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研究生: 潘怡靜
Yi-Ching Pan
論文名稱: 尼龍纖維低溫深染技術研究
Investigation of Deep Dyeing of Polyamide Fibers at Low Temperatures
指導教授: 葉正濤
Jen-taut Yeh
口試委員: 邱士軒
Shih-Hsuan Chiu
Chyung-Chyung Wang
Kan-Nan Chen
Chi-Yuan Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 聚醯胺纖維低溫染色反應性染料染色堅牢度
外文關鍵詞: reactive dyes, low temperature dying, polyamide fibers, color fastness
相關次數: 點閱:415下載:0
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本研究主要針對環氧琥珀酸 (Epoxysuccinic Acid, EPSA)及己二胺 (Hexamethylene Diamine, HMDA) 含量對改質尼龍6 (Polyamide 6, PA6)纖維樣品的物性及熱性質之影響,以及對改質PA6織物樣品經反應性或酸性染料染色後之染色性與染色堅牢度作一系列之探討。 隨著(PA-EPSAx)y HMDAz系列纖維樣品內EPSA及HMDA含量的增加,DSC曲線上對應於PA6的熔點及結晶度明顯隨之降低。當PA-EPSAx樣品內EPSA含量 ≧ 1 wt%以上時,EPSA會殘留於樣品內,所以在1704 cm-1位置上逐漸再出現明顯的C=O伸縮振動特徵吸收峰。 另外, (PA-EPSAx)y HMDAz系列樣品內對應於N-H彎曲振動、C=O伸縮振動和N-H伸縮振動的特徵吸收峰,均隨其內HMDA含量增加而明顯增強。 另一方面,當PA6及(PA-EPSA)xy HMDAz系列織物樣品經80℃ × 1hr反應性或酸性染料染色後,在(PA-EPSAx)y HMDAz系列織物樣品的K/S值比PA6織物樣品約提升1.5至2倍,染料利用率明顯增加達深染效果,其中K/S值隨(PA-EPSAx)y HMDAz系列織物樣品內EPSA及HMDA含量分別增加至2 wt%時明顯提升至一漸進值。 另外,經Reactive-Blue與Acid-Blue染料染色後的(PA-EPSA1)y HMDAz系列織物樣品,其各項 (耐日光、耐水洗、耐摩擦、耐熱壓燙) 染色堅牢度皆可比PA6織物樣品經Acid-Blue染料染色後提升半級至1級。 本研究之(PA-EPSAx)y HMDAz系列纖維樣品,因末端胺基的提升而增加了染著席位,故與反應性及酸性染料有較強的反應或作用力,於低溫下行染色作業就能達到深色化的效果且兼具良好的均染性及染色堅牢度。

The investigation of Epoxysuccinic Acid (EPSA) and Hexamethylene Diamine (HMDA) contents on physical and thermal properties of modified nylon 6 fibers,and on the dyeability and color fastness of modified PA6 fabric samples are reported in this study. The melting temperatures found for (PA-EPSAx)y HMDAz fiber specimens reduce significantly as their EPSA and HMDA contents increase. The C=O stretching vibration band with a peak wavenumber at 1704 cm-1 appeared gradually on the FTIR spectra of PA-EPSAx specimens with EPSA contents equal to or greater than 1 wt%. This is likely due to the overdosaged EPSA residues that remained in PA-EPSAx specimens without reaction with PA6 molecules. The peak wavenumbers corresponding to the N-H bending vibration, C=O stretching vibration and N-H stretching vibration bands of (PA-EPSAx)y HMDAz shifted significantly after addition of varying amounts of EPSA and HMDA.
The K/S values of (PA-EPSAx)y HMDAz fabrics specimens dyed with acid and reactive dyes at 80 ℃for 1 hour are about 50 to 100% higher than those of the PA6 fiber. The K/S values of (PA-EPSAx)y HMDA z fiber specimens increase dramatically as both EPSA and HMDA contents increasing from 0 to 2 wt%, and then reach an asymptotic value with the further increase in both EPSA and HMDA contents. The color fastness (light, washing, crocking) values of (PA-EPSAx)y HMDAz fiber specimens improved by half and/or one grade better than those of PA6 fibers. Possible reasons accounting for the above interesting dyeing and color fastness properties of (PA-EPSAx)y HMDAz fiber specimens are proposed in this study.

論文摘要.................................................Ⅰ ABSTRACT.................................................Ⅲ 誌謝.....................................................Ⅴ 目錄.....................................................Ⅵ 圖表索引.................................................Ⅸ 第一章 前言.............................................1 第二章 文獻回顧.........................................4 2.1 尼龍簡介.........................................4 2.2 尼龍6的結構......................................6 2.3 尼龍6纖維的性能及用途............................8 2.4 尼龍6纖維的改質研究.............................14 2.4.1 相容劑對尼龍的改質研究..........................16 2.5 尼龍6纖維低溫深染的發展概況.....................20 2.5.1 陽離子可染型尼龍6纖維之發展.....................23 2.6 各種染料對尼龍6纖維的染著機構...................24 2.6.1 染料概論........................................24 2.6.2 表觀濃度值測色理論..............................28 2.6.3 朗伯-比爾定律...................................30 2.6.4 尼龍6纖維的染色特性.............................31 2.6.5 酸性染料介紹及與尼龍6纖維之染著機構.............33 2.6.6 反應性染料介紹及與尼龍6纖維之染著機構...........35 2.7 尼龍6纖維各種低溫染色法.........................38 第三章 實驗............................................38 3.1 材料與設備......................................38 3.1.1 實驗材料........................................38 3.1.2 實驗設備........................................39 3.2 樣品製備........................................40 3.3 染色流程........................................44 3.4 傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜測試........................45 3.5 微差掃描熱量分析................................46 3.6 表觀濃度值及可見光光譜分析......................47 3.7 耐日光染色堅牢度測試............................48 3.8 耐水洗染色堅牢度測試............................49 3.9 耐摩擦染色堅牢度測試............................50 3.10 耐熱壓燙染色堅牢度測試..........................51 第四章 結果與討論......................................52 4.1 PA6、PA-EPSAx及(PA-EPSAx)y HMDAz系列樣品FTIR 分析............................................52 4.2 PA6、PA-EPSAx及(PA-EPSAx)y HMDAz系列纖維樣品 DSC分析.........................................56 4.3 PA6及(PA-EPSAx)y HMDAz系列織物樣品染色後之表觀 濃度K/S分析.....................................61 4.4 PA6及(PA-EPSA1)y HMDAz系列織物樣品染色後之耐日 光染色堅牢度分析................................68 4.5 PA6及(PA-EPSA1)y HMDAz 系列織物樣品染色後之耐水 洗染色堅牢度分析................................70 4.6 PA6及(PA-EPSA1)y HMDAz系列織物樣品染色後之耐摩 擦染色堅牢度分析................................72 4.7 PA6及(PA-EPSA1)y HMDAz系列織物樣品染色後之耐熱 壓燙染色堅牢度分析..............................74 第五章 結論............................................77 參考文獻.................................................78 作者簡介.................................................83

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