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Author: 李胡柯
Hu-Ke Li
Thesis Title: 複雜環境下的即時多人跟蹤系統
A Real-time Multiple People Tracking System in Complex Environment
Advisor: 洪西進
Shi-Jinn Horng
Committee: 李正吉
Cheng-Chi Lee
Chang-Biau Yang
Chu-Sing Yang
Wei-Hung Lin
Degree: 碩士
Department: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
Thesis Publication Year: 2021
Graduation Academic Year: 109
Language: 中文
Pages: 47
Keywords (in Chinese): 多目標檢測行人重識別深度學習Yolov5Deep SortAligned ReID卡爾曼濾波
Keywords (in other languages): Multiple Object Tracking, Person Re-identification, Deep Learning, Yolov5, Deep Sort, Aligned ReID, Kalman filtering
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  • 多目標檢測(Multiple Object Tracking)是計算機視覺的一大領域,由於需
    求越來越多其應用方面也越來越廣。本論文的模型是傳統 Deep Sort 的改進版,
    主要分為兩個部分,物件檢測部分與目標跟蹤部分。以 Yolov5 的改進版本
    Yolov5(PA)作為前置的物件檢測模型,讓 Yolov5(PA)模型在 CrowdHuman 資料集中
    以 Deep Sort 為基礎跟蹤架構,通過使用馬氏距離、匈牙利算法、Aligned ReID
    等方式來提高模型的 Re-ID 準確率,再通過卡爾曼濾波進行軌跡的預測。本論文
    以 MOT20 資料集提供的視頻為主要測試場景,在獲得良好 MOTA 和 MOTP 的同時,
    保證模型的運行速度,達到 real-time 的效果。

    Multiple Object Tracking is a major research field of computer vision due to
    increasing demand. And its application becomes more and more extensive. The model
    proposed in this paper is an improved version of the traditional Deep Sort, which is mainly
    divided into two parts, the object detection part and the target tracking part. Yolov5(PA),
    the improved version of Yolov5, is used as the front object detection model and it was
    trained specifically for the category of "pedestrians" in the CrowdHuman data set, which
    greatly improved the detection accuracy of the model in a complex environment. Based
    on the Deep Sort tracking architecture, the Re-ID accuracy of the model was improved
    by using Mahalanobis distance, Hungarian algorithm, Aligned Reid, etc., and the tracking
    was predicted by Kalman filtering. In this paper, we use videos from the MOT20 dataset
    as the main test scenario. While achieving good MOTA and MOTP, the running speed of
    this model is guaranteed to achieve the effect of real-time.

    摘要 .................................................................I Abstract ............................................................II 致謝 ...............................................................III 目錄 ................................................................IV 圖目錄 ............................................................ VII 表目錄 ..............................................................IX 第一章 緒論 .....................................................1 1.1 研究動機 .................................................1 1.2 相關研究 .................................................2 第二章 模型介紹 .................................................3 2.1 物件檢測 .................................................3 2.1.1 Backbone .................................................4 2.1.2 Neck .....................................................4 2.1.3 Head .....................................................6 2.2 目標跟蹤 .................................................6 2.2.1 馬氏距離 .................................................6 2.2.2 匈牙利算法 ...............................................7 2.2.3 卡爾曼濾波 ...............................................9 2.3 衡量指標 ................................................14 2.3.1 Recall 和 Precision .....................................14 2.3.2 MOTA 和 MOTP ............................................16 第三章 改進方法 ................................................19 3.1 Anchor Box 尺寸..........................................19 3.2 PANet ...................................................21 3.3 Aligned ReID ...........................................23 3.4 Triplet loss ...........................................26 3.5 系統流程 ...............................................27 第四章 實驗結果 ................................................31 4.1 資料集 ..................................................31 4.1.1 CrowdHuman 資料集 .......................................31 4.1.2 Market-1501 資料集 ......................................35 4.2 實驗結果 ................................................36 4.3 消融實驗 ................................................39 4.3.1 Full Box 與 Vision Box 的抉擇.............................39 4.3.2 特徵提取網絡的選擇 ......................................41 4.3.3 是否添加 NMS ............................................42 第五章 結論 ....................................................43 參考文獻 ............................................................44

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