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研究生: 鄭智云
Chih-yun Cheng
論文名稱: 體現隨機互動於日常生活用品之喚醒流程設計-以Social Clock社交鬧鐘為例
Social Clock:Embodying Social Serendipity in Everyday Objects
指導教授: 梁容輝
Rung-Huei Liang
口試委員: 唐玄輝
Hsien-Hui Tang
Mike Y. Chen's
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 129
中文關鍵詞: 關鍵詞:不可預測性社交互動隨機性互動設計
外文關鍵詞: Keywords : Serendipity, Social interaction, Randomness, Interaction Design
相關次數: 點閱:432下載:3
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  • 本研究將探討一種全新的喚醒模式:如何運用隨機帶來的不可預期性,體現於日常生活用品─鬧鐘,以使用者上傳語音錄音或是代表心情的一段音樂當作睡前儀式,在隔日早晨起床時,收到來自於朋友給予的隨機起床鬧鈴聲,最後在智慧型手機上以android軟體實作,做最流暢的實現,在不改變使用者既有習性的情況下,使用日常生活用品:鬧鐘,去接收、感知外界訊息,之後進行質性研究,使鬧鐘最初在人與物的傳統負面互動之下,進而提升為正向的人與人的互動,除了感受到喚醒設計流程的使用樂趣與不可預測性帶來的驚喜體驗,也增添實體物品的資訊以及溝通能力,另外也將傳統鬧鐘給予使用者的負面喚醒情緒,轉化為正向情緒的互動方式,給予使用者一個良好的喚醒感受,並促進起床後的社交,使生活饒富樂趣。

    The study intends to apply randomness into daily lives to achieve serendipity. With Social Clock, users could upload their own voices, recorded sounds, or music to express their mood as a bed time routine. In next morning, users would be awakened with a random alarm from their friends. Without changing habits of users, everyday products embedded with computational technology are capable of receiving and perceiving the outside message. With the methods of qualitative experiment as well as a few auxiliary quantitative ones, we explore the experience of being wakened by our design, given it a suitable shape. In the past, the traditional interaction is usually people-to-object, and now it becomes people-to-people interaction, We hope that user can experience the interactive process of product full of fun and serendipitous surprise of experience. Instead of increasing item entities information and communication ability, we also change the traditional negative wake-up alarm clock emotions into positive emotional interaction, to give user a good wake-up experience feeling, and to make life full of fun.

    AM 00:00 睡前 脫離掌控 有意識的器物 AM 01:00 日常用品與環境 儀式 無所不在的鬧鐘 傳統的鬧鐘 科技的鬧鐘 慢科技 AM 02:00 探討社交互動因素 隨機與偶然 資訊偶遇 AM 03:00 音樂治療 敘事治療 AM 04:00 Social Clock喚醒流程設計 研究流程 實驗設計 前導性實驗結果分析 AM 05:00 Social Clock軟體實作 驗證實驗 AM 06:00 非好友組驗證實驗結果 好友組驗證實驗結果 好友組與非好友組綜合比較 AM 07:00 結論與建議 一個新的喚醒模式 誌謝 參考文獻

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