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研究生: 鄭順仁
論文名稱: 愁眉鎖眼的傳統製造公司如何突破營運困境-以H公司為例
How a traditional manufacturing company with furrowed brows and locked eyes conquers the operational problems– A case study of H company
指導教授: 郭人介
Ren-Jieh Kuo
口試委員: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
Yu-Chung Tsao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 95
中文關鍵詞: 精實生產衝突管理左右開弓商業模式
外文關鍵詞: Lean Production, Conflict Management, Ambidextrous Organization, Business Models
相關次數: 點閱:453下載:0
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本個案以哈佛個案方式撰寫,文中所探討的內容,將以一般傳統製造業面臨商業環境驟變與二代接班為個案主體,在面對外在環境變化與內部管理能量不足的情況下,公司內部在推行『精實生產(Lean Production)』的管理改善與引入外部資源變革時,新舊世代思維互相衝擊下,過程難免會面臨無法預期的變化與阻礙,產生矛盾與衝突,透過本個案例的探討,提供讀者如何識別衝突,面對『衝突管理(Conflict Management)』之變革議題時,啟發可能的推行方向與解套方法,建立正向良性改善循環,一方面利用政府資源管理創新,達成短期目標,另一方面透過不斷自主改善累積能量,擘劃佈局未來的公司藍圖,營造『左右開弓(Ambidextrous Organization)』善用資源的經營模式,文中也將透過『商業模式(Business Model)』的彙整分析,提供研習人員在財務方面議題的探討,因此在個案討論前,教授人員需先瞭解該課程需要準備的資料與適合的課綱,並請研習人員對個案作課前準備及閱讀,協助教授人員了解需要探討的議題有哪些,以及個案著重的關鍵內容與理論論述的結合;藉由於個案閱讀期間的重點摘要,引導研習人員進入個案情境中,並由研習人員個人的社會經驗與職涯歷練,腦力激盪相互思辨歸納,協助教授人員與研習人員通過個案課程中的管理議題,引導思考與論證,啓發學習與回饋分享。

This case study is written in the Harvard case study format, and the content explored in the article will focus on how traditional manufacturing industries face sudden changes in the business environment and second-generation succession. In the face of external environmental changes and internal management energy shortages, the company's implementation of "Lean Production" management improvements and the introduction of external resources for change will inevitably encounter unexpected changes and obstacles due to clashes between the old and new generations' ways of thinking. Through the discussion of this case study, readers will learn how to identify conflicts and how to approach the issue of "Conflict Management" by inspiring possible directions for implementation and problem-solving methods, establishing a positive and beneficial improvement cycle. On one hand, government resource management innovation can be utilized to achieve short-term goals. On the other hand, by continuously improving and accumulating energy independently, the company's blueprint for the future can be planned, creating an "Ambidextrous Organization" that utilizes resources effectively. Through the analysis of the "Business Model" in the article, financial issues can be explored, providing guidance for research personnel. Therefore, before discussing the case, the instructor needs to understand the data that needs to be prepared and the appropriate curriculum for the course. It is also recommended that research personnel prepare and read the case beforehand to assist instructors in understanding the issues that need to be discussed and the combination of key content and theoretical discourse in the case. By summarizing the key points during the reading of the case, research personnel can be guided into the case context. Through brainstorming and mutual deduction based on their own social experience and career background, instructors and research personnel can explore and argue about the management issues raised in the case study, inspire learning, and provide feedback and sharing.

摘要 i ABSTRACT ii 誌謝 iii 目錄 iv 圖目錄 vi 表目錄 ix 壹. 個案情境本文 1 一、 求助生產問題的那一封信 1 二、 個案公司介紹與經營困境 4 (一) 公司沿革與產品類型 4 (二) 組織架構與營運困境 6 三、 整頓大陸工廠與變革契機 7 (一) 現場管理的問題盲點 9 (二) 導入精實管理的阻礙 14 (三) 改善效益與後續影響 18 四、 環境衝擊下的創新與轉型 21 (一) 董事長的擔心與期望 22 (二) 研發團隊的思維突破 23 (三) 接班梯隊挹注新動能 26 五、 回台投資佈局轉型新契機 28 (一) 產銷分析與獲利試算 29 (二) 轉型契機與佈局未來 33 貳. 教學指引手冊 37 一、 個案教學總覽 38 二、 教學目標與適用課程 39 三、 課前準備與問題討論 41 四、 個案人物背景介紹 42 五、 個案教學情境分析 45 (一) 課程目標一:精實生產 46 (二) 課程目標二:衝突管理 53 (三) 課程目標三:左右開弓 61 (四) 課程目標四:商業模式 69 六、 個案教學板書規劃 78 七、 個案教學時間分配建議 79 八、 個案結論與教學延伸議題 80 參考文獻 81 中文參考文獻 81 英文參考文獻 83 網站參考資料 85

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