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研究生: 羅雪真
Hsueh-Jen Luo
論文名稱: 共居經營模式之探討 -「玖樓」的下一步
A Study of the Co-Living Model: The Next Step of the 9Floor Co-Living Apt.
指導教授: 劉代洋
Day-Yang Liu
Tain-Yi Luor
口試委員: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Day-Yang Liu
Tain-Yi Luor
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 共享經濟PEST 模型商業經營模式社會創業社會創業過程社企創業家特徵募資管道
外文關鍵詞: sharing economy, PEST analysis, business model, social entrepreneurship, process of social entrepreneurship, characteristics of social entrepreneurs, fundraising channel(s)
相關次數: 點閱:300下載:51
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本文個案係為改善青年窩居問題的新創社會企業,三個未滿三十歲從中南 部北上求學的年輕人,在經歷過許多糟糕的租屋經驗後,自行打造出溫暖的空間, 以一句"房子是租來的,生活不是",企圖改善年輕人在都會區窩居的情況,並 嘗試化解世代間的衝突,讓閒置的老房子,經過空間改造及實體社群經營,讓在 外租屋的年輕人也可以有個溫暖的家。
透過本文個案,可以讓學習者了解共享經濟下的居住形態,可以有更多元的 想法,由 PEST 模型來俯視台灣整體住房大環境,高房價所得比、租屋年期長達 二十年以上、房屋高空置率、千禧世代的觀點,以及政府祭出的包租代管獎勵, 也明顯印證個案快速崛起之因。接下來就個案本質進行探討,先由個案現有的商 業經營模式,依商模九大要素一一探究,理出個案最佳經營策略,再由社會創業 的定義、社會創業的過程,來深入的構畫出三位創辦人所具備的社企創業家特徵, 最後,透過「玖樓」的理想與現實,探討如何利用更有效的募資管道,讓理想能
走得更長久更穩固。 個案撰寫過程中,發現租賃市場是一直是台灣較差的收益模式,但大環境的
改變、政府的政策支持加上買不起房的情形,房屋租賃的經營有很大的空間,透 過空間品質的改善,線上及線下社群的經營,進而改善人與人之間的問題,若能 藉此化解世代溝通的距離,是很值得深入探討。再者,做對社會有益的事,是這 個世代更加看重的議題,企業組織中應給予更多關於這一塊的發揮空間,同時應 看重企業對社會的責任,不圖私利,取之社會用於社會,才是永續經營的王道。

This thesis studies a social entrepreneurship startup aiming to address the issue of young people’s dwelling in narrow places. Its founders are three young men in their twenties coming from Central or Southern Taiwan. They’ve created pleasant residential spaces after having terrible home renting experience when going to college in Taipei. They came up with the slogan “We rent homes but not our lives.” The startup tries to improve rental options for young people in urban areas and attempts to solve conflict between generations. They’ve made vacant old dwellings pleasant homes for young people who need to rent a place to live by renovating residential space and running social groups.
We may obtain more thoughts on residential patterns under sharing economy via the case studied. Firstly, Taiwan’s housing environment is overviewed by a PEST analysis. In Taiwan, the ratio of house price to income is high, the tenancy period is 20 years or more, the housing vacancy rate is high, millennials have different points of view, and the Government has implemented incentives rewarding landlords who rent their property out through a sub-letter. The uprising of the case studied echoes these factors mentioned. Secondly, the nature of the case studied is analyzed. Going over the nine important business elements of the case and its business model, we can see its optimized business strategy and outline the characteristics of social entrepreneurs that its three founders have by examining the definition and the process of social entrepreneurship. Lastly, we look into the cause of the case and the reality facing it to learn how to use more efficient fundraising channels to walk its own way longer and strive toward its cause more sustainably.
When the case is studied, it can be found that the revenue model in Taiwan’s home rental market has been one of the weakest for a long time. Nevertheless, with the change in macroeconomic environment, the support from the Government’s policy and the high difficulty of buying a home, the residential leasing industry has the potential to grow. If it’s possible to bridge the communication gap between generations by improving the quality of the residential space and running online and face-to-face social groups to make personal relationships work better, it’d be worthwhile to undertake further study. Moreover, doing something good to society seems to be paid more attention to in today’s era. Business organizations ought to provide opportunities for further working on something socially beneficial and stress on corporate social responsibility. To not seek personal gains and to use whatever you take from society for society is the name of the game to stay sustainable.

目錄 摘 要 ............................................................................................................................I Abstract ....................................................................................................................... III 誌謝.............................................................................................................................. V 目錄............................................................................................................................VII 表 目 錄 ...................................................................................................................IX 圖 目 錄 .................................................................................................................... X 壹 、個案本文....................................................................................................... 1 第一節 第二節 開場白...................................................................................................................... 1 共享、共居、共生.................................................................................................. 2 一、 共享經濟 .............................................................................................................2 二、 共居共生 .............................................................................................................3 第三節 台灣社會情形.......................................................................................................... 5 一、 房價所得比偏高 .................................................................................................5 二、 租屋年期拉大 .....................................................................................................6 三、 高空罝率 .............................................................................................................8 四、 政府包租代管獎勵 .............................................................................................9 五、 千禧世代—新世代的生力軍 ...........................................................................10 第四節 「玖樓」:房子是租來的,生活不是................................................................11 一、 緣起 ...................................................................................................................11 二、 經營歷程 ...........................................................................................................11 三、 理念.空間規劃 ...............................................................................................14 四、 社群.活動 .......................................................................................................16 五、 經營管理 ...........................................................................................................20 六、 共同創辦人 .......................................................................................................23 第五節 玖樓的未來與挑戰................................................................................................ 24 VII 第六節 討論問題................................................................................................................ 25 附錄............................................................................................................................. 26 貳 、教師教學指導手冊..................................................................................... 28 第一節 個案總覽................................................................................................................ 28 第二節 教學目標................................................................................................................ 30 第三節 課前準備................................................................................................................ 31 第四節 學員課前討論........................................................................................................ 31 第五節 適用課程與對象.................................................................................................... 32 第六節 教學總覽................................................................................................................ 32 第七節 問題與參考答案.................................................................................................... 33 第八節 教學建議與時間分配............................................................................................ 49 第九節 板書規劃................................................................................................................ 50 參考文獻....................................................................................................................VII

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內政部不動產資訊平台:http://pip.moi.gov.tw/V2/B/SCRB0501.aspx?mode=9 玖樓官網:https://www.9floorspace.com/