organization skills

目錄 I 圖目錄 III 表目錄 IV 摘要 V ABSTRACT VI 致謝 VII 壹、 個案本文 1 一、 個案背景介紹 2 同質化競爭形成買方市場的隱憂 2 IC通路產業背景 2 二、 大聯大成立之路 4 共同的憂患意識-中國市場開發困境 4 整併案的破冰-專案團隊成立 5 整併案的開展-採取控股集團模式 6 集團化的雛形與願景-全球第一大通路商 7 三、 新商業平台的運作模式 8 建構策略聯盟平台 8 跨界治理模式與財務指標ROWC導入 9 四、 整合效益與個別彈性兼顧-左右開弓 10 左手-集團資源整合效益 10 右手-集團業務內部的競爭 12 五、 團結力量大 13 集團背書-銀行端金融操作較佳 13 集團智慧-高階主管的見賢思齊 14 六、 整合綜效持續升溫 16 組織架構底定 16 複製新商業平台的成功 16 七、 集團的下一步 18 八、 附件與圖表 20 附件一:2004年台灣IC通路商遭遇到的問題 20 附件二:2000年起台灣IC通路產業策略發展趨勢 20 圖表 21 貳、 個案討論 24 一、 個案總覽 24 二、 教學目標與適用課程 24 三、 學員課前討論 26 四、 學員課前準備 27 五、 個案背景 28 六、 個案分析 28 管理議題一:企業集團化(Enterprise Grouping) 30 管理議題二:資源整合(Resource Integration) 34 管理議題三:跨界管理與組織設計(Boundary-Spanning Management) 38 管理議題四:左右開弓(Ambidexterity Organization) 43 七、 教學建議 48 八、 板書規劃 50 參、 參考文獻 53 一、 中文部分 53 二、 英文部分 54

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