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研究生: 朱漢森
Betsha Tizazu Abreham
論文名稱: 直接式互動在沉浸式與透視式虛擬實境的成效研究與比較
Investigation and Comparison of Direct Interaction Performance in Immersive and See-Through Virtual Reality Displays
指導教授: 林久翔
Chiu-Hsiang Lin
口試委員: 江行全
Jiang, Bernard C.
Yu-Chung Tsao
Tien-Lung Sun
Yuh-Chuan Shih
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 125
中文關鍵詞: 互動表現頭戴式顯示器立體視覺寬營顯示器
外文關鍵詞: Interaction performance, Head mounted display, Stereoscopic widescreen display
相關次數: 點閱:389下載:0
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此研究探討虛擬顯示器於直接互動表現 (包含: 近身距離判斷、任務完成時間、運動學參數、以及舒適度指標)的效應。依變數包含兩種虛擬顯示方式、三種近身判斷距離、以及三種困難度指標。共12位正常視力者 (平均年齡29.8 ± 3.45歲)參與,使用立體視覺寬營顯示器以及頭戴式顯示器操作實驗。研究中動作系統及問卷分別用於蒐集定位資料以及參與者之動暈症狀資訊。研究結果顯示使用立體視覺寬營顯示器比頭戴顯示器可提供更精準之近身距離判斷、更高的峰值速度與更短的反應時間。然而,兩種顯示方式在任務完成時間、有效移動時間、確認時間、費茲定理表現、動暈症狀則無顯著差異。另外,近身距離的增加亦會改善精確度及延長任務完成時間。任務困難度的增加會延長任務完成時間但不影響精確度。除此之外,受試者操作於高困難度任務的峰值速度及反應時間顯著低於中及低困難度狀況。此結果將有助於對於選購兩種不同虛擬顯示方式的考量。一般而言,對於在冠狀平面上操作且需要高精準深度距離與良好的運動學結果的任務,立體視覺寬營顯示器將是建議的選項。頭戴顯示器更適用於需要精準的物件間距離判斷情境下,例如: 建築或醫療影像視覺化的狀況。另外,此結果對於發展直接互動情境的介面設計人員亦將有所助益。

This study explored the virtual display effects on direct interaction performance metrics such as accuracy of egocentric distance judgment, task completion time, kinematic parameters, and comfort. Two virtual displays, three egocentric distances, and three indices of difficulty were the dependent variables considered in the study. Twelve participants between the ages of 23 and 35 years (M = 29.8 ± 3.45 years of age) with normal visual acuity performed a pointing movement in a stereoscopic widescreen display (SWD) and a head-mounted display (HMD). A motion system and a symptom questionnaire were used to collect the position data and severity of cybersickness symptoms respectively. The findings revealed that egocentric distance accuracy was better with the stereoscopic widescreen display than with the head mounted display. The outcomes also revealed that peak velocity and reaction time differed significantly between the two VR displays, where peak velocity was higher and reaction time was shorter with the SWD than with the HMD. However, no significant differences in task completion time, effective movement time, confirmation time, throughput, and cybersickness were observed between the two VR displays. Also, increasing the egocentric distance improved accuracy and prolonged the task completion time. Besides, increasing the task difficulty lengthened the task completion time yet didn't influence the accuracy. Moreover, both peak velocity and reaction time were significantly lower at high ID than at low and medium IDs. For the consumers of the two virtual reality displays, the results are relevant and insightful. In general, for tasks that need high depth accuracy and better kinematics results in the coronal plane, the stereoscopic widescreen display may be preferred. On the other hand, an HMD might be appropriate for applications that require exocentric distance judgment accuracies, such as architecture or medical visualization. Moreover, when designing interfaces that enable users to interact directly, developers may refer to these findings.

Table of Contents ABSTRACT iv LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF EQUATION xiii CHAPTER 1 1 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Background 1 1.2. Study Motivation 5 1.3. Study Objective 6 1.4. Scope of the Research 6 1.5. Hypotheses 8 1.6. Organization of the Thesis 10 CHAPTER 2 13 2. THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF VR 13 2.1. Virtual Reality 13 2.2. How 3D Image Formed 14 2.3. History of VR 16 2.4. VR Display Taxonomy 18 2.5. HMD and SWD 20 2.6. VR and AR Application 22 2.7. Challenges of VR 28 2.8. Basics of Visual Distance Perception. 29 2.9. Interaction 31 2.10. Direct and Indirect Interaction Methods 31 2.11. Interaction Performance 32 2.12. Factors that Affect Interaction Performance 33 2.13. Interaction performance metrics and taxonomy 35 2.14. Accuracy- Exocentric Distance 36 2.15. Accuracy- Egocentric Distance 36 2.16. Kinematics 40 2.17. Visual Fatigue and Discomfort 42 CHAPTER 3 44 3. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN 44 3.1. Participants 44 3.2. Independent Variables 44 3.3. Dependent Variables 46 3.3.1. The Accuracy of Distance Estimation 46 3.3.2. Task Completion Time 47 3.3.3. Simulator Sickness Questionnaire Score 47 3.3.4. Kinematics Variables 48 3.4. Stimuli and Apparatus 50 3.5. Procedure 52 CHAPTER 4 54 4. RESULT 54 4.1. Accuracy- Egocentric Distance 54 4.1.1. Accuracy with Respect to Egocentric Distance 54 4.1.2. Accuracy with Respect to Indices of Difficulty 55 4.2. Task Completion Time and Throughput 56 4.3. Kinematics Results 58 4.3.1. Reaction time 58 4.3.2. Effective movement time 59 4.3.3. Confirmation time 60 4.3.4. Velocity profile 60 4.3.5. Peak velocity 61 4.4. Simulator Sickness Questionnaire score 63 CHAPTER 5 65 5. DISCUSSIONS 65 5.1. Accuracy- Egocentric Distance 65 5.2. Movement Time/ Fitts Law 67 5.3. Kinematics 69 5.3.1. Reaction Time 69 5.3.2. Effective Moment and Confirmation Time 70 5.3.3. Peak velocity 72 5.3.4. Velocity Profiles 72 CHAPTER 6 76 6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS 76 6.1. Conclusion 76 6.2. Research Contributions 77 6.3. Future Directions 78 REFERENCE 80 APPENDIXES 91 APPENDIX A – Experiment condition 91 APPENDIX B – Participants personal information 92 APPENDIX C – Participant consent form 93 APPENDIX D – Description of apparatus 96 APPENDIX E – Complete Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 98

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