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研究生: 翁世璋
Shih-Chang Wong
論文名稱: 利用最佳化各式參數實現漫畫框格切割
Arbitrary Parameter Optimization for Manga Panel Extraction
指導教授: 姚智原
Chih-Yuan Yao
Yu-Chi Lai
口試委員: 朱宏國
Hung-Kuo Chu
Wen-Kai Tai
Shanq-Jang Ruan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 121
中文關鍵詞: 漫畫框格偵測參數最佳化
外文關鍵詞: Manga, Panel Extraction, Parameter Optimization
相關次數: 點閱:361下載:0
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除了參數的問題之外,目前由其他研究所提出的框格定位演算法也無法處理「破圖」的狀況。所謂破圖是現代新式漫畫常見的表現手法,為一圖片中出現大型前景繪圖物件而遮蔽多個框格的狀況,如海賊王(One Piece)中的人物登場介紹。此狀況會造成框格結構元素的大量損失, 也會造成漫畫頁面中,連通物件標記法產生的物件較不具有明顯的結構規則, 降低了目前已連通物件與切割線為基礎的方法的有效性。為此,本研究提出了一個新的框格偵測的演算法。此方法利用線段偵測與邊角偵測產生本論文中所稱的「構件」,再透過這些構件的互相配對定位出框格的範圍。由於此方法不需使用連通物件來產生切割線或框格範圍。因此,除了一般框格之外,本方法也可以用於處理被破圖狀況中框格的特殊情形。

本論文最後呈現三個實驗,以驗證本論文提出的自動參數最佳化系統能夠找出最合適於一漫畫頁面的最佳參數,與驗證本論文的框格偵測法能夠有效的在破圖狀況中偵測框格位置。在第一個實驗中,本研究將本論文提出之自動參數最佳化系統應用於本論文的框格偵測法,並使用本研究的漫畫圖庫進行實驗,以評估參數最佳化系統對於提升框格偵測成功率的有效性。此實驗也使用本論文的框格偵測法與其他方法處理相同漫畫圖庫,以得到未使用自動參數最佳化系統的比較基準,並在實驗最後呈現了所有方法的結果數據。這些數據顯示了自動參數最佳化系統能夠自動調整參數而產生更正確的結果,因此產生了高於比較基準的正確率。在第二個實驗中,本研究將本論文提出之框格偵測法與其他研究的方法套用於本研究的破圖圖庫,以評估各方法應用於破圖頁面的表現, 並在最後提出得到的結果結果數據。這些數據顯示了由於本研究提出的框格定位演算法利用構件配對而不是單純的連通物件分析,而能達到比其他方法還高的正確率。在第三個實驗中,本研究也對過去方法所使用的實驗資料進行處理,並提出結果比較,顯示了本研究提出的參數最佳化系統的有效性。

In the problem of making manga easier to read on handheld devices, the most essential and basic step is locating positions of each panel on the page since processing on the contents in the area of panels was required to make them more readable on handheld devices. However, due to the varying layout structure features in each series or volume of manga such as the different panel width used in every series, manual parameter adjustment is often needed to achieve the best possible result for many panel extraction algorithms. In this paper, we propose an automatic parameter optimization system based on automatic result evaluation to reduce manual adjustment in panel extraction process. The automatic result evaluation checks for two criteria. The first is the accumulated area of the extracted panels. The second is the number of parallel panel edges between extracted panels. With the automatic result evaluation, our method is able to find correct parameter sets.

Aside from the parameter issues, current algorithms by other studies are not able to process manga pages with large extruding objects. Such pages will make the white gap area between panels very difficult to detect for connected component based algorithms and very hard to distinguish whether the white area is inside or outside of a panel, reducing the effectiveness of connected component component based or division line based algorithm. For this reason, this paper also proposed a novel method for panel extraction. The method employs line segment detection and corner detection to detect what are called "components" in this paper, and match up these components with each other to locate the position of the panels. As the method does not require connected component detection to detect division line or initial panel areas, it can be used to extract panels from both normal manga pages or manga pages with large extruding objects.

At the end of this paper, three experiments are presented to verify that our automatic parameter optimization can detect bad cases and the parameter set with which the algorithm can perform better, and our panel extraction method is able to locate panel positions effectively from manga pages with large extruding objects. The first experiment will compare the results using and without using the automatic parameter optimization to show the optimization is able to improve the result. The second experiment will present the result of applying our method to our collected pages with large extruding objects to show our method is effective for this case. In the third experiment, this study applies the proposed system to the data set used in the past researches and compares results to display our system's effectiveness.

摘要 i Abstract iii 目錄 v 表目錄 viii 圖目錄 ix 符號說明 xiii 1 緒論 1 1.1 問題與名詞定義 2 1.2 主要貢獻 5 1.3 論文架構 6 2 相關研究 8 2.1 框格偵測相關研究 8 2.1.1 基於分割線之方法 8 2.1.2 基於連通物件之方法 10 2.1.3 基於多邊形偵測之方法 11 2.1.4 基於角點之方法 12 2.2 手持裝置漫畫瀏覽系統 13 2.3 動畫漫畫化相關研究 14 3 方法總覽 15 4 框格偵測 19 4.1 邊框修補與框格區塊偵測 19 4.1.1 連通物件偵測法 19 4.1.2 邊框修補 21 4.1.3 框格區塊偵測 27 4.2 特徵偵測 29 4.2.1 框線偵測 29 4.2.2 角點偵測 35 4.3 特徵配對 36 4.3.1 構件偵測 36 4.3.2 構件配對 40 4.4 無邊框物件區域 51 5 自動化參數調整 53 5.1 參數評分 54 5.2 參數突變 55 6 實驗結果與討論 57 6.1 正確框格標準與正確基準 57 6.2 實驗資料 59 6.3 實驗 64 7 結論與未來工作 100 參考文獻 102

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