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研究生: 陳博彥
Po-Yen Chen
論文名稱: 單晶矽奈米特定流道之加工模擬及實驗驗證
Theorectical study and experiment of nanochannel fabrication on single-crystal silicon wafer with specific dimension
指導教授: 林榮慶
Zone-Ching Lin
口試委員: 許覺良
Jue-Liang Xu
Kuang-Hua Fuh
Wei-Hua Chieng
Kuo-Shong Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 171
中文關鍵詞: 比下壓能原子力顯微鏡單晶矽基板奈米流道寬度深度
外文關鍵詞: specific down force energy (SDFE), atomic force microscopy (AFM), single-crystal silicon substrate, nanochannel, width, depth
相關次數: 點閱:522下載:0
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The paper uses offset cycle cutting method and derives equations of required cutting path and upward height at the bottom in the estimated offset cutting for cutting of trapezium groove to the expected depth and width on nanochannel, and establishes a method for cutting of trapezium groove to the expected depth and width. Since cutting depth would directly affect cutting width, the paper firstly determines the depth of groove, and then deals with the expected width of groove. Since the width of trapezium groove is associated with offset amount, the paper treats the probe as a sphere, and uses the cross-section of cutting path with the same groove depth, and its shape can serve as an intersecting circle.
Therefore, using this principle, the paper derives a relational equation among offset amount, groove depth and groove width, and then substitutes the relational equation in the expected groove depth and width to obtain the required total offset amount of the probe. The paper divides total offset amount into different cutting paths, and then substitutes the cutting paths in the calculation equation of upward height at the bottom of the groove to achieve the upward height value at the bottom of the groove. The paper also suggests that the upward height value should converge at below the preset objective convergence value 0.54mm. If the upward height value at the bottom calculated from the cutting path of the estimated middle offset amount exceeds the objective convergence value, one more cutting path can be added again and again until the upward height value at the bottom of the trapezium groove at the cutting path of the estimated middle offset amount can converge at the objective convergence value.
In general cutting of trapezium groove on nanochannel by atomic force microscopy (AFM), when cutting is conducted and it is getting close to the objective depth, down force is usually changed once to make the depth on the last layer close to the objective depth. Nevertheless, when down force is actually changed on AFM, the time for change of down force is around 7 minutes.
Therefore, this method, requiring more time to change down force once more, is not considered a more efficient method. In order to achieve the least lead time of cutting during actual application, the paper proposes a cutting method requiring less cutting paths and less number of change of down force for cutting trapezium groove to the expected depth and width on nanochannel, as well as the objective function and constraints. First of all, the paper sets a safety factor of maximum down force for cutting by probe. With down force under the safety factor, simulation of cutting of a groove to a depth begins. Then down force is step by step adjusted, and cutting of trapezium groove to a cutting depth is simulated, making it gradually approximate to the objective depth of trapezium groove.
After it is ascertained that the objective depth of trapezium groove is almost reached, this down force is set for the first cutting path on each cutting layer. In the second cutting path, down force is changed to achieve the same cutting depth as that in the first cutting path. Finally, specific down force energy (SDFE) theoretical model is applied to further estimate that the expected depth of trapezium groove on nanochannel can be achieved, and the least times for change of down force can be achieved.
When the probe has cut the trapezium groove to the expected width, the abovementioned method for cutting to the expected width can be applied so as to cut the trapezium groove to the expected width. Furthermore, the required number of times of cutting path can be estimated, so that the number of times of cutting path can be less.
In order to prevent the probe from being broken due to fatigue after cutting for multiple times, we have set a safety factor, and achieve the maximum down force under the safety factor. This down force is used to step by step adjust the down force size slowly in order to make it available to approximate to the expected depth at the down force. Nonetheless, for the expected cutting depth on the first cutting layer, the paper can use SDFE method to directly achieve the expected cutting depth. Thus, step by step approximation steps can be skipped over. As to cutting of the expected depth after cutting on the second cutting layer and the third cutting layer, SDFE equation cannot be directly used to estimate such depth. Therefore, during this time optimal step by step approximation method has to be employed to repeatedly simulate adjustment of down force and conduct cutting on the second cutting layer and cutting on the third cutting layer, so as to exactly approximate to the expected depth during cutting of trapezium groove depth on nanochannel at a set down force.
After it is ascertained to have cut to the expected depth, the above method can be used again to adjust the offset amount, so as to cut the trapezium groove to the expected width. Focusing on different expected depths and widths of trapezium groove, the above method can also be used to simulate the down force that satisfies the needs of less number of times of cutting path and less number of change of down force.

摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 VI 目錄 VII 圖目錄 X 表目錄 XVII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1前言 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 2 1.3 文獻回顧 2 1.3.1 原子力顯微鏡奈米加工之文獻 2 1.3.2切削深度及多道次加工參數最佳化之文獻 4 1.4 本文架構 5 第二章 原子力顯微鏡簡介與實驗步驟及實驗結果 7 2.1 原子力顯微鏡操作原理 7 2.2原子力顯微鏡的操作模式 8 2.2.1接觸模式(Contact mode CM) 9 2.2.2非接觸模式(Non-contact mode NCM) 9 2.2.3敲擊模式(Tapping mode TM) 10 2.3實驗設備介紹 11 2.3.1 多模態原子力顯微鏡D3100 11 2.3.2 原子力顯微鏡之常用探針 13 2.4奈米切削實驗設定(Experimental set-up) 14 2.4.1實驗試片及探針 14 2.4.2單晶矽晶圓材料 16 2.5 AFM探針下壓力量測方法 16 第三章 利用所建立之理論方法及預定切削深度、寬度規劃切削奈米流道流程 19 3.1比下壓能理論模型及計算比下壓能方法 19 3.2奈米流道梯形凹槽之兩道次偏移循環加工法 25 3.3建立加工奈米流道梯形凹槽到預定切削深度及寬度之方法 27 3.3.1不同切削道次路徑規劃及探討 30 3.4 模擬及驗證加工奈米流道梯形凹槽到預定切削深度及寬度 32 3.4.1 第一層之預定深度及不同預定寬度模擬與估算驗證 32 3.4.2 第二層不同切削道次之預定深度及寬度模擬與估算驗證 37 3.4.3 第三層不同切削道次之預定深度及寬度模擬與估算驗證 40 第四章 利用最佳化之逐步逼近法及探針幾何理論模型建立預定切削深度及寬度之切削流程架構 43 4.1加工奈米流道梯形凹槽到預定深度及寬度之最少切削道次與最少改變下壓力之方法 43 4.1.1 加工到預定深度與寬度下之切削道次偏移循環加工方法目標函數之限制條件設定 43 4.1.2設定安全係數,並得出最大下壓力來逐步逼近所需之預定深度 48 4.2第一層預定切削深度20nm之預定切削寬度250nm及最少切削道次切削流程規劃 49 4.2.1第一層偏移循環切削流程規劃 49 4.2.2第一層預定切削寬度偏移循環切削之達到最少切削道次與最少改變下壓力次數方法分析 51 4.3第二層預定切削深度30nm之預定切削寬度250nm及最少切削道次切削流程規劃 52 4.3.1第二層偏移循環切削流程規劃 52 4.3.2第二層預定切削寬度偏移循環切削之達到最少切削道次與最少改變下壓力次數方法分析 57 4.4第三層預定切削深度40nm之預定切削寬度250nm及最少切削道次切削流程規劃 61 4.4.1第三層偏移循環切削流程規劃 61 4.4.2 第三層預定切削寬度偏移循環切削之達到最少切削道次與最少改變下壓力次數方法分析 66 第五章 模擬結果與實驗驗證 69 5.1第一層預定切削深度20nm及不同切削寬度及道次偏移循環切削模擬及實驗驗證 69 5.1.1第一層模擬與實驗偏移切削循環結果分析比較 69 5.1.2第一層實驗最少切削道次與最少改變下壓力花費時間估算比較 82 5.2第二層預定切削深度30nm及不同切削寬度及道次偏移循環切削模擬及實驗驗證 85 5.2.1第二層奈米流道切削邊緣毛邊實驗結果分析 85 5.2.2第二層模擬與實驗偏移切削循環結果分析比較 88 5.2.3第二層實驗最少切削道次與最少改變下壓力花費時間估算比較 107 5.3第三層預定切削深度40nm及不同切削寬度及道次偏移循環切削模擬及實驗驗證 113 5.3.1第三層奈米流道切削邊緣毛邊實驗結果分析 113 5.3.2 第三層模擬與實驗偏移切削循環結果分析比較 116 5.3.3第三層實驗最少切削道次與最少改變下壓力花費時間估算比較 138 第六章 結論 144 參考文獻 146

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