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研究生: 周陸琳
Lu-lin Chou
論文名稱: 非均相觸媒之阿魏酸乙酯合成反應動力行為研究
Kinetic Behavior Study on the Synthesis of Ethyl Ferulate over Heterogeneous Catalyst
指導教授: 李明哲
Ming-Jer Lee
口試委員: 吳弦聰
Hsien-Tsing Wu
Hao-Yeh Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 144
中文關鍵詞: 非均相觸媒阿魏酸乙酯阿魏酸酯化反應動力學研究
外文關鍵詞: Kinetic Behavior Study, Ethyl Ferulate
相關次數: 點閱:648下載:1
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  • 本研究使用批式反應器探討由阿魏酸與乙醇合成阿魏酸乙酯合成反應之非均相反應動力行為,反應中使用酸性陽離子交換樹脂Amberlyst 39為觸媒。實驗操作於323.15 K至343.15 K之間,此外,並探討(醇/酸)進料莫耳比、觸媒質傳阻力以及觸媒添加量之效應。
    反應動力實驗結果顯示,反應速率隨著反應溫度、(醇/酸)進料莫耳比、觸媒量以及轉速提高而加快,而昇高反應溫度與(醇/酸)進料莫耳比也會提升酸之平衡轉化率。經由吸附平衡實驗結果得知,阿魏酸乙酯之合成反應中各成分於Amberlyst 39之吸附強度分別依序為水>乙醇>阿魏酸乙酯。
    阿魏酸乙酯合成反應動力數據均分別以理想溶液擬均相模式(IQH)、非理想溶液擬均相動力模式(NIQH)、Eley-Rideal(ER)模式、Langmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson(LHHW)模式以及LHHW with Ka (LHHW-Ka)模式關聯,並求得最適化的動力參數值,NRTL模式則用於計算各反應成分之活性係數,關聯結果顯示LHHW模式為描述阿魏酸乙酯合成反應的非均相催化動力行為的最佳模式。

    The heterogeneous kinetics behavior was investigated with a batch reactor for the synthesis of ethyl ferulate from ferulic acid with ethanol over cation-exchange resins, Amberlyst 39. The experiments wereconducted at temperatures from 323.15 K to 343.15 K. Additionally, the effects of molar ratio of ethanol to acid in the feed stream, the mass transfer resistance on the catalytic reaction, and the different levels of catalyst loadings were also observed.
    The reaction rateof acid increased with increase of reaction temperature, molar ratio ofethanol to acidin the feed stream, catalyst loading, and agitation speed. Furthermore, the equilibrium conversion of acid increased with increase of reaction temperature and molar ratio of ethanol to acid in the feed stream.The relative adsorption strengths of the reacting species were determined by adsorption experiments.The resultsindicated that the magnitude of adsorption strengths on Amberlyst 39 followed the order of water >ethanol>ethyl ferulate.
    The kinetic data of the synthesis of ethyl ferulate were correlated with theideal-quasi-homogeneous (IQH),the non-ideal-quasi-homogeneous(NIQH), theEley-Rideal(ER),the Langmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson (LHHW) and theLangmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson with Ka (LHHW-Ka) models,respectively. The optimal values of the kinetic parameters were determined from the data fitting. The NRTL model was used to calculate the activity coefficients for each reacting species. The LHHWmodel yielded the best representation for the kinetic behavior of heterogeneous catalytic synthesis ofethyl ferulate.

    目錄 摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 IV 目錄 VI 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 XII 第一章緒論 1 1-1 前言 1 1-2文獻回顧 3 1-3 本研究之重點 33 第二章反應動力實驗 42 2-1 酯化反應動力數據量測 42 2-2 藥品 46 2-3 實驗步驟 46 2-4 組成分析 47 2-5 動力反應實驗結果 48 2-6 結果與討論 49 第三章等溫吸附平衡實驗 63 3-1 雙成份系統吸附平衡測量 63 3-2藥品 67 3-3實驗步驟 68 3-4數據處理 70 3-5吸附實驗結果 73 3-6 吸附實驗數據關聯結果 73 第四章動力模式 85 4-1 動力模式 85 4-2理想溶液擬均相動力模式 86 4-3非理想溶液動力模式 88 4-4 速率常數與吸附常數的訂定 91 4-5阿魏酸乙酯之動力模式關聯結果 92 4-6 非理想溶液之平衡常數 93 4-7 Langmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson with Ka(LHHW-Ka)動力模式 96 第五章結論與建議 111 5-1 結論 111 5-2 建議與注意事項 113 參考文獻 114 符號說明 128

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