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研究生: 劉宥佳
Yau-Jia - Liou
論文名稱: 人與智慧系統之互動溝通語彙與群體燈光表達設計
Design Vocabulary and Lighting Expression Design for Human-IOT System Interaction
指導教授: 梁容輝
Rung-Huei Liang
Lin-lin Chen
口試委員: 余能豪
Neng-hao Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 107
中文關鍵詞: 物聯網智慧系統互動設計人機互動燈光表達
外文關鍵詞: IOT (internet-of-things), light behavior, man-machine communication, machine-machine communication, interaction design
相關次數: 點閱:571下載:23
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As smart devices become social mainstream, the users are used to interacting with the technologies with sensing and computing capability. However, through surveying existing products and conceptual videos, the gap of communication between users and smart devices was found. In other words, a part of the machines' behaviors is incomprehensible to humans, which lead to confusion, uncertainty and even distrust to the most basic functions of the machines. This work attempted to tackle the very important part of this issue, investigating expressive and understandable multi-single-light expression.

In the first part of our work, analyzing the existing interaction among human, devices and the system, we selected the most representative seven videos among 172 ones. The scenarios in the seven videos were categorized into three types, machines-to-system, system-to-system and system-to-human. Then, we summarized above interaction into 60 vocabulary; including the fundamental, one-to-one, one-to-group and group-to-group communication.

Based on the derived vocabulary, the second part of our work aimed at investigating the expressiveness of multiple point lights, and the design guidelines of which with proper staging. We made videos simulating the light correspond to the vocabulary, whose suitability were further examined on on-line human judgments. Then, we conducted a similar study in a real-world situation with Dial, a developed system containing 5 interactive tools for designers to manipulate and design staging of the lights. In this study, we implemented a series of real light behaviors on physical objects to do the user study, including representative type and assigned type. Finally, five lighting expression with understandable vocabulary were concluded.

The contribution of our work is four-fold: 1) summarizing the vocabulary of lights on smart devices which can serve as design guidelines for future designers, 2) revealing the expressiveness and importance of multiple single lights, 3) concluding the 5 lighting expression with suitable vocabulary, and 4) development of Dial system.

一、前言 1 1.1 背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究架構 4 二、文獻探討 5 2.1 物聯網(Internet of Things,IoT)技術發展 5 2.2 物聯網與日常生活 7 2.3 物聯網概念設計影片 10 2.4 人機互動中的訊息傳達設計 11 2.5 演出方式(Staging)與時間控制(Time) 18 三、研究方法與步驟 19 3.1 提取智慧產品語彙 19 3.2 燈光設計探索 20 3.2.1 影片模擬群體燈光 20 3.2.2 群體燈光設計的限制 20 3.2.3 實體群體燈光設計實驗 21 四、機器間的傳遞關係與訊息 22 4.1 機器間的傳遞關係 22 4.2 概念影片與機器間的溝通語彙 24 4.2.1 影片萃取語彙 24 4.2.2 物聯網概念影片 26 4.2.3 單一機器基礎表現語彙 26 4.2.4 M2M溝通情境的語彙 27 4.2.5 M2M狀態表示的相關語彙 29 4.2.6 M2M感知互動的相關語彙 30 4.2.7 小結 30 4.2.8 單一燈光可表達的語彙 31 五、燈光表達探索與設計 32 5.1 時序關係與群體燈光設計 32 5.1.1 單一燈光表達 32 5.1.2 群體燈光表達 33 5.2 影片模擬群體燈光實驗 38 5.2.1 影片模擬群體燈光實驗流程 38 5.2.2 模擬結果分析 39 5.2.3 小結 43 六、實際群體燈光設計實驗 44 6.1 單一燈光設計 44 6.2 群體燈光設計 45 6.3 音效設計 47 6.4 實驗工具Dial 48 6.5 實驗流程 49 6.5.1 觀察實驗 測單一燈光資訊 49 6.5.2 任務型實驗步驟:測群體燈光語彙 51 6.5.3 問卷訪談大綱 55 6.6 實驗結果 56 6.6.1 分數評比結果 56 6.6.2 標籤雲(Tag Cloud) 58 6.6.3 「喚醒」語彙表達實驗結果 59 6.6.4 「同步中」語彙表達實驗結果 61 6.6.5 「任務完成」語彙表達實驗結果 63 6.6.6 「加入系統」語彙表達實驗結果 65 6.6.7 「退出」語彙表達實驗結果 68 6.6.8 「狀況回報」語彙表達實驗結果 71 6.7 設計結果檢討與改進 73 6.7.1 設計結果改進 73 6.7.2 「我看見你了」語彙表達改進 74 6.7.3 「廣播訊息」語彙表達改進 75 6.8 後測實驗結果 77 6.9 表達的層級 79 七、結論 80 7.1 研究結論 80 7.2 設計建議 80 7.3 後續建議 81 參考文獻 82 附錄-參考影片 85 附錄-語彙表 86 附錄-物聯網產品傳遞關係參考來源 91

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