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研究生: Tran Vuong Gia Dai
Tran Vuong Gia Dai
論文名稱: 以3D列印製備含石墨烯之多孔層並應用於太陽能除鹽淨水程序
Solar-Powered Water Desalination by Using 3D-Printed Graphene/Resin Porous Layers
指導教授: 何明樺
Ming-Hua Ho
口試委員: 王志逢
Chih-Feng Wang
Wei-Song Hung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 92
中文關鍵詞: GrapheneDesalination
外文關鍵詞: Graphene, Desalination
相關次數: 點閱:377下載:0
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  • 被動式太陽能除鹽(passive solar-powered desalination)程序因具有節省能源與環境友善等特點,已廣被注意。為求達到最佳的太陽能轉換效率,此程序中的太陽能吸收層應該要在物理與化學特徵上都被妥善設計,然而,發泡或鹽析之類的傳統加工方法並不容易控制太陽能吸收層的結構。在本研究中,我們使用光固化型3D列印精細地設計並製備太陽能吸收層的孔洞結構,探討吸收層構型對能量轉換的影響,此外,也討論石墨烯添加所造成的效應。
    我們在一個太陽光照的強度下進行揮發測試,結果顯示添加石墨烯能有效促進水揮發效率。比較不同孔洞結構造成的影響,高孔洞曲折度能最有效地提高揮發速率,就本實驗設計的結構而言,錐體結構提升揮發的效果最大,可達到的最高太陽能熱轉化效率達90%。此外,我們也在70oC 與濕度95%的狀態下進行揮發測試,發現多孔光吸收層能維持相同的揮發效率至少24小時,代表在一般環境中可維持其狀態約52天。本研究證實了多孔結構在揮發除鹽效應中的影響,對製備高效率的太陽能吸收裝置具有相當的幫助。

    The passive solar-powered desalination attracted much attention due to its energy-saving and environmental-friendly functions. The transfer of solar energy to heat is the most crucial issue in this process. Thus, the properties of the solar-energy absorbing layer must be well designed and tailored. However, it was not easy to control the porous structures of the solar-energy absorbing layer just by using conventional processes, such as foaming or porogen leaching. In this research, the porous absorbers were precisely designed and fabricated using a photo-curing 3D printer, allowing us to investigate the structural effects on energy transferring efficiency. The graphene additive was also applied in the porous layer for further enhancement of heat generation.
    In the first part, several porous structures, including straight channels, cone, zigzag, rhombus and wheel-shaped channels with various intersection grooves, were fabricated for the energy transferring layer. The pore size, porosity, and wire diameter were controlled, followed by the adjustment of graphene amounts. According to the design sketch and images of printed products, the errors of porous structures were less than 5%. The results proved that the structures created in this research were highly accurate, which was achieved by a DLP 3D printer. More importantly, the resin with graphene additive was highly printable. The floatability of the porous layer was longer than 17 days under natural conditions, revealing the stability of this solar-energy absorbing layer for long-term operation.
    The evaporation tests were performed under 1 sun irradiation. The results showed that the addition of graphene promoted water evaporation significantly. The temperature of the porous layer was increased by 54.05% with the addition of 20% graphene. Comparing evaporation from different porous structures, the evaporation rate greatly improved with the light reflection from the structure of pores. Thus, the cone structures in this research caused higher evaporation than the others did, where the highest solar thermal efficiency was about 90%. Besides, the evaporation rates of all absorber were not decreased for at least 24 hours under 70oC and 95% humidity, which was identical to the stability for 52 days in actual environment. This study identified the effects of porous structures systematically, which was crucial in producing a highly effective solar-energy absorbing layer for the desalination process.

    TABLE OF CONTENT ABSTRACT iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT v TABLE OF CONTENT vii LIST OF FIGURE ix LIST OF TABLE xiii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 3 2.1 Shortage of water – Overview 3 2.2 Renewable energy 4 2.3 Solar Energy 6 2.4 Solar Evaporation and Seawater Desalination 9 2.5 Photothermal Materials 14 2.6 Motivation and Objectives 29 CHAPTER 3 MATERIAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 31 3.1 Chemical and Material 31 3.2 Experimental Apparatus 32 3.3 Experimental Procedure 32 Preparation of NMPG/resin composites (graphene/resin) 33 3.4 Layers Model Design 34 3.5 Layers Fabrication Process 39 3.6 Solar Evaporation Experiment 40 3.7 Evaluation of Solar Thermal Energy Conversion Efficiency 41 3.8 Accelerated Aging Test 42 CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 43 4.1 Fabrication Assessment 43 4.2 Floating Periods 47 4.3 Thermal-harvesting ability 48 4.4 Evaporation Rate 62 4.5 Accelerated Aging Test Result 62 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 81 REFERENCES 82

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