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研究生: 郭慶雄
Steve - Kuo
論文名稱: 台商中小企業在大陸經營管理的關鍵因素─以機械製造業為例
The KSF of management for Taiwan SME in China ─ Mechanic Industry
指導教授: 楊文鐸
Wen-Dwo Yang
口試委員: 張聖麟
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 45
中文關鍵詞: 關鍵因素
外文關鍵詞: Key factors of success
相關次數: 點閱:505下載:2
查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報


Mainland China in recent years, in terms of global economic, political, military, and scientific and technological strength of growth. As the country has a stable and large part of the population, as well as fast-growing economic and military expenditure, so has often been seen as a potential superpower. As one of the fastest economic development of developing countries, plays an important role in International Affairs, China, and occupied a seat in the permanent members of the UN Security Council.
1990 ,Chinese Government rewards alien investment approach, Taiwan-funded enterprises had also been favored and encouraged and have to land on the Mainland in order to set up Taiwan businessmen in mainland China so far has more than 90,000 new companies,, population about one million and all mortal beings in Taiwan enterprises, and some happy few have to worry about how many are successful examples, and the number of failures? there, no consensus. , In order to explore and study what is therefore initiate a study on the key factors of success "Taiwan---the key factors to the success of SME(Small and Medium-sized Enterprise) investment in the Mainland to machinery manufacturing industry: a case study", hope through scientific research, analysis, and statistics summarized the key factors of success, and to do academic research purpose for business investment in the Mainland ahead of the development strategies, found the key factors of success (KSF).
Keywords: Key factors of success (KSF)

中文摘要i Abstractii 誌謝iii 目次iv 圖次vi 表次vii 第一章緒論1 1.1 研究背景與動機1 1.2 研究目的3 1.3 研究流程4 第二章文獻探討5 2.1 台商投資大陸概況及因素5 2.2 台商企業文化及管理模式8 2.3 機械業現況10 第三章研究方法12 3.1 研究架構12 3.2 研究範圍與對象13 3.2.1 研究對象13 3.2.2 研究限制13 3.3 研究方法14 第四章資料分析17 4.1 台商中小企業在大陸經營管理的關鍵因素之管理模式探討17 4.2台商中小企業在大陸經營管理的關鍵因素之行銷策略探討22 4.3 台商中小企業在大陸經營管理的關鍵因素之塑造企業文化探討27 4.4 台商中小企業在大陸經營管理的關鍵因素之綜合分析32 第五章 結論39 5.1 研究結論39 5.2 未來研究方向40 參考文獻41 附錄 - AHP專家問卷43

【8】陳朝添(2003),兩岸經營管理模式之探討 ─以某台商為例,國立中央大學管理學院高階主管企管碩士論文
【11】Deal, T. E. & Kennedy A. A. (1982). Corporate cultures:The rites andrituals of corporate life. Reading, Nass:Addison-Wesley.
【12】Nakiye Boyacigiller (1990) The Role of Expatriates in the Management Of Interdependence, Comlexity and Risk in Multinational. Corporations, Journal of International Business Studies, third guarter of Management, Vol.18, pp.295-520.
【13】Saaty, T. L. (1980) , “The Analytic Hierarchy Process”, McGraw-Hill, New York.

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