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研究生: 楊育芳
Yu-Fang Yang
論文名稱: EFL學習者之學習概念、學習策略與學業自我效能關係之研究:結構方程分析
EFL Learners’ Conceptions of Learning, Strategies of learning, and Academic Self-Efficacy: A Structural Equation Model Analysis
指導教授: 蔡今中
Chin-Chung Tsai
口試委員: 邱國力
Guo-Li Chiou
Jyh-Chong Liang
Huei-Tse Hou
Min-Hsien Lee
Chung-Yuan Hsu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 應用科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 141
中文關鍵詞: EFL學習者學習概念學習策略學業自我效能
外文關鍵詞: EFL Learners, Conceptions of Learning, Strategies of learning, Academic Self-Efficacy
相關次數: 點閱:609下載:32
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過去研究發現,學生的學習概念和他們的學習策略及學習成果都有關連性。從Säljö (1979)的研究之後,有關學習概念的研究遍及各個學術領域,然而有關以英文為外語學習者(EFL learners)的學習概念這方面的研究卻很少。本論文因此以探討以英文為外語學習者的學習概念為主要方向。本論文要分為兩個部份。在第一部份的研究裡,以開發CLEFL(以英語為外語之學習概念)量表為研究目的,透過268台灣學生的問卷回應,來探討學習者的英語學習概念,此外,亦透過二階驗證式因素分析來探求英語學習概念最佳的歸類方式。研究結果發現,第一,CLEFL量表由九個概念因素所組成,驗證式因素分析也顯示CLEFL量表具有良好之建構效度與建構信度。第二,如果將CLEFL中的九個概念因素再加以歸類,規成三大類是最佳的模式,分別為(1)複製型學習概念(2)策略型的學習概念,以及(3)建構型學習概念。值得一提的是一般的學習概念只分成複製型學習概念與建構型學習概念,而學習英語的學習概念比一般學習的學習概念多了策略型的學習概念,也就是關於學習文法與不斷練習的概念,反映出學習概念是因不同學科而有所不同的。第二部份的研究裡,是採用CLEFL(以英語為外語之學習概念)量表、SLEFL (以英語為外語之英語學習策略)量表與ASE(英語學業自我效能)量表,透過結構方程模式分析,來觀察以英語為外語學習者的學習概念、學習策略與其學業自我效能之間的關係。主要研究結果發現,在相關分析的結果裡,英語學習者的學習概念跟其學業自我效能兩者之間,有顯著的正相關。然而,倘若加入英語學習者的學習策略這個因素,並探討學習概念、學習策略跟其學業自我效能三者之間關係時,路徑分析中則顯示學習概念跟其學業自我效能之間並無直接的關係,而是透過學習策略的中介產生間接關係。其中(1)有複製型學習概念的學生較容易使用表淺式學習策略,較不容易使用深層式學習策略,導致較低學業自我效能;(2) 有建構型學習概念的學生較不容易使用表淺式學習策略;(3) 有策略型的學習概念者,傾向使用表淺式與深層式學習策略,而其中又以傾向使用深層式學習策略者,容易有較高的學業自我效能。值得注意的是,在台灣,以英語為外語學習的學生認為機械式的學習和理解式的學習是並存的,關於這點,台灣的外語學習文化或許可以提供合理的解釋。

Conceptions of learning are found to be correlated with approaches to learning as well as the learning outcomes in previous research. Students’ conceptions of learning have been studied fairly extensively since Säljö’s (1979) publication across different fields of enquiry and at different educational levels. However, there has been little published research on conceptions of learning among EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners. The present paper therefore examines students’ conceptions of learning within the field of EFL learning. The paper consists of two study parts. In the study one, by developing CLEFL (Conceptions of Learning English as a Foreign Language) questionnaire via CFA analysis with a sample size of 268 cases in higher education settings, EFL learners’ conceptions of learning English and an appropriate model to illustrate the categorization of conceptions of learning English are revealed. In general, the major findings in this study are that, first, the nine-factor CLEFL questionnaire is a valid questionnaire for investigating learners’ conceptions of learning English as a foreign language. Second, the model to appropriately illustrate the categorization of conceptions of learning English is a three-profile model, which features “constructive profile,” “strategic profile,” and “constructive profile.” In the study two, the CLEFL questionnaire developed in the study one is utilized to investigate the relationship among EFL learners’ conceptions of learning English as a foreign language (CLEFL), strategies of learning English as a foreign language (SLEFL) and academic self-efficacy (ASE). A total of 343 Taiwanese students in higher education settings participated in this study and were invited to complete three instruments, conceptions of learning English as a foreign language (CLEFL), strategies of learning English as a foreign language (SLEFL) and academic self-efficacy (ASE). The main results indicated that, first, based on the GOF value generated via SEM analysis, the three instruments used in this study had demonstrated good construct validity. Second, three fundamental English learning profiles, the reproductive, strategic, and constructive profiles, were significantly related to English learning strategies and their academic self-efficacy. It was also evident from the path analysis that the students’ CLEFL was predictor of their SLEFL, and the relationships between CLEFL and ASE were mediated by SLEFL. The students with a reproductive profile were more likely to adopt surface learning strategies and less likely to use deep learning strategies. The students with a constructive profile were less likely to adopt surface learning strategies. The students with a strategic profile tended to adopt both surface and deep learning strategies. However, only those with a strategic profile may possess higher academic self-efficacy with the mediation of deep learning strategies.

able of Contents Table of Contents......VI 圖索引 ......VIII 表索引 ......IX Chap 1 Introduction......1 1.1 Overview ......1 1.2 English as a Foreign Language in Taiwan......6 1.3 Purpose of the study......7 1.4 Research questions......9 1.5 Significance of the study......10 Chap 2 Literature Review......12 2.1 Conceptions of learning......13 2.1.1 The Classifications of conceptions of learning......16 2.1.2 Studies of learner belief in language learning......19 2.2 Strategies of learning......24 2.2.1 Studies in language learning strategies......28 2.3 Learners’Self-efficacy......32 2.3.1 Studies of Self-efficacy in EFL......34 2.4 Interaction of conceptions of learning, strategies to learning and self- efficacy......37 2.5 Research procedure and design......38 Chap 3 Study I: The development of conceptions of learning English as a foreign language scale......42 3.1 Reserach Purpose......42 3.2 Research Context......42 3.3 Samples......43 3.4 Interviews......43 3.5 Instruments......44 3.6 Data analysis......44 3.7 Model evaluation......49 3.8 Results......51 3.8.1 Categories in the CLEFL Survey......51 3.8.2 CFA analysis for the CLEFL Survey......56 3.8.3 Correlation analysis among conceptions of learning English......61 3.8.4 The final version of CLEFL survey and the fit statistics of the proposed models61 Chap 4 Study II : The relationship between conceptions of learning English, strategies of learning English and academic self-efficacy in English......68 4.1 Research Purpose......68 4.2 Research Context......69 4.3 Samples......70 4.4 Instruments......70 4.4.1 The Conceptions of learning English as a Foreign Language Survey......70 4.4.2 The Strategy of Learning English Survey......72 4.4.3 Learners’ Academic Self-efficacy Survey......73 4.5 Data Analysis......73 4.6 Results......74 4.6.1 Verification of the validity and structure of the three questionnaires......74 4.6.2 Correlational relationships among different dimensions......80 4.6.3 The structural relationships among EFL students’conceptions of learning, strategies of learning, and academic self-efficacy......83 Chap 5 Conclusion and Discussion......87 5.1 The development of conceptions of learning English as a foreign language scale ......88 5.2 The relationship betweem CLEFL, SLEFL, and ASE......90 5.3 Limitation and directions for future research......95 APPENDIX......97 Appendix A ......97 Appendix B ......100 Appendix C ......102 Appendix D ......103 Appendix E ......106 Appendix F ......108 REFERENCES ......109

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