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研究生: 陳雨璇
論文名稱: 百年老店創新商業模式之個案研究
指導教授: 劉代洋
Day-Yang Liu
口試委員: 曾盛恕
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 74
中文關鍵詞: 進口地帳款承購商無追索權應收帳款承購客戶關係管理創新商業模式
外文關鍵詞: Import Factor, Non-recourse Factoring, Customer Relationship Management, Business Innovation Model
相關次數: 點閱:331下載:2
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  • 本研究是針對一家態度保守、風控嚴謹的泛公股銀行,如何突破框架,規劃大陸客戶的應收帳款融資方案以及在決策過程中遇到的難題與挑戰進行探討。本案中,個案銀行是個案公司長期配合的銀行,2011 年8 月個案公司財務副總提出,希望銀行對其大陸供應商融資的構想。對個案銀行而言,有生意上門固然是好事,但個案公司的融資需求非一般單純的營運週轉金,不是給一個融資額度就能解決問題,而是需解決其於大陸的一千多家供應商因個案公司擬拉長帳款天期所產生的資金需求。就個案銀行而言,如果承接此案,可想而知必定會面臨許多難題,例如如何能在種種法規限制下找出妥善因應的商品、如何解決放款對象眾多並且遠在中國大陸的問題、如何掌控授信風險等等;但是如婉拒此案,個案銀行恐怕將會失去個案公司這個長期客戶,未來業務流失及金流流出影響重大。
    面對如此難題,在各種情況權衡之下,個案銀行決定採取無追索權應收帳款承購的方式,利用內部應收帳款承購系統、企業網路銀行與企業ERP 系統之整合,為個案公司建構一個專屬融資平台,順利完成本案。本研究採用質化個案研究法,透過資料收集研讀及當面深度訪談,輔以參考客戶關係管理及應收帳款承購相關

    This study is to explore and analyze the difficulties and challenges that a
    conservative pan-public bank faced when it was designing a whole new factoring
    business. In this case, the case bank and the case company have a very long-term
    partnership. In August 2011, the case company’s VP finance expressed the hope that the bank can offer short-term funds to their suppliers in China. For the bank,definitely, it was good to see a big business, but it was really not an easy one. On the one hand, if they took this business, undoubtedly, they would face lots of difficulties and challenges, like how to find a proper product under the various limits of the law and regulations, and how to solve the problem that the lenders were so many and so far away in China; on the other hand, if they didn’t take it, they would probably lose
    the old customer.
    After considering a variety of factors and situations, the bank decided to take this business by using factoring. They combined their factoring services system and corporate internet banking services, and the ERP system of the case company, to build an exclusive financing platform for this case. This study uses a qualitative research method, through data collection and study and deeply face-to-face interviews, to analyze the background, the decision-making process, and the benefit of this business innovation model. The benefit for the case bank were: (1)business innovation,(2)deepening customer relationships and product value, (3)a good reference for bank to entry China financial market, and (4)increase in interest and fee income.
    Actually, there were the other four possible ways to solve this problem. (1) The
    case company used factoring to get money, and then paid China suppliers at a
    discount. (2) The case company offered China suppliers Stand-by L/C, so that the
    suppliers could use it to finance with local banks. (3) Shanghai branch of the case bank lent to China suppliers. (4) Banks cross strait cooperated. The case bank, as the import factor, guaranteed for payment of the case company’s credit risk. The cooperated China bank signed non-recourse factoring contracts with the suppliers.However, due to legal restrictions and lack of trust between cross trait banks, these four possible ways were abandoned. In the future, if financial laws and regulations in both Taiwan and China can be more open and completed, and information also can be more transparent, Taiwan banks probably can design more diversifies products for financing, and create new business and opportunity.

    第壹章緒論1 第一節研究背景與動機1 第二節研究目的2 第三節研究內容及範圍3 第四節研究限制4 第貳章文獻探討6 第一節客戶關係管理6 第二節應收帳款承購12 第參章研究方法20 第一節研究對象20 第二節研究設計21 第肆章產業分析與公司介紹24 第一節產業分析24 第二節個案主角介紹31 第伍章個案分析52 第一節個案產生背景52 第二節關鍵議題與決策過程55 第三節效益分析63 第陸章結論與建議66 第一節研究結論66 第二節研究建議69 本文註釋71 參考文獻72

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