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研究生: 李亞蓁
論文名稱: 以服務設計觀點探討社區運動中心 行動裝置應用程式之服務體驗
Analysis of Service Experience of the Community Sports Center Mobile Apps Based on a Service Design Perspective
指導教授: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
口試委員: 張文智
Wen-Chih Chang
Wei-Wan Li
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 共114頁
中文關鍵詞: 運動中心服務設計人機介面使用者經驗
外文關鍵詞: Sports center, Service design, Human-machine interface, User experience
相關次數: 點閱:477下載:37
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本研究以雙鑽石設計流程分兩階段實驗:(1)第一階段為前導實驗–介面操作性研究,採用非參與式觀察法與問卷調查法。再以時間績效、系統使用性尺度量表(SUS)之分析與使用者互動滿意度量表(QUIS)問卷量表進行評估,做為應用程式原型設計的依據。首先利用三款運動中心介面,即士林運動中心、南港運動中心、北投運動中心之介面進行前期測試比較,實驗採單因子組間方式進行。(2)第二階段實驗]驗證,研究流程分為兩個步驟進行: (a)透過「半結構化訪談法」、「人物誌(Personas)」、「顧客旅程地圖」進行分析。(b)邀請8位使用者進行新款原型介面測試,做設計驗證與評估,最後產出整合線上線下功能的運動中心服務藍圖。

Exercise is an activity that urban citizens need to do every day. After a long day at work, urban citizens often go to the community sports center to do different kinds of exercises in their spare time. The purpose of this research study is to initiate connection and interaction between exercise and people through digital technology. This study combines Internet platform and cloud information with innovative service design methods to improve exercise processes. In addition, it observes and studies pain points, barriers, and service gaps of existing sports center website services. The framework for the research regarding the community sports center mobile website is planned based on "sports center", "service design", "human-machine interface" and "user experience". The research hopes that sports centers and facilities are designed from the perspective of “user experience” and propose new solutions on a human-centered approach. Aiming at combining service design and cloud information technology to improve sports center services with service design and integrate online and offline service processes.
This research study is a two-stage experiment based on the double diamond design process: (1) The first stage is the pilot experiment: the study of interface operability, adopting the method of non-participatory observation and questionnaires. Then, analyses of time performance and System Usability Scale (SUS) as well as the Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction (QUIS) serve as the foundation for prototype design of apps. First of all, the research makes preliminary comparisons among interfaces of three sports centers, namely Shihlin Sports Center, Nangang Sports Center, and Beitou Sports Center. Experiments are conducted in single-factor group approach. (2) As for the second stage of the experiment verification, the research process is divided into two steps: (a) Analysis through "semi-structured interviews", "Personas" and "customer journey maps". (b) Invite 8 users to conduct new prototype interface testing, design verification and evaluation. Finally, a sports center service blueprint integrating online and offline functions is generated.

The results show that: (1) There are significant differences in task performance among the interfaces of the three sports centers. The interfaces of Shihlin Sports Center and Nangang Sports Center have graphic illustrations when searching for exercise courses and swim lesson curriculum. Thus, they are more suggestive to the subjects while searching for the curriculum. (2) There are no significant differences between the SUS analysis and QUIS analysis, indicating that the subjects are not satisfied with all three existing interfaces. Graphic designs in the three interfaces are not clear, and the functions are inconsistent. This study suggests that a user friendly interface for both novice and experienced users should be designed with easy-to-search shortcuts that place the main function at the bottom of the home page. Therefore, it is convenient and easy for users to search. (3) The research recommends broadcasting the number of available equipment in the sports centers on the apps. Furthermore, the introduction of the gym or the trainers should be added to encourage people to participate in courses in sports centers.
Keywords: Sports center, Service design, Human-machine interface, User experience

摘要 i ABSTRACT ii 致謝 iv 目錄 v 圖目錄 viii 表目錄 xi 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究架構與流程 4 1.4 研究範圍與限制 6 第二章 文獻探討 7 2.1 運動中心 7 2.1.1 運動中心定義 7 2.1.2 運動中心之規劃目標概念 9 2.1.3 運動中心等級、設施與服務定位 9 2.2 服務設計 11 2.2.1 什麼是服務設計 11 2.2.2 雙鑽石設計流程 14 2.2.3 利害關係人地圖(Stakholder Maps) 17 2.2.4 顧客旅程地圖(Customer Journey Maps) 18 2.2.5 服務藍圖(Service Blueprints) 21 2.3 人機介面 27 2.3.1 介面設計的定義 27 2.3.2 系統使用性尺度量表 30 2.3.3 使用者互動滿意度問卷 31 2.3.4 互動設計 32 2.3.5 介面使用性的評估標準 34 2.3.6 介面使用性的目標 36 2.3.7 行動裝置的定義 37 2.3.8 台灣行動裝置網際網路基礎狀況 38 2.4 使用者經驗 41 2.4.1 何謂使用者經驗 41 2.4.2 使用者心智模式 43 2.4.3 文獻小結 47 第三章 研究方法 48 3.1 研究方法與規劃 48 3.2 研究流程 48 第四章 研究結果 60 4.1 前導性實驗與結果 60 4.1.1 實驗對象 61 4.1.2 實驗方式 61 4.1.3 受測樣本介紹 61 4.1.4 操作任務設計 65 4.1.5 實驗問卷內容 65 4.1.6 任務時間績效分析 66 4.1.7 系統使用性尺度量表(SUS)分析 68 4.1.8 使用者互動滿意度問卷(QUIS) 68 4.2 前導性實驗結果分析 70 4.3 前導性實驗結果建議 73 第五章 研究設計與評估 75 5.1 設計發展 75 5.1.1 原型設計(Prototype Design) 75 5.2 服務流程 79 5.2.1 服務流程評估 81 第六章 研究結論與建議 82 6.1 結論與建議 82 6.1.1 行動裝置應用程式原型測試結論與建議 82 6.1.2 服務設計流程結論與建議 84 參考文獻 85 附錄A:前導性實驗問卷 91 附錄B:逐字稿 95 附錄C:原型測試訪談 102

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