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研究生: 鄧宇豪
Yu-Hao Teng
論文名稱: 雙脈衝綠光雷射退火應用於IGBT晶背製程之研究
Study on the Application of Double-Pulse Green Laser Annealing in the Backside Process of IGBT Wafers
指導教授: 鄭正元
Jeng-Ywan Jeng
口試委員: 鄭正元
Jeng-Ywan Jeng
Fuh-Yu Chang
Hong-Dao Li
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 144
中文關鍵詞: 雷射退火絕緣閘雙極電晶體BGBM離子佈植
外文關鍵詞: Laser annealing, IGBT, BGBM, Ion implantation
相關次數: 點閱:97下載:0
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本研究將以雷射退火為主軸,透過退火製程的參數調變,應用於絕緣閘雙極電晶體(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor , IGBT)的BGBM(Backside Grinding & Backside Metallization)製程中。研究中透過離子佈植,將矽晶圓植入硼元素,然後針對雷射功率密度、延遲時間和雷射重疊率等關鍵參數進行實驗,並探討這些參數對矽晶圓表面性質、片電阻值與均勻性的影響。實驗結果發現,適度提高功率密度有助於提升摻雜物質的活化效率,但過高則會導致晶圓表面粗糙度增加甚至產生裂紋;延遲時間和重疊率的調變對活化效果的影響則取決於功率密度的設定,在較低功率密度下,適當延長延遲時間和增加重疊率能夠明顯改善均勻性和活化效率。本研究為IGBT製程中的雷射退火提供了數據,作為未來製程參數設定上的參考。

As semiconductor technology advances, continuous device scaling imposes more stringent and precise requirements on manufacturing processes. Among the various annealing processes developed over years, laser annealing demonstrates its advantages, becoming the mainstream annealing method in semiconductors.
This study focuses on laser annealing by modulating annealing parameters, applied to the Backside Grinding & Metallization (BGM) process for Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs). Silicon wafers were implanted with boron through ion implantation. Experiments were then conducted to investigate the effects of key parameters - laser power density, delay time, and overlap rate - on wafer surface properties, sheet resistance, and uniformity. Results revealed that moderately increasing power density aids in enhancing dopant activation efficiency, but excessive power density leads to increased surface roughness and even cracking. The influences of delay time and overlap rate adjustments depended on the power density setting. At relatively lower densities, properly extending delay time and increasing overlap rate significantly improved uniformity and activation efficiency. This study provides data on laser annealing for the IGBT manufacturing process, serving as a reference for future process parameter optimization.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 XI 1、 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機 1 1.3 研究流程 2 1.4 論文架構 3 2、 文獻回顧 5 2.1 IGBT元件發展 5 2.1.1 BJT與MOSFET 6 2.1.2 平面式(Planar)與溝槽式(Trench)IGBT 10 2.1.3 穿透型(Punch-Through , PT)IGBT 12 2.1.4 非穿透型(Non-Punch-Through , NPT)IGBT 13 2.1.5 場截止型(Field-Stop , FS)IGBT 14 2.2 BGBM簡介 17 2.2.1 製程步驟 17 2.3 離子佈植 20 2.3.1 離子佈植原理 20 2.3.2 離子停止(Ion Stopping) 21 2.3.3 通道效應(Channeling Effect) 21 2.3.4 離子佈植損傷機制 23 2.3.5 離子佈植缺陷型態 27 2.4 雷射退火 30 2.4.1 快速熱退火(Rapid Thermal Annealing) 31 2.4.2 雷射退火原理 31 2.4.3 雷射退火損傷修復機制 32 2.4.4 雙脈衝綠光雷射退火 33 2.4.5 雷射退火的參數 34 3、 研究架構與實驗設備 37 3.1 實驗試片 37 3.2 實驗製程設備 37 3.2.1 研磨機 38 3.2.2 蝕刻機 39 3.2.3 離子佈植機 41 3.2.4 雷射退火機 45 3.3 量測與檢測設備 48 3.3.1 厚度量測設備 48 3.3.2 表面粗糙度量測設備 49 3.3.3 光學顯微鏡 50 3.3.4 四點探針量測儀[52] 52 3.4 實驗流程與材料製備 54 3.4.1 能量密度(Energy density , E)調變實驗 55 3.4.2 延遲時間(Delay time , td)調變實驗 58 3.4.3 重疊率(Overlap rate , OR)調變實驗 59 4、 實驗結果與討論 61 4.1 能量調變 61 4.1.1 As-implanted 61 4.1.2 E = 0.4 J/cm2退火 63 4.1.3 E = 0.8 J/cm2退火 67 4.1.4 E = 1.2 J/cm2退火 70 4.1.5 E = 1.6 J/cm2退火 73 4.1.6 E = 2.0 J/cm2退火 76 4.1.7 小結 78 4.2 延遲時間調變 (E = 1.8 J/cm2) 81 4.2.1 td = 500 ns退火 81 4.2.2 td = 700 ns退火 84 4.2.3 td = 1000 ns退火 86 4.2.4 小結 87 4.3 重疊率調變 (E = 1.8 J/cm2) 89 4.3.1 OR X = 10%退火 89 4.3.2 OR X = 50%退火 92 4.3.3 OR X = 90%退火 94 4.3.4 小結 95 4.4 延遲時間調變 (E = 0.8 J/cm2) 98 4.4.1 td = 500 ns退火 98 4.4.2 td = 700 ns退火 101 4.4.3 td = 1000 ns退火 103 4.4.4 小結 104 4.5 重疊率調變 (E = 0.8 J/cm2) 106 4.5.1 OR X = 10%退火 106 4.5.2 OR X = 50%退火 109 4.5.3 OR X = 90%退火 111 4.5.4 小結 112 4.6 結果討論 114 5、 結論與未來展望 116 5.1 結論 116 5.2 未來展望 117 參考文獻 118

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