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研究生: 葉東鑫
Tung-hsin Yeh
論文名稱: 英文學習雜誌閱讀策略之探討—以地球村英語學習雜誌為例
A Study of EFL Learners’ Reading Strategies on Reading Global Village Organization English Learning Magazines
指導教授: 田曉萍
Shiau-ping Tian
口試委員: 鍾玉玲
Yu-ling Zhong
Mei-zhen Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 應用外語系
Department of Applied Foreign Languages
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 136
中文關鍵詞: 閱讀策略英語學習雜誌
外文關鍵詞: reading strategies, English learning magazines
相關次數: 點閱:336下載:9
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  • 本研究主要為探討地球村英語學習雜誌讀者之閱讀策略使用情形。其中主要探討問題為 (1) 地球村英語學習雜誌讀者之閱讀策略使用頻率為何? (2) 男性讀者與女性讀者所使用的閱讀策略是否有顯著差異? (3) 不同年齡層的讀者之閱讀策略使用是否有顯著差異? (4) 不同的英語學習年資的讀者之閱讀策略使用是否有顯著差異? (5) 地球村雜誌裡的中文翻譯之角色為何?本研究的受測對象為125位地球村英語學習機構桃園與中壢分校的學員,本研究主要的研究工具為問卷及訪談。問卷包含閱讀策略問卷以及中文翻譯使用問卷,其中閱讀策略問卷主要根據Oxford(1990) 所提出的閱讀策略量表而編製,一共有六大策略33項黎克型測驗,而中文翻譯使用問卷是依照受試者的翻譯使用情形、對其依賴程度、排版偏好,以及受試者對雜誌中的翻譯品質的信賴度而編製;另外的工具為訪談,訪談問題一共有七個問題,受試者根據訪談問題回答出在閱讀雜誌時,雜誌裡的中文翻譯的使用情形以及其對受試者的影響。

    The present study was majorly aimed at investigating the EFL reading strategies employed by the GVO English learning magazine users in Taiwan. The research questions of the present study are: (1) What is the frequency of reading strategies employed by GVO magazine readers? (2) Are there any significant differences of reading strategy use between males and females? (3) Are there any significant differences of reader’s reading strategy use among different age groups? (4) Are there any significant differences of readers’ reading strategy use among the groups with different English study years? (5) What is the role of the Chinese translation in GVO magazines? The subjects are 125 members of Global Village Organization from Taoyuan and Zhongli branch schools. The two major instruments of the present study are questionnaires and interview guide. There were two parts of the questionnaires; one is about reading strategy use, while the other one is about Chinese translation use. The former was designed mainly based on Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) developed by Oxford (1990) and included six categories, from which 33 items were used. The latter was designed based on how the readers use the translation, their dependence on the translation, their preference of the translation’s layout, and the credibility of the translation in the readers’ mind. The other instrument was an interview guide. There were seven interview questions which were supposed to elicit the participants’ responses to the Chinese translation use in the magazines.
    The results of the present study show that “cognitive” has the highest frequency in the six strategy categories; in terms of the individual strategies, the most frequently used one is marking and underlining strategy. In the individual factor aspects, the results show that despite the fact that generally females use more reading strategies than males, there are no significant differences in gender or English study years; nevertheless, there are significant differences in age.
    As for the role of the Chinese translation in the magazines, it can be concluded that the translation can be a helpful assistant which can help readers gain more understanding of the content, a good examiner to examine how well a reader translate an article by themselves, but also an interrupter due to the readers’ over dependence on it. Finally, it is suggested that magazine readers apply more effective reading strategies and not depend on the translation too much while reading the magazines, that school English teachers integrate some reading strategies into their teaching, and that magazine publishers pay more attention to the quality and editing of the translation in the magazines.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS 中文摘要..................................................................i Abstract (English)........................................................ii Acknowledgement...........................................................iv CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study...........................................1 1.2 Motivation and Purpose of the Study...............................3 1.3 Research Questions.................................................................5 1.4 Significance of the Study.....................................................................6 1.5 Definition of Terms...............................................6 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Language Learning Strategies......................................9 2.1.1 Taxonomy of Language Learning Strategies.....................11 2.1.2 Factors influencing Language Learning Strategies.............13 2.1.3 Studies of Language Learning Strategies......................14 2.2 Reading Strategies................................................17 2.2.1 Taxonomy of Reading Strategies...............................19 2.2.2 Studies of Reading Strategies................................21 2.3 Translation in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning.............24 2.3.1 The Role of Translation in Foreign Language Teaching Methods.29 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 3.1 Participants......................................................33 3.2 Instruments.......................................................35 3.3 Procedures........................................................39 3.4 Data Analysis.....................................................40 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Analysis of Participants’ Overall Reading Strategies.............41 4.2 Difference of Reading Strategies between Males and Females........49 4.3 Difference of Reading Strategies among the Groups of Different Ages..54 4.4 Difference of Reading Strategies among the Groups of Different English Study Years...............................................................58 4.5 Analysis of Participants’ Use of Chinese Translation.............62 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION 5.1 Summary of the Study..............................................72 5.2 Implications of the Study.........................................74 5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Studies....................76 REFERENCES................................................................78 APPENDIX 1................................................................89 APPENDIX 2................................................................93 APPENDIX 3................................................................97 APPENDIX 4................................................................98 APPENDIX 5................................................................99 APPENDIX 6................................................................129 APPENDIX 7................................................................132 APPENDIX 8................................................................134

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