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研究生: 張茹蓁
Ju-Chen Chang
論文名稱: 突破傳統行銷框架的金門高粱酒
Breakthrough the traditional framework of marketing-KINMEN KAOLIANG LIQUOR
指導教授: 周子 銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 周子銓
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 97
中文關鍵詞: 世代交替破框商業模式資源基礎理論組織靈巧性社群行銷
外文關鍵詞: Alternation of generation, Breakthrough the traditional framework, Business Models, Resource-Based View, Ambidextrous Organization, Social Media Marketing
相關次數: 點閱:431下載:0
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金門,離台灣本島有210公里,身處於四面環海,總面積只有151.656平方公里,但在戶籍人口數上卻擁有十三萬九千二百七十三人 的一個小島。而在這樣的一個小島上,有一個企業不僅為金門創造了許多商機,同時也為當地創造了許多的工作機會,近年來更積極轉型,希望可以讓金門的民族品牌永流傳。




Kinmen is 210 kilometers away from Taiwan, which surrounded by the sea and the total area is only 151.656 square kilometers. However, the registered population has 139,273 people. On such as a small island, there is an enterprise that not only creates many business opportunities for Kinmen, but also creates many job opportunities for the local community. In recent years, it has been more actively transforming, hoping to let the national brand of Kinmen be passed on forever.

The company that created the legend for Kinmen is Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc. Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc is a company with 67 years of history. It’s not only one of an important company in Kinmen, but also support many Kinmen families. However, due to the alternation of generation and increasing competition, the sales of Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc dropped. To react to this situation, Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc decided to get one foot in the door, participate in international competitions with high-quality kaoliang, to gain international popularity through repeated success, and sell products internationally. At the same time, in order to let young people in demotic to get closer to Kaoliang, Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc even hosted pop-up bar events, by approaching the young people with the bartending method, the young people starting to try Kaoliang. They also use a series of texture bartending designs to grab many girls to check in on social media, creating different advertising benefits and attracting more people to try distinguished from the past.

The target of this case interview is chairman Zeng-Cai, Li, who be called the most understand Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc. and has played an indispensable and important role in the development of Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc. Facing the current sales dilemma of Kaoliang Liquor Inc., Chairman Zeng-Cai, Li not only carried out new R & D on the technical level, but also devoted new markets and new consumer groups. Hopes more people can try Kinmen Kaoliang, also all over the world know the brand of Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc.

This research is conducted in the Harvard case study mode. Through discussion of the case, students can understand and learn about Business Models, Resource-Based View, Ambidextrous Organization, and Social Media Marketing. Learn a historical company how to broke through the original traditional marketing framework, and let everyone know different Kinmen Kaoliang through experience marketing and social media communication methods, so that Kinmen Kaoliang can regain the favor of customers, and return to Everyone's life gradually.

Keywords: Alternation of generation、Breakthrough the traditional framework、Business Models、Resource-Based View、Ambidextrous Organization、Social Media Marketing

摘要 IIII ABSTRACT V 致謝 VII 表目錄 10 圖目錄 11 壹、 個案本文 12 一. 序場-突破傳統框架的新佈局與策略 12 二. 個案背景介紹-金門酒廠之沿革 14 金門高粱帶動的產業效應 17 替生活增添點高粱酒的好滋味 19 令人稱羨的社會福利 20 外部變遷對高粱酒市場之衝擊 22 內部舊習對高粱酒市場之影響 25 來勢洶洶的競爭對手 27 競爭對手噶瑪蘭威士忌的逆襲 31 三. 跳脫傳統思維-快閃酒吧的創意發想 傳統白酒不再只是傳統白酒 33 體驗行銷打造高粱新網紅 37 突破自我 邁向國際 發揚高粱 40 用高品質 一步一腳印 站在國際 43 四. 老兵化身新一代網紅 創造話題 走向國際 47 五. 展望未來 49 六. 附錄一 金門酒廠大事記 51 附錄二 金門高粱酒的製程 53 附錄三 金門酒廠的組織架構與產銷體系 55 貳、 個案討論 58 一. 個案總覽 58 二. 教學目標與適用課程 60 三. 學生課前討論問題 62 四. 個案人物背景 63 五. 個案分析 66 教學目標一:企業商業模式之探討 68 教學目標二:資源基礎理論之探討 74 教學目標三:組織靈巧性之探討 78 教學目標四:社群行銷之探討 81 六. 課程結論 87 七. 教學建議 88 八. 板書規劃 92 參、 參考文獻 93 一. 英文參考文獻 93 二. 中文參考文獻 93 三. 網路部分 94

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1. 金門學概論 陳奇中著
2. 郭濬霆(2017)汪喵星球寵物經濟之創新商業模式
3. 金門酒廠 技術副總經理 張國原(2014)產業發展趨勢與科系關係
4. 何佳倚(2015)一顆陀螺的夢想-轉動甘樂文創社會影響力
5. 管理學個案-研究與分析 陳坤成
6. 金門酒廠實業股份有限公司-108年總體行銷、營運、管理專案報告

1.https://www.kkl.com.tw/tc/index.aspx 金門酒廠官方網站
2.http://yehsliquor.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_4.html 金酒緣起-歷史及地點
3.https://www.kkl.com.tw/tc/about04.aspx 金酒製程
5.https://www.p9.com.tw/Forum/ForumTopic.aspx?id=6400&page= 金門酒廠創始的由來
6.http://m.home.appledaily.com.tw/article/index/20180822/38104501/news/%E9%87%91%E9%96%80%E8%A8%AD%E7%B1%8D%E5%A5%BD%E5%BA%B7%E5%A4%9A%20%E6%A8%A1%E7%AF%84%E8%A1%97%E9%AB%94%E7%8F%BE%E3%80%8C%E4%B8%80%E9%82%8A%E4%B8%80%E5%9C%8B%E3%80%8D 金門設籍好康多 模範街體現「一邊一國」
7.https://www.kmdn.gov.tw/1117/1271/1274/38743?cprint=pt 胡璉與金門高粱酒
9.https://kknews.cc/zh-tw/finance/mybglg.html 同樣是烈酒,伏特加賣遍全世界,白酒怎麼就不行?
10.https://www.ettoday.net/news/20171228/1081055.htm 金門酒廠「Big Bump Party」快閃體驗屋大膽嘗鮮
11.https://www.elle.com/tw/life/foodie/g28159466/it-s-me-bar/ ELLE
12.https://zeekmagazine.com/archives/71715 自己的酒自己調!金門酒廠打造DIY金酒吧、即日起限時7天體驗調酒樂
14.https://zh-tw.facebook.com/KKL.kin 金門酒廠facebook
15.https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5 維基百科
16.https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20140713002686-260408?chdtv 美作家筆下的金門高粱酒
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19.https://www.cheers.com.tw/article/article.action?id=5026219 體驗行銷的秘密
20.https://buzzorange.com/techorange/2013/03/12/what-is-business-model/ 商業模式是什麼?其實就是你生存的本事!
21.https://www.jianshu.com/p/bb510836d4de 商業模式,你畫了嗎?
22.https://tedxtaipei.com/articles/two_reasons_companies_fail_and_how_to_avoid_them/ 如何在「轉型創新」和「深化優勢」中找到平衡點?來自知名管理顧問的4個建議
23.https://kknews.cc/zh-tw/food/klo56yq.html 十大白蘭地常識
24.https://micro.sme.gov.tw/cht/index.php?act=article_share&code=view&ids=318 商業模式九宮格大哉問,三個常被問到的問題
25.https://christie99.pixnet.net/blog/post/69370303 資源基礎理論
27.https://inboundmarketing.com.tw/snowball-effect/%E4%BB%80%E9%BA%BC%E6%98%AF%E7%A4%BE%E7%BE%A4%E8%A1%8C%E9%8A%B7/ 社群行銷成效不彰?開粉專之前先搞懂策略!
29.https://kknews.cc/zh-tw/media/6999rm.html 什麼是網紅、什麼又是網紅經濟?
30.https://tw.weibo.com/xmkkl 金門酒廠廈門有限公司微博
32.https://www.instagram.com/kinmen_kaoliang_liquor/ 金門酒廠instagram
33.https://public.wmo.int/en world meteorogical organization
35.https://kknews.cc/zh-tw/food/3lzn968.html 2018美國終極烈酒挑戰賽榜單揭曉 中國白酒榜上有名
36.https://www.cw.com.tw/article/article.action?id=5095626 金車從本土到打入國際:台灣威士忌得世界冠軍、咖啡賣到30國
37.https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVSfZqEsobDh4jX9PyAW85w金門酒廠 Youtube
38.http://slides.com/tzu-shengwu/deck-9/fullscreen#/0/1 商業模式圖

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