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研究生: 韋旭陽
Hsu-Yang Wei
論文名稱: 競值架構領導型態對設計組織文化與效能的影響
Effect of Competing Value Framework Regarding Leadership Style on Design Organizational Culture and Effectiveness
指導教授: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung chen
口試委員: 張建成
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: 競值架構領導型態組織文化組織效能
外文關鍵詞: Competing value framework, Organizational effectiveness
相關次數: 點閱:248下載:4
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1. 目前台灣的設計組織領導型態是以「生產者」及「經紀人」為領導者所表現出的型態,而較少的組織領導者是屬於「良師」型。
2. 在設計人員知覺下,大多數的設計組織是屬於有歸屬感及認同感的「共識型文化」,而較少的設計組織是以生產力為主的「理性型文化」。
3. 設計人員知覺下的設計組織效能模式結果以「支持成長」及「凝聚士氣」 為目前大都設計組織所表現出的效能模式,而較少表現的是「穩定控制」。
4. 設計組織的競值架構下的領導型態與組織文化之間有中度正相關;而且領導型態與組織效能之間有高度正相關。對於設計組織的文化型態與組織效能模式之間也有高度正相關。
5. 在預測力推論中設計組織在競值架構下的「協調者」、「革新者」領導型態對組織文化的各層面都能有正向推動。
6. 在預測力推論中設計組織在競值架構下運用「指導者」、「監督者」、「輔導者」、「革新者」領導型態對各層面的組織效能都有正向提昇。

The purpose of this study is to understand a design organization in which how a design leader influences his/her organizational culture and effectiveness. This research study further explores the relationship among leadership style, organizational culture, and organizational effectiveness in a design organization based on competing value framework.
By approaching to the goal of this study, the research process adopts both literature review and survey study. The survey study is based on theoretical foundation and has established "competitive value framework leadership style scale", "culture scale of a design organization", and "effectiveness scale of a design organization" for investigation purpose.
The participants in this study were selected from the designers working in Taiwan design organizations. A total of 200 surveys were given out and there were 117 returned. Among them, 110 copies are valid. After analysis, the findings of this study were described as follows:
1. The leadership style in Taiwan design organizations currently are "producer" and "broker" type, and few organization leader belongs to "mentor" type.
2. From the designers’ perception, most of the design organizations belong to "consensus-culture" which is oriented by the perception of belonging and recognition, and few design organizations are “rational-culture” which is productivity-oriented.
3. Also from the designers’ perception, the patterns of design organizational effectiveness are "supported growth" and "condensation morale", rather than "stability control."
4. In a design organization, the relationship between its leadership style and its organizational culture are moderate positive correlation. The leadership style and organizational effectiveness have high positive correlation. The organizational culture and organizational effectiveness also have high positive correlation.
5. The inference of prediction shows that a leadership style with “coordinator” or “innovator” are positive for promoting organizational culture in many perspectives.
6. The inference of prediction shows that a leadership style with “mentor”, “overseer”, “guidance”, and “innovator” are positive for promoting organizational effectiveness in many perspectives.

摘要 ........................................................................................................................................ I Abstract.................................................................................................................................. II 誌謝 ....................................................................................................................................... IV 目錄 ....................................................................................................................................... V 表目錄 .................................................................................................................................. VII 圖目錄 ................................................................................................................................... IX 第一章緒論 ............................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 ................................................................................................ 1 1.2 研究目的 ............................................................................................................... 4 1.3 研究架構與流程 ................................................................................................. 5 第二章文獻探討 .................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 設計組織.................................................................................................................. 6 2.1.1 設計顧問公司 ............................................................................................. 7 2.1.2 小結 ................................................................................................................. 7 2.2 設計意識 ................................................................................................................ 8 2.2.1 設計意識的屬性因素 ............................................................................... 8 2.2.2 設計意識型態 .............................................................................................. 10 2.2.3 小結 ................................................................................................................ 11 2.3 競值架構理論 ..................................................................................................... 11 2.3.1 競值架構的起源發展 ............................................................................... 12 2.3.2 競值架構意涵 ............................................................................................. 14 2.3.3 競值架構之特色 ......................................................................................... 18 2.3.4 小結 ................................................................................................................. 19 2.4 競值架構顉導 ...................................................................................................... 20 2.4.1 小結 .................................................................................................................. 23 2.5 組織文化................................................................................................................... 24 2.5.1 組織文化的競值架構 ........................................................................................ 30 2.5.2小結 .................................................................................................................... 34 2.6 組織效能理論 ......................................................................................................... 34 2.6.1 組織效能競值架構.................................................................................................. 36 2.6.2 小結 .................................................................................................................... 39 第三章 研究方法與步驟 ...................................................................................................... 40 3.1 研究範圍 ................................................................................................................... 40 3.2 研究限制 ................................................................................................................... 40 3.3 研究設計 ................................................................................................................... 41 3.3.1 問卷調查法 ...................................................................................................... 41 3.4 研究架構 .................................................................................................................... 42 3.5 研究假設 ................................................................................................................... 44 3.6 研究變項的定義及衡量 ...................................................................................... 45 3.7 設計組織領導型態量表 .......................................................................................49 3.8 設計組織文化量表 ............................................................................................ 51 3.9 設計組織效能量表 ............................................................................................ 52 3.10 研究對象 ............................................................................................... 54 3.11 資料分析法 …..............................................................……………….….......54 第四章 實證分析與結果 ................................................................................................... 56 4.1 信度分析 .................................................................................................................... 56 4.2 設計人員對設計組織領導型態、組織文化與組織效能之知覺差異..57 4.3 設計組織領導型態、組織文化與組織效能之相關 ................................. 67 4.4 設計人員對設計組織領導型態知覺對設計組織文化之預測分析...... 70 4.5 設計人員對設計組織領導型態知覺對設計組織效能之預測分析...... 73 第五章 結論與建議 ................................................................................................................. 79 5.1 研究結論 .................................................................................................................... 79 5.2 管理意涵 .................................................................................................................... 84 5.3 後續研究之建議 ...................................................................................................... 85 第六章參考文獻 ......................................................................................................................... 87 附件一 ......................................................................................................................... 96

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