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研究生: 陳景昌
Ching-Chang Chen
論文名稱: 異想天開,有夢最美-工業顯示器於特殊場域應用
Dream big with infinite imagination – Application of Industrial Display to Special Areas
指導教授: 郭人介
Ren-Jieh Kuo
口試委員: 林久翔
Chiuhsiang Joe Lin
Yu-Chng Tsao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 52
中文關鍵詞: 破壞式創新專利布局左右開弓品質管理
外文關鍵詞: Disruptive Innovation, Patent Strategy, Ambidexterity Organization, Quality Management
相關次數: 點閱:195下載:0
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  • 在一般消費性顯示器, 市場競爭激烈, 價格撕殺在紅海市場中, 每天拼價格
    銷售, 只為了公司要生存, 以低毛利或者幾乎沒毛利接單, 眼看著一家家競爭對
    手關閉大吉, 面板大廠誰的產能最多, 價格就可以降低,則誰就是大哥。上游 LCD
    製造商就算虧錢也不能停線, 因為停線會虧損更多, 一邊虧損一邊也不得不投資
    新世代線設備, 為了不同尺寸的生產製造符合經濟規範, 以免浪費利用率以切割
    現代生活環境中不管到哪裡有會即時資訊, 如大眾交通運輸、 廣告、 提款機、
    事務機、 kiosk 及 POS,在不同的應用環境下都離不開顯示器不管在室內或室外,
    顯示器需要運轉不關機且產品壽命長, 這種顯示器稱之為工業顯示器。
    本個案要如何讓公司從紅海掙脫轉換到藍海市場, 與一般顯示器做出市場區
    隔垂直市場應用, 傾聽客戶需求, 產品差異化, 多樣少量客制化商業模式, 如何
    在市場的競爭下公司經營團隊需要不斷的創造新產品及應用, 研發團隊不得
    不去試著創造另一個商品的機會 “破壞式創新”, 創新商品只要有關產品技術或
    者有任何的創新及想法都可申請專利, 以保護公司的產品及技術。
    有了另一個新產品 “技術核心” 的創造, 公司在多個產品技術核心下“左右
    開弓” 再加上下整合增加更多的產品價值, 為了達到公司永續發展及經營, 讓業
    績反轉, 更需要守住產品的 “品質管理”。

    In general consumer displays, the market is fiercely competitive and prices are
    torn apart. In the red sea market, prices are sold every day. It is just for the company to
    survive and orders are received with low or almost no gross profit. Whoever has the
    highest production capacity and price can be reduced, then who will be the big brother.
    Even if the upstream LCD manufacturer loses money, it cannot stop the production line,
    because once the line is stopped, the loss will be more. In addition, it also must invest
    in new-generation production line for different sizes of manufacturing. It necessary to
    meet the economic norms, not to waste materials in order to fit the size.
    There is real-time information in the modern living environment, such as
    transportation, advertising, ATM, transaction machines, kiosk and POS. The display
    exists whether indoors or outdoors in different application environments. The display
    whose operation cannot be shut down and with long product life is called industrial
    display. In this case study, how to make the company break away from red sea to blue
    ocean market, make a vertical market application with the general display segment,
    listen to customer needs, build product differentiation, create a variety of customized
    business models, and survive in the market and continue business are investigated.
    Under competition of the market, the company's management team needs to create
    new products and applications. The R&D team has to try to create another product with
    the opportunity of "disruptive innovation." Innovative products which as long as
    involve new product technology or any innovations and ideas can apply for patents to
    protect the company's products and technologies.
    With the creation of another new product with "technical core," the company can
    "open left and right" under multiple product technical cores and plus integration to add
    more product value. However, it is necessary to keep the "quality management" of the

    目錄 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 第一章 個案本文 1 1.1 個案公司產業概況 2 1.2 個案公司簡介 4 1.3 個案公司歷程 5 1.4 個案公司產品定位與經營理念 7 1.5 個案公司產品專利侵權 9 1.6 無路可退的新產品線 10 1.7 新產品線帶來新市場應用 11 1.8 垂直市場特殊場域應用 13 1.9 公司未來下一步發展 17 第二章 教師手冊 18 2.1 個案討論 18 2.2 個案總覽 18 2.3 教學目標及適用課程 20 2.4 個案分析 21 2.5 教學建議 24 2.6 學生課前討論問題 25 2.7 個案分析 26 2.8 板書規劃 38 參考文獻 40

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