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研究生: 王仁君
Jen-Chun Wang
論文名稱: 氧化釕氧化銥奈米相化學氣相沉積之選擇性成長研究
Study on selective growth of ruthenium dioxide and iridium dioxide nanophases via chemical vapor deposition
指導教授: 蔡大翔
Dah-Shyang Tsai
口試委員: 周更生
Kan-Sen Chou
Huang-Ying Sheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 121
中文關鍵詞: 氧化釕氧化銥化學氣相沉積選擇性成長
外文關鍵詞: chemical vapor deposition, RuO2, IrO2, selective growth
相關次數: 點閱:460下載:3
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摘 要


The area-selective growth of RuO2 and IrO2 nanorods on Zn/Si, LiNbO3(100), SA(012), and SA(100) substrates has been investigated in the last two years. These one-dimensional rods are vertically aligned on LiNbO3(100) and SA(100), tiltedly aligned on SA(012), and randomly oriented on Zn/Si substrate. The growth direction is [001] of rutile crystal for both nanorods. The surface of RuO2 nanorods contains excess oxygen higher than the stoichiometric ratio. The excess oxygen can be removed using argon sputtering. The selective growth of RuO2 nanorods is demonstrated on the Zn/Si and LiNbO3(100) surfaces. And the definition of growth and nongrowth region is most clear when the growth temperature is 500C. The physics of area-selective growth can be traced back to the nucleation barrier on growth and nongrowth surfaces. The higher nucleation barrier on silica surface makes it an ideal nongrowth surface. When the growth temperature is lower than 500C, the definition is less clear since the mobility of growth species is reduced. When the growth temperature is higher than 500C, the definition is clear but the growth of nanorods is inhibited. The inhibition of 1D structure is believed to be related to the desorption of higher oxides.
The area-selective growth of IrO2 nanorods is also realized. The optimum growth temperature is 450C. The principle behind the growth and the nongrowth control is believed to be the same with that of RuO2 nanorods. The exposure-and-etching technique is utilized in patterning the IrO2 selective growth regions, and found to be superior to the patterning technique of copper grid that is used in patterning the RuO2 selective growth. The initial growth study on IrO2 reveals interesting distribution configuration of nuclei on SA(012) surface. The distribution of nuclei is believed to be intimately related to the surface defects.

目 錄 中文摘要………………………………………………………………I 英文摘要………………………………………………………………II 誌謝……………………………………………………………………IV 目錄…………………………………………………………………….V 圖目錄………………………………………………………………..VII 表目錄…………………………………………………… ………….XIII 第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………..1 1-1二氧化釕二氧化銥晶體結構……………………………………….1 1-2二氧化釕二氧化銥晶體之金屬電導特性………………………….4 1-3二氧化釕晶體穩定性及應用……………………………………….6 1-4 ㄧ維奈米結構材料……………………………………………...….9 1-5選區成長基本原理………………………………………..………..11 1-6 研究動機…………………………………………………………...15 第二章 實驗步驟及分析儀器…...………………………………..17 2-1 實驗藥品及規格…………………………………………………...17 2-2 實驗設備…………………………………………………………...20 2-2-1 金屬薄膜濺鍍系統.……...…………...……………………20 2-2-2 矽膜濺鍍系統…….……...…………...……………………22 2-2-3二氧化釕、二氧化銥化學氣相沉積設備…………………24 2-3 實驗步驟及條件………………………………....………………...27 2-3-1 潔淨處理………………………………...…………………29 2-3-2 金屬層之濺鍍……...………………………………………29 2-3-3 矽層之濺鍍………...………………………………………30 2-3-4 二氧化釕奈米桿沉積步驟………………………...….…...32 2-3-5 二氧化銥奈米桿沉積步驟………………………...….…...33 2-4 結構分析與性質量測儀器………………………………………...35 第三章 二氧化釕奈米相結構與選區成長……....……...……...38 3-1二氧化釕奈米桿合成結果與討論…..….………...………………38 3-1-1二氧化釕奈米桿成長條件與FESEM電鏡圖……………..39 3-1-2氧化釕奈米桿TEM電鏡圖分析.……………..……………41 3-1-3 X-ray繞射分析...……………………………………………43 3-1-4 XPS定性與定量分析成果.………...………………………45 3-2二氧化釕奈米桿選擇性成長...……………..……………………50 3-2-1二氧化釕初期成長與FESEM電鏡圖……………………...50 3-2-2二氧化釕奈米桿於鋅金屬基板之選擇性成長與FESEM電鏡圖…………………………………………………….…………..52 3-2-3蒸發器溫度對選擇性成長的影響………………………….59 3-2-4二氧化釕奈米桿於單晶基板之選擇性成長與FESEM電鏡圖....…………………………………………………………….…..66 第四章 二氧化銥奈米相選區成長………………....……...……...71 4-1二氧化銥奈米桿合成結果與討論…..….………...………………71 4-1-1二氧化銥奈米桿成長條件與FESEM電鏡圖及X-ray繞射分析……………………………………………………………………72 4-2二氧化銥奈米桿選區成長............…..….………...………………75 4-2-1二氧化銥奈米桿於鋅金屬基板之選擇性成長與FESEM電鏡圖……………………….……………………………….…………..75 4-2-2二氧化銥奈米桿於單晶基板之選擇性成長與FESEM電鏡圖........................................................................................................81 4-2-3二氧化銥初期成長與FESEM電鏡圖...................................87 第五章 結論…………………..……………………………………...92 參考文獻………………………………………………………………95


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