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研究生: 廖培芬
論文名稱: 兒童哲學融入英語繪本教學對高職生英文學習動機與學習焦慮之影響
Effects of Integrating Philosophy for Children into English Picture Book Teaching on Vocational High School Students’ English Learning Motivation and Learning Anxiety
指導教授: 田曉萍
Shiau-Ping Tian
口試委員: 鄧慧君
Huei-Chun Teng
Meichen Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 應用外語系
Department of Applied Foreign Languages
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 164
中文關鍵詞: 英文學習焦慮英文學習動機英文閱讀表現兒童哲學
外文關鍵詞: English learning anxiety, English learning motivation, English reading
相關次數: 點閱:396下載:9
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  • 本研究旨在探究兒童哲學融入英語繪本教學對於高職階段以英語為外國語的青少年學習者的英文學習焦慮、英文學習動機、及英文閱讀能力表現的效益。研究對象為台北市某所公立高職學生共六十二名學生,分為實驗組與對照組;研究工具共三項:英文學習焦慮問卷、英文學習動機問卷與全民英檢中級模擬試題中的閱讀測驗部份。研究方法為量化分析。

    The present study explores the effects of Philosophy for Children (P4C) integrated with English picture books instruction on English learning anxiety, English learning motivation, and English reading comprehension of adolescent EFL learners in vocational high schools in Taipei. A total of 62 students were recruited in the study, divided into Experimental Group and Control Group, in which an English Learning Anxiety Questionnaire in Chinese, an English Learning Motivation Questionnaire, and two simulate GEPT reading comprehension tests were implemented. Data collected were analyzed via SPSS 14.0 with execution of descriptive statistics, paired-sample t-tests, independent sample t-tests, and ANCOVA analysis.
    Results of the study showed that vocational high school students in Taipei possessed moderate English learning anxiety, which reduced after the instruction of P4C integrated with English picture books but the Experimental Group retained higher level of English learning anxiety than the Control Group. Besides, the participants possessed high English learning motivation initially, but after the implementation of the pedagogy of P4C, all participants’ English learning motivation dropped. However, the Experimental Group retained higher motivation than the Control Group. Finally, participants’ English reading comprehension was improved. Suggestions for language practitioners and reading curriculum and assessment designers were also discussed in the present study. The pedagogy of community of inquiry from P4C integrated with English picture books was suggested to language practitioners to increase peer interaction by having students propose questions, share one’s own ideas and listen to others’ viewpoints so as to lower English learning anxiety, promote English learning motivation and improve English reading comprehension of learners. To instructors of P4C integrated with English picture books, open-ended questions are recommended and questions with only one correct answer should be avoided.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS Chinese Abstract I English Abstract III Acknowledgements V Table of Contents VII List of Tables XII List of Figures XIII CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background and Motivation of the Study 1 1.2 Purpose of the Study 3 1.3 Research Questions 4 1.4 Definition of Terms 5 1.5 Significance of the Study 8 CHAPTER TWO:LITERATURE REVIEW 10 2.1 Picture Books 10 2.1.1 Definitions of Picture Books 10 2.1.2 The Importance of Picture Books 12 2.1.3 Language Development 15 2.1.4 Empirical Evidence/Studies 17 2.2 P4C 20 2.2.1 Definition of P4C 22 2.2.2 The Importance of P4C 25 2.2.3 The Community of Inquiry 27 2.2.4 Language Teaching Integrated with P4C: Picture Books as Stimuli 30 2.2.5 Empirical Evidence/Studies 34 2. 3 Learning Motivation 38 2.3.1 Definition of Motivation 38 2.3.2 Modes of Motivation 39 2.3.3 Empirical Evidence/Studies 43 2.4 Learning Anxiety 46 2.4.1 Definition of Anxiety 47 2.4.2 Modes of Anxiety 48 2.4.3 Empirical Evidence/Studies 53 CHAPTER THREE:METHODOLOGY 56 3.1 Participants 56 3.2 Instruments 57 3.2.1 English Learning Motivation Questionnaire 58 3.2.2 English Learning Anxiety Questionnaire 62 3.2.3 GEPT Reading Test Intermediate Level 66 3.3 Material 67 3.4 Teacher Training 70 3.5 Procedures 71 3.5.1 Training 75 3.5.2 Teaching English Picture Books as Stimuli in P4C 75 3.5.3 Time Schedule for the Whole Process 79 3.6 Data Analysis 80 3.7 Pilot Study 81 3.7.1 The Findings of the Pilot Study 81 CHAPTER FOUR:RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 85 4.1 The Influence of the Pedagogy of P4C along with Picture Books on Vocational High School Students’ English Learning Anxiety 85 4.1.1 Results 86 4.1.2 Discussion 90 4.2 The Influence of the Pedagogy of P4C along with Picture Books on VocationalHigh School Students’ English Learning Motivation 93 4.2.1 Results 93 4.2.2 Discussion 98 4.3 The Improvement of Vocational High School Students’ English Reading Comprehension through the Pedagogy of P4C with Picture Books 102 4.3.1 Results 102 4.3.2 Discussion 107 4.4 Summary 110 CHAPTER FIVE:CONCLUSION 112 5.1 Major Findings and Conclusion 112 5.1.1 Findings Regarding the Effect of P4C with English Picture Books on ELA 113 5.1.2 Findings Regarding the Effect of P4C with English Picture Books on ELM 114 5.1.3 Findings Regarding the Effect of P4C with English picture Books on English Reading Comprehension 115 5.1.4 Conclusion 116 5.2 Implications of the Study 117 5.3 Limitations 121 5.4 Suggestions for Further Studies 122 REFERENCES 125 APPENDIX 142 Appendix A:Instrument of the Study – English Learning Motivation Questionnaire 142 Appendix B:Instrument of the Study – English Learning Anxiety Questionnaire 144 Appendix C: Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale 146 Appendix D:Instrument of the Study – GEPT Reading Test Intermediate Level 151 Appendix E:Materials of the Study – Selected English Picture Books with Detailed Introduction 157 Appendix F:Ground Rules for Teaching English Picture Books as Stimuli in P4C 164 LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 The Framework of the English Learning Motivation Questionnaire 60 Table 3.2 Examples of Original and Revised English Learning Motivation Questionnaire Items 61 Table 3.3 The Framework of the English Learning Anxiety Questionnaire 65 Table 3.4 Examples of Original and Revised English Learning Anxiety Questionnaire Items 66 Table 3.5 Selected English Picture Books with Grammar Indication 69 Table 3.6 The Amendments of the Process of a Classroom Philosophical Inquiry 73 Table 3.7 The Time Schedule of the Implementation of P4C 80 Table 4.1 T-test Results of Pretest on English Learning Anxiety 86 Table 4.2 T-test Results of Posttest on English Learning Anxiety 87 Table 4.3 Paired Samples T-test Results on English Learning Anxiety 88 Table 4.4 Statistic Analysis of Pretest on English Learning Motivation 94 Table 4.5 Statistic Analysis of Posttest on English Learning Motivation 94 Table 4.6 T-test Results of Pretest on English Learning Motivation 95 Table 4.7 Paired Samples T-test Results on English Learning Motivation 96 Table 4.8 Analysis of Co-variance for English Learning Motivation 97 Table 4.9 Statistic Analysis of Pretest on GEPT Reading Comprehension 103 Table 4.10 Statistic Analysis of Posttest on GEPT Reading Comprehension 103 Table 4.11 T-test Results of Pretest on GEPT Reading Comprehension Test 104 Table 4.12 Paired Samples T-test Results on GEPT Reading Comprehension Test 105 Table 4.13 Analysis of Co-variance for GEPT Reading Comprehension Test 106 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3.1 Illustration of the process of teaching of English picture books as stimuli in P4C 78


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