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研究生: 劉光哲
Kuang-Che Liu
論文名稱: 我國人口結構變化趨勢下勞動生產力因應政策之研究
Research on the Labor Productivity Response Policy under the Trend of Population Structure Change in Taiwan
指導教授: 鄭仁偉
Jen-Wei Cheng
Wen-Chih Liao
口試委員: 陳崇文
Chung-wen Chen,
Shih- Hao Lu
Szu-Min Chien
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 116
中文關鍵詞: 人口結構勞動市場勞動力參與率勞動生產力人力資源策略
外文關鍵詞: Population structure, Labor market, Labor force participation rate, Labor productivity, Human resource strategy
相關次數: 點閱:351下載:11
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With the extension of the average life expectancy of the Taiwanesspeople, Taiwan has entered the old age society in 2018. In addition to affecting the total labor supply in Taiwan, the ageing population will also affect the labor productivity of our country. Several major countries of the world, have successively proposed industrial digital transformation or intelligent development policies to maintain the national labor productivity level in response to the national labor force's “quality change” and “quantity change” which caused by transformation of the demographic structure( Such as Industry 4.0). This study firstly investigates the factors affecting labor productivity and conducts empirical analysis through multiple regression models. It draws on the experience of national labor policies such as Japan and Germany to study Taiwan's labor policy recommendations. . According to the empirical results of this study, the deepening of capital will help to promote the growth of labor productivity in Taiwan's manufacturing industry. If the government further cooperates with labor training measures in the future to enable labor to operate intelligent equipment, data analysis and application capabilities, it can further boost the labor productivity of Taiwan's manufacturing industry; In terms of industrial technology upgrading. Taiwan's manufacturing R&D investment needs to pay more attention to commercial application value or capitalize R&D expenditure, which will help to improve labor productivity in Taiwan's manufacturing industry; Furthermore, Taiwan is now in the transition stage of the labor market. Although high-quality labor helps to improve labor productivity, low-level occupations still relies on industrial foreign labor as supplementary labor.
Under the application of digital technology, the labor's time space is no longer limited, and the future employment market will be oriented towards flexible and diversified development, on the other hand, digital technology accelerates the transmission of knowledge and information, and vocational training is more flexible than ever. In other words, in addition to changing the business process and the content of employees' work, companies can further assist the development of employees' careers and improve the overall performance of the company through data analysis and Digital Technology. In addition to thinking about how to maintain labor productivity through industrial technology, Japan and Germany pay attention to how to apply new technologies to solve social problems. In order to adapt increasing the trend of the atypical workers in the future labor market and maintain the efficiency of the employment market, using policy documents to describe the vision of the future development of the employment market to the people of the country and then become the consensus. Taiwan can learn the policy measures of Japan and Germany to expand the labor participation of secondary laborers, and use incentives to give employers assistance in the development of labor functions, enhance the awareness of aging human resources, and promote lifelong learning. Assisting Taiwan's labor market from the introduction of industrial foreign labor to make up for the labor gap, and gradually moving toward the stage, which pursue the concept of work and life quality.

目 錄 中 文 摘 要 I 英 文 摘 要 III 誌 謝 V 目 錄 VI 圖 表 索 引 VIII 第壹章、緒論 1 第一節、研究背景與動機 1 第二節、研究問題與目的 4 一、研究問題 4 二、研究目的 3 第貳章、文獻回顧 4 第一節、我國勞動市場變化趨勢 4 一、勞動力質變 4 二、勞動力量變 9 第二節、勞動生產力衡量方式 13 第三節 我國勞動生產力變化趨勢 15 一、全體產業勞動生產力逐年提升,成長力道遞減 15 二、製造業為我國勞動生產力成長主要動能 18 第四節、勞動生產力影響因素 20 一、資本深化 20 二、產業技術升級 22 三、勞動力素質及勞動市場效率 24 第參章、研究方法 27 第一節 影響勞動生產力之自變數 28 一、自變數定義 28 二、2001年至2017年間影響我國製造業勞動生力因素變化 30 第二節 政府協助企業因應未來勞動市場趨勢政策措施 36 一、標竿國家個案分析 36 二、我國當前勞動力發展政策 38 第肆章、研究實證結果 39 第一節 勞動生產力影響因素實證 39 一、資本深化有助於勞動生產力成長 40 二、製造業內部與外部技術創新對勞動生產力的影響效果 41 三、勞動力素質及勞動市場效率對勞動生產力的影響效果 42 第二節 他國政府協助企業因應未來勞動市場趨勢政策措施 44 一、日本 45 二、德國 58 三、小結 73 第三節 我國當前勞動力發展因應措施 74 一、擴大勞動力參與 75 二、勞動力數位轉型因應對策 76 第四節 日本、德國與我國勞動力發展措施比較 78 一、缺乏社會對話 80 二、非典就業勞動保障 80 三、勞動力數位轉型因應對策 81 第伍章、結論與建議 82 第一節、研究討論 82 一、資本深化 82 二、產業技術升級 83 三、勞動力素質與勞動市場效率 85 四、凝聚勞資工作共識 86 五、健全非典型就業者工作權益與就業安全 88 六、企業因應高齡化人力資源策略 88 第二節、研究貢獻 92 第三節、未來研究與限制 93 參考文獻 94 一、中文部分 94 二、英文部分 97   圖 表 索 引 圖1-1 我國人口結構及勞動生產力變化趨勢 3 圖2-1 全產業勞動生產力變化:每工時產出 15 圖2-2 三級產業勞動生產力變化趨勢 17 圖2-3 製造業勞動生產力(每工時產出)變化趨勢 18 圖3-1 研究架構圖 28 圖4-1 數位經濟下企業組織結構彈性化發展面向 68 圖4-2 我國勞動力參與率趨勢 74 表1-1 我國人口高齡化發展趨勢 1 表2-1 各國人口高齡化統計指標 5 表2-2 臺灣失業者年齡及教育程度分布 6 表2-3 依職業別觀察就業結構變化 8 表2-4 2017年臺灣與主要國家青年勞動力參與率比較 10 表2-5 2015年臺灣與主要國家青年失業率比較 10 表2-6 2017年中高齡勞參率跨國比較 11 表2-7 我國近十年中高齡勞動力參與率變化趨勢 12 表2-8 勞動生產力衡量方式各國比較 14 表2-9 勞動生產力、實質GDP、就業人數、平均工時變化 16 表2-10 三級產業勞動生產力年複合成長率 17 表2-11 製造業勞動生產力、就業人數、平均工時與實質GDP變化 19 表2-12 2002~2008年台灣ICT產業勞動生產力變化 22 表3-1 製造業勞動生產力多元迴歸模型變數之定義說明 30 表3-2 製造業勞動生產力多元迴歸模型變數之定義說明 31 表3-3 製造業勞動生產力與相關變數平均表現 34 表4-1 製造業勞動生產力影響因素實證結果 39 表4-2 研究假設實證結果 40 表4-3 各年齡層婦女勞動力參與率跨國比較 45 表4-4 日本工作卡新制表單樣式名稱 46 表4-5 德國哈茨法案各階段推動重點 60 表4-6 日本、德國及我國勞動力因應對策比較 79

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