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研究生: 游硯雅
Yen-Ya You
論文名稱: 探討不同對話機器人個性對於不同使用者族群之問卷填答的影響 – 以電子化公民諮詢為例
The Influence of Chatbot's Personality on Survey with Questionnaires - The Case of E-Consulting
指導教授: 唐玄輝
Hsien-Hui Tang
口試委員: 陳書儀
Shu-Yi Chen
Neng-Hao Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: 對話機器人擬人化個性語言風格問卷
外文關鍵詞: chatbot, anthropomorphism, personality, linguistic style, questionnaire
相關次數: 點閱:387下載:2
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本研究旨在探討不同對話機器人個性對於不同使用者族群之問卷填達過程與結果的影響,包含對於選擇題回覆品質、開放題的回覆意願、參加相關調查意願、調查態度 (調查愉悅感與調查價值感) 與使用者經驗 (體驗吸引性、體驗明晰性、體驗效率性、體驗可靠性、體驗激勵性與體驗新穎性) 的影響。為此本研究執行2 (機器人個性:溫暖與冷靜) x 2 (使用者族群:青年與長者),並透過質量化雙渠的混合研究,以驗證假設並探索原因,最後提出設計實務建議以補足相關研究的不足,並供後續研究參考。



In our study, we aim to investigate the influence of chatbot's personality on user perception, act and data result from survey with questionnaires, including Response Quality, Intention to Respond, Intention to Participate other Surveys (ItP), Attitudes toward Surveys (Survey Enjoyment and Survey Value) and User Experience (Attractiveness, Perspicuity, Efficiency, Dependability, Stimulation and Novelty). To this end, we conduct a 2 (chatbot's personality: warm vs. calm) × 2 (user: the young vs. the elderly) experiment with Mixed Methods to test hypothesis and explore the reason behind it, and thus proposing suggestions for practice in applying chatbot's personality in survey with questionnaires.

Our quantitative result shows that the chatbot with warm personality has positive effect on the elderly uses’ ItP, Attitudes toward Surveys and partial User Experience (Attractiveness, Efficiency, Stimulation and Novelty) as well as on the young users’ ItP, Survey Enjoyment and partial User Experience (Attractiveness and Novelty).

Our qualitative result shows that the more different, relaxing and encouraging survey experience brought by the chatbot with warm personality would generally promise uses’ positive perception and act. However, partial young users has the preference for the chatbot with calm personality to meet their expectation which is that surveys are supposed to be serious.

In summary, we suggest that the chatbot with warm personality is better for general cases. Moreover, the combination of two personalities is more interesting. The chatbot with warm personality can be use at first to interact with new user to bring delightful experience and increase the intention to participate other surveys. Thus, the chatbot with calm personality can be use to show a sense of professionalism to encourage more deep and thoughtful answer of survey. It is an attempt to form a progressive process to elicit better survey result.

ㄧ、緒論 1 1-1.研究背景與動機 1 1-2.研究問題與目的 2 1-3研究限制與範疇 3 1-4研究流程 4 二、文獻探討 5 2.1對話機器人 5 2.1.1對話機器人的定義與對話類型 5 2.1.2應用對話機器人於問卷調查 7 2.2 個性與擬人化 8 2.2.1擬人化的定義 8 2.2.2擬人化的形式與個性 8 2.2.3 調查研究領域中個性所可能造成的影響 10 2.3電子化公民參與 11 2.3.1電子化公民參與的定義與發展 12 2.3.2電子化公民參與的科技 14 2.4文獻探討總結 16 三、研究方法 18 3.1研究架構 18 3.2依變數與假設擬定 19 3.2.1選擇題回覆品質 19 3.2.2開放題回覆意願 20 3.2.3參加相關調查意願 21 3.2.4調查態度 21 3.2.5使用者經驗 22 3.3變數定義與操作 22 3.3.1對話機器人的個性 23 3.3.2使用者族群 23 3.3.3選擇題回覆品質 24 3.3.4開放題回覆意願 25 3.3.5參加相關調查意願 25 3.3.6調查態度 26 3.3.7使用者經驗 26 3.4實驗原型建構 28 3.4.1頭像 29 3.4.2會話行為 30 3.4.3打字提示 33 3.4.4對話機器人腳本 34 3.5實驗設計 38 3.5.1實驗流程與受測者樣本 38 3.5.2問卷設計 40 3.5.3訪談大綱訂定 41 四、結果與討論 43 4.1分析方法 43 4.2受測者樣本之描述性統計 43 4.3 個性操弄檢定 45 4.3.1青年族群對於對話機器人個性的感知 45 4.3.2長者族群對於對話機器人個性的感知 48 4.4假設檢定 51 4.4.1選擇題回覆品質 51 4.4.2開放題回覆意願 54 4.4.3參加相關調查意願 56 4.4.4調查態度 60 4.4.5使用者經驗 66 4.5結果總結 75 五、結論與建議 77 5.1研究結論與貢獻 77 5.2設計應用建議 78 5.3後續研究建議 79 參考文獻 81 中文部分 81 英文部分 82 網路部分 87 附錄ㄧ、受測者招募問卷 89 附錄二、對話機器人腳本 90 附錄三、對話機器人體驗後評量問卷 96 附錄四、受測者編碼 99

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