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研究生: Rio Prasetyo Lukodono
Rio Prasetyo Lukodono
論文名稱: 生理反饋作為人機協作中人類狀態指標之評價
Evaluation of Physiological Feedbacks as an Indicators for Human Status in Human-Robot Collaboration
指導教授: 林久翔
Chiuhsiang Joe Lin
口試委員: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
Yu-Chung Tsao
Bernard C. Jiang
Yui-Hui Terrence Lee
Tien-Lung Sun
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 103
中文關鍵詞: 工業4.0腦力負荷動作意圖生理反饋人機協作深度學習
外文關鍵詞: Industry 4.0, Mental workload, Motion intention, Physiological feedback, Human–robot collaboration, Deep learning
相關次數: 點閱:809下載:0
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工業進化 4.0 正在將重點轉移到通過智能自動化系統為工作場所的人類賦能和參與。 使用機器人是製造商提高靈活性和敏捷性的一種策略。 然而,由於任務的性質和目前的條件,不可能完全用機器人代替人類。 開發的協作場景應該適應人類的能力,同時最大限度地減少他們的工作量和運動無效性,以最大限度地減少人類疲勞。 此外,人與機器人之間的早期快速溝通對於了解人類在協作中的狀態並做出調整以獲得最佳性能至關重要。 這意味著了解人類如何看待協作工作中的變化至關重要。 捕獲人體生理數據以支持設備開發在可穿戴設備系統的靈活性和更大範圍的數據方面顯示出前景。 在這項研究中,開發了兩個場景,以使用生理反饋作為合作評估人類狀態的指標。 第一個場景是評估在人機協作中使用肌肉活動作為運動意圖的有效性。 第二種情況是使用人類心血管和外皮活動來評估人機協作中的腦力負荷。 本研究使用深度學習算法對人體運動意圖和感知心理負荷的生理反饋進行分類,平均準確率高達 90%。 結果表明,肌肉活動、心血管活動和外皮系統活動可有效評估人在意向和腦力負荷方面的狀態。 因此,操作員感知到的運動意圖和腦力負荷可以用來支持操作員4.0的發展。

Industrial evolution 4.0 is shifting the focus to empower and engage human in the workplace with smart automation systems. Utilizing robots is one strategy for manufacturers to improve their flexibility and agility. However, due to the character of the task and present conditions, it is not possible to completely replace human with robots. A collaboration scenario that is developed should accommodate human abilities while minimizing their workloads and motion ineffectiveness. Furthermore, early and quick communication between humans and robots is essential to understand the human's status in collaboration and making adjustments for optimum performance. This implies that it is the importance crucial to of understanding how humans perceive changes in collaborative work. Capturing human physiological data in support of device development has shown promise in terms of flexibility and a greater scope of data in wearable device systems. In this study, two scenarios were developed to use physiological feedback as an indicator to evaluate human status in collaboration. The first scenario is to evaluate the effectiveness of using muscular activities for the motion intention in the Human-robot collaboration. The second scenario is using human cardiovascular and integumentary activities in evaluating the mental workload in Human-robot collaboration. To evaluate the effectiveness of the scenario, this study used a deep learning algorithm to classify the physiological feedback for human motion intention and perceived mental workload accuracy up to 90% on average. The result shows that muscular activities, cardiovascular activities, and integumentary activities are effective at evaluating human status in terms of intention and mental workload. Thus, the motion intention and mental workload perceived by the operator can be used to support the development of operator 4.0.

摘要 ......................................................................... i ABSTRACT ..................................................................... ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................ vi LIST OF TABLES ............................................................... ix LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................. x LIST OF EQUATIONS ............................................................xiii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................... 1 1.1. Research Background .................................................. 1 1.2. Research Objective and Contribution .................................. 4 1.3. Limitation of the Study .............................................. 5 1.4. Organization of Thesis ............................................... 6 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................. 8 2.1. Ergonomics Approach on HRC .............................................. 8 2.2. Cardiovascular System ................................................... 14 2.3. Integumentary System .................................................... 16 2.4. Muscular System ......................................................... 17 CHAPTER 3 SCENARIO DEVELOPMENT ............................................... 20 3.1. Scenario Development..................................................... 20 3.1.1. Workstation 1 ......................................................... 21 3.1.2. Workstation 2 ......................................................... 22 3.1.3. Workstation 3 ......................................................... 22 3.1.4. Workstation 4 ......................................................... 23 3.1.5. Workstation 5 ......................................................... 23 3.2. Participants ............................................................ 28 3.2.1. Muscle Activation Evaluation for Human Intention ...................... 28 3.2.2. Multiple Human Physiological Feedback to Evaluate the Human Workload .. 30 3.3. Apparatus ............................................................... 32 3.3.1. Apparatus for Muscle Activation Evaluation for Human Intention ........ 32 3.3.2. Apparatus for Multiple Human Physiological Feedback For Evaluate The Perceived Workload............................................................ 32 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS ............................................................ 34 4.1. Scenario to Use Physiological Feedback Evaluation for Human Motion Intention .................................................................... 34 4.1.1. Data Pre-processing with Augmentation ................................. 35 4.1.2. The Data for Evaluate Human Motion Intention .......................... 36 4.1.3. Continuous Wavelet Data Feature Extraction ............................ 39 4.1.4. Classification with Convolutional Neural Network ...................... 41 4.2. Scenario of Using Physiological Feedback Evaluation for Human Mental Workload .............................................................. 45 4.2.1. The Data for Mental Workload Analysis ................................. 48 4.2.2. Features Evaluation for Mental Workload ............................... 51 4.2.3. Mental Workload with Physiological Signal Evaluation .................. 52 4.2.4. Classification Performance Evaluation ................................. 53 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION ......................................................... 59 5.1. Physiological Feedback for Operator 4.0 Typology ........................ 59 5.2. Muscle Activation Evaluation ............................................ 61 5.3. Multiple Physiological Feedback evaluation .............................. 62 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSSION ........................................................ 67 REFERENCES ................................................................... 69 APPENDIX ..................................................................... 78

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