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研究生: 劉永隆
Yung-Lung Liu
論文名稱: 航空複合材料的界面性質和蜂巢結構件開發研究
Studies on Interfacial Properties of Aerospace Composites and Developing on Honeycomb Sandwich Structure Panels
指導教授: 邱顯堂
Hsien-Tang Chiu
口試委員: 邱士軒
Shih-Hsuan Chiu
Wen-Yen Chiu
Ming-Chien Yang
Jieh-Ming Huang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 77
中文關鍵詞: 複合材料界面性質疊層順序疲勞蜂巢
外文關鍵詞: composite, interfacial properties, stacking sequence, fatigue, honeycomb
相關次數: 點閱:482下載:12
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  • 本研究主要是探討航空複合材料的界面性質和蜂巢結構件開發研究,在界面性質方面,分為兩個研究主題,第一部份為飛機常用之鋁合金結構件之界面性質研究,於壓力釜中以環氧樹脂基片膠膠合四種經過不同表面處理程序之鋁合金,藉由SEM觀察鋁合金表面之微結構型態、剝離強度試驗及接著面之破壞模式,分析不同的表面處理對膠合性能之影響,結果顯示,經由鉻酸陽極化處理之鋁合金於常溫及低溫(-55℃)時,均能有最佳的膠合強度,熱酸浸蝕之鋁合金則僅能於常溫時展現良好之膠合強度,硫酸陽極化及硬陽極化之膠合強度最差,其因乃是鉻酸陽極化所形成之氧化皮膜,有更多孔型之微結構,可增加膠合之面積而強化膠合強度;第二部份則是飛機常用之碳纖維積層結構件之界面性質研究,特別是疊層順序與疲勞之關係研究,透過機械性質測試及疲勞壽命及疲勞破壞後之型態研究,結果顯示,單向纖維疊層有最大之拉伸強度,正負45度方向之纖維疊層有較大之拉伸應變,在高應力區所有試片的疲勞壽命皆低於103循環,在低應力區則皆高於106循環, [908]s之纖維疊層之疲勞壽命最低,而[04]s疊層則具有最長之疲勞壽命,透過SEM的觀察,破壞面之破壞模式,包含脫層、基材裂痕及纖維破壞等可加以確認,SEM的圖片顯示疲勞破壞與疊層順序有密切的關係存在。

    This study is to investigate the interfacial properties of aerospace composite and developing on honeycomb sandwich structure panel. There will divide into two research themes in the interfacial properties part of this paper. Adhesively bonded aluminum laminates are used in aerospace applications. The first part focuses on studying the interfacial properties of adhesively bonded aluminum laminates which are used in aircraft structure parts. Four different surface treatments were performed on aluminum sheets that were then bonded with an epoxy-based film adhesive in an autoclave to achieve good adhesion. Specimens were examined to determine the microstructure of the porous oxide layer on the aluminum sheet surface and its effects on the bonding performance through Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), peeling strength and failure mode analysis. Based on the failure modes of the bonded surfaces, the peeling strength, and an analysis of the microstructure of the porous oxide layer, this study showed that chromic anodizing had the best bonding performance in normal- or low-temperature environments, whereas sulfuric anodized and hard anodized exhibited the worst bonding performance. Hot etching exhibited good bonding performance only in normal temperature but fail in low-temperature compared to those treated by chromic anodizing. The chromic anodizing surface treatment can produce more pores on the oxide layer of aluminum sheet surface, which can enlarge the bonding areas and consequently enhance its bonding performance. The second part focuses on studying the interfacial properties of carbon fiber laminates which are used in aircraft structure parts, especially for understanding the relationship between the stacking sequence and fatigue life of carbon fiber laminates. By investigating mechanical properties, fatigue life and the morphology of after fatigue fracture of carbon fiber/epoxy composite, the results show that the unidirectional carbon fiber laminate has the maximum tensile stress. Moreover, the laminate with ±45 degree plies can improve the tensile strain. The fatigue life of all specimens was shorter than 103cycles under high cyclic stress level, and longer than 106cycles under low cyclic stress level. Laminates with [908]s stacking sequence had the shortest fatigue life under high and low cyclic stress, while the [04]s laminate had the longest fatigue life. A number of fatigue damage models, including delaminating, matrix cracking and fiber failure, have been indentified by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The SEM micrographs showed that the morphology on the cross section, after fatigue fracture, was significantly correlated to the stacking sequence.
    For developing on honeycomb sandwich structure panel, this study focuses on the physical properties of honeycomb sandwich panels of aircraft floors and to compare the difference in properties between thermoset glass/phenolic facing honeycomb sandwich panels separated by a Nomex core with aluminum inserts and of glass/ PEI facing honeycomb sandwich panels bonded to a Nomex core with PEI inserts. This study showed that thermoplastic honeycomb sandwich panels exhibited excellent low water absorption, which was nearly seven-time lower than thermoses. The thermoplastic panels can be thermofolded downward to seal the edges, while thermosets are cross-linked when heated and cannot be re-melted or re-formed. The thermoplastic panels also show a good performance on drum peel strength, which is over three-times as themosets. On the flammability, thermoset panels demonstrated a little better fire resistance than thermoplastics. Both of them pass the federal aviation regulations. To sump up, thermoplastic honeycomb sandwich panels can provide high performance properties and were significantly less flammable and toxic when be used for aircraft floor.

    Abstract(in Chinese) III Abstract IV Acknowledgment VI Contents VII List of figures and tables X Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background and motivation 2 1.2 Overview 4 1.2.1 Introduction to surface treatment 4 1.2.2 Literature review of surface treatment 6 1.2.3 Introduction to composite materials 7 1.2.4 Literature review of interfacial properties and fatigue behavior of compsite materials 8 1.2.5 Introduction to honeycomb sandwich panels 9 1.2.6 Literature review of physical properties of honeycomb sandwich panels for aircraft floor panel application 11 1.3 Object and outline of thesis 12 1.4 Research framework 13 1.4.1 Effects of surface treatment 13 1.4.2 Interfacial properties and fatigue behavior 13 1.4.3 Physical properties of honeycomb sandwich panels 14 References 14 Chapter 2 Effects of surface treatments of AA 2024-T3 aluminum sheet on bonding to epoxy-based film adhesive 23 Abstract 24 2.1 Introduction 25 2.2 Experiments 25 2.2.1 Materials 26 2.2.2 Pretreatment 26 2.2.3 Chromic anodizing treatment of aluminum sheet 27 2.2.4 Sulfuric anodizing treatment of aluminum sheet 27 2.2.5 Hard anodizing treatment of aluminum sheet 28 2.2.6 Hot etching treatment of aluminum sheet 28 2.2.7 Specimens adhesion 28 2.2.8 Specimen curing and testing 29 2.3 Results and discussion 29 2.3.1 Analysis of the aluminum porous oxide layer 29 2.3.2 Peeling strength analysis 30 2.3.3 Failure mode analysis 31 2.4 Conclusions 33 References 33 Chapter 3 Interfacial properties and fatigue behavior of carbon fiber epoxy laminate composites 42 Abstract 43 3.1 Introduction 44 3.2 Experiments 45 3.2.1 Prepare of composite materials 45 3.2.2 Density and weight percent of reinforcement 45 3.2.3 Testing of tensile strength 46 3.2.4 Testing of fatigue 46 3.2.5 Observation of fracture surface 47 3.3 Results and discussion 47 3.3.1 Weight percent of reinforcement of composite materials 47 3.3.2 Mechanical properties of composite materials 47 3.3.3 Fatigue life of composite materials 48 3.3.4 Observation on morphologies of composite materials 50 3.4 Conclusions 51 References 52 Chapter 4 Studies on physical properties of honeycomb sandwich panels of different facings for aircraft floor panel application 61 Abstract 62 4.1 Introduction 63 4.2 Experiments 64 4.2.1 Prepare of composite materials 64 4.2.2 Climbing drum peel test 64 4.2.3 Flexural properties test 65 4.2.4 Insert pull-out test 65 4.2.5 Water absorption test 66 4.2.6 Flammability-vertical test 66 4.2.7 Smoke density test 67 4.2.8 Toxic test 68 4.3 Results and discussion 68 4.3.1 Mechanical properties of honeycomb sandwich panels 68 4.3.2 Flammability of honeycomb sandwich panels 69 4.3.3 Smoke Density and Toxic Gas of Honeycomb Sandwich Panels 69 4.4 Conclusions 69 References 70 Chapter 5 Conclusions 74 List of Publications 77

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