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研究生: 周升暘
Sheng-Yang Chou
論文名稱: 科技介入服務對消費滿意度與意圖之探索─以自助結帳系統為例
A Study of the Technology Infusion in Customer Satisfaction and Intention –Self-checkout for Example
指導教授: 曾盛恕
Seng-Su Tsang
口試委員: 陳崇文
Chung-Wen Chen
I-Yin Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 63
中文關鍵詞: 自助結帳
外文關鍵詞: Self-checkout
相關次數: 點閱:201下載:4
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  • 論文內容提要
    科技始終來自人性。正因為有其需求,所以本研究利用科技作為基礎發展自助結帳服務以做為研究主軸。現代人步伐快速而忙碌,卻在排隊上耗費許多不必要的時間。為此,本研究以現今人手一台的智慧型手機,提出了m POS的概念,藉由智慧型手機搭配無線掃瞄裝置,讓消費者得以利用自己所擁有的智慧型手機來自行完成結帳手續。




    Technology always begins with Human. To the need in consumption, this study takes technology as a base to develop the main theme-- self-checkout. The modern urban life is fast and busy, however we waste a lot of time on standing in a line. Therefore, this study proposes a new concept that uses smartphones which everyone got for retailing check out, call it m POS. By using smartphone and wireless barcode reader, customers can check out by themselves.
    This study took the smartphone as a basic infrastructure to investigate the willingness of consumer adoption for self-checkout mechanisms. Two experiments were conducted to elicit consumer’s favoritism with respect to one of the two mechanisms: checkout by using the embedded scanner function of smartphone and the other of checkout by using smartphone as a display connecting to a wireless scanner as barcode reader. The data were collected with questionnaire after subjects watched an introduction film of m POS. the data indicated that subjects preferred the wireless barcode reader to the embedded scanner function of smartphone. Managerial implications were drawn according to the experiment results.

    Keywords: self-checkout, laboratory experimentation, SSTQUAL

    目錄 摘要i 表目錄vi 圖目錄vii 1.緒論1 1.1.研究背景與動機1 1.2.研究目的2 2.文獻探討4 2.1.自助結帳系統4 2.1.1.自助結帳系統種類4 2.1.2.各類自助結帳之優缺比較6 2.2.服務創新8 2.2.1.服務創新定義8 2.2.2.服務創新策略10 2.3.行動銷售時點服務(mobile Point Of Service, m POS)13 2.3.1.m POS服務創新策略15 3.研究方法19 3.1.研究架構與假說19 3.1.1.研究架構20 3.1.2.研究假說20 3.2.研究對象與調查方式21 3.3.衡量變項21 3.3.1.自助服務之服務品質 (SSTQUAL)21 3.3.2.服務接觸滿意(encounter)23 3.3.3.行為意圖(intention)23 3.4.問卷設計24 3.5.資料分析方法25 4.資料分析與研究結果27 4.1.樣本結構27 4.2.描述性統計30 4.3.PLS分析35 4.3.1.測量模型35 4.3.2.結構模型40 4.4.假說討論42 4.4.1.H1:m POS的服務品質對服務接觸滿意有正向影響42 4.4.2.H2:服務接觸滿意對行為意圖有正向影響43 4.4.3.H3:m POS的服務品質對行為意圖有正向影響43 4.5.比較43 4.5.1.愉悅性44 4.5.2.安全與保密性44 4.5.3.設計性45 4.5.4.客製化45 4.5.5.流程特質45 4.5.6.取得便利性46 4.5.7.行為意圖46 4.5.8.小結46 5.研究結果與建議49 5.1.研究結果與討論49 5.1.1.自助結帳系統可創造出的服務創新49 5.1.2.消費者所偏好的智慧型手機自助結帳型態50 5.1.3.自助結帳系統對量販店廠商價值51 5.2.管理意涵52 5.3.研究限制與建議54 5.3.1.研究對象54 5.3.2.模型之採用54 5.3.3.創新服務之體驗54 5.4.自助結帳的未來研究方向55

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