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研究生: 曾智威
Chih-wei TSENG
論文名稱: 公共工程工期展延與管理費補償計算模式之研究
Compensation of Project Overhead Damages for Owner Caused Delay in Public Construction
指導教授: 李得璋
The-Chang Lee
口試委員: 呂守陞
Sou-Sen Leu
Min-Yuan Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 92
中文關鍵詞: 工期展延公共工程工程管理費補償
外文關鍵詞: Owner Caused Delay, Construction Claim, Allocable Overhead
相關次數: 點閱:523下載:20
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It is generally recognized that construction delays is critical in public construction projects. Contractors may claim incurred costs for excusable and compensable delays. However, the compensation of overhead damages for owner caused construction delay is not specified in most public construction contacts. And it often leads to contract disputes due to the lack of effective settlement approaches. Therefore, it is imperative to develop methods for calculating overhead claims for damages due to construction delay. Unabsorbed overhead is a significant cost to contractors and needs to be addressed in an expeditious manner by owners and their representatives. The objective of this study is aimed to assist in the quick and efficient calculation of the appropriate compensation due a contractor for an owner caused increase in the project duration.
In this study, key issues and the major problems encountered in the calculation of damage of compensable delay of public construction were investigated first through extensive interviews with leading experts. Then, various approaches for compensable damage with relate to the cost items that may incur due to owner caused delay are compared and analyzed. Furthermore, cases study (including 30 mediation cases and 21 litigation cases ) are conducted to explore the current practices of calculating overhead claims for damages due to project delay. It is concluded that there are significant discrepancies in mediation and litigation with regard to the determination of jobsite overhead by the over-simplified proportion method. Based on the results, guidelines of appropriate compensation for owner caused construction delay are established. Taking account of the circumstances of the construction delay and the related expenses incurred, a modified method of pricing allocable overhead for dispute resolution is developed consequently.

中文摘要.................................................Ⅰ Abstract.................................................Ⅱ 誌謝.....................................................Ⅲ 目錄.....................................................Ⅳ 表目錄.................................................. Ⅵ 圖目錄...................................................Ⅶ 第一章 緒 論.............................................1 1.1 研究動機與目的.......................................1 1.2 研究範圍與內容.......................................3 1.3 研究方法與步驟.......................................3 第二章 公共工程工期展延管理費補償概要....................7 2.1 工期展延概述.........................................7 2.1.1 工期展延之分類.....................................7 2.1.2 工期展延費用補償...................................9 2.1.3 工程管理費概要....................................11 2.2 國內工程合約有關工期展延管理費補償相關規定概述......14 2.3 國外工程合約對於工期展延管理費補償相關規定概述......20 2.4 工期展延管理費補償計算方式..........................22 2.4.1 國內管理費補償計算方式概述........................22 2.4.2 國外管理費補償計算方式概述........................25 2.5 工期展延時管理費補償之法律相關見解..................29 2.5.1 承包商因工期展延增加管理費補償之請求權基礎........29 2.5.2 「棄權條款」約定效力問題..........................33 第三章 公共工程工期展延管理費補償問題之探討.............39 3.1 工期展延管理費補償問題現況..........................39 3.2 工期展延管理費補償問題探討..........................45 3.2.1 非可歸責雙方因素之工期展延仍給予管理費補償........45 3.2.2 補償計算未考量不同展延情形對管理費支出的影響......46 3.2.3 補償計算對變更設計部分重複補償管理費..............47 3.2.4 補償計算未扣除利管費中利潤、稅金與保險費比率......48 3.2.5 以實支法計算展延補償,對非工地現場支出仍予補償....49 3.3 案例研討............................................51 第四章 研議公共工程展延工期管理費補償處理模式...........67 4.1展延工期管理費補償議題探討...........................67 4.1.1 計算工期展延補償時,應否扣除可合理預見展延天數....67 4.1.2 非可歸責雙方因素展延,可否予以承包商管理費補償....69 4.1.3 因變更設計所致展延,是否得予以承包商管理費補償....70 4.1.4 利管費中管理費所佔之合理比率......................71 4.1.5 總公司管理費能否納入展延補償......................72 4.1.6 不同展延情形,對工期展延管理費補償計算之影響......73 4.2 工期展延管理費補償計算模式之研議....................74 4.2.1 可列入補償計算天數................................74 4.2.2 管理費之合理比率..................................75 4.2.3 不同展延情形對管理費計算影響......................78 第五章 結論與建議.......................................81 5.1 結論................................................81 5.2 建議................................................84 參考文獻................................................87

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