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研究生: 楊旭東
Hsu-Tung Yang
論文名稱: 氨化鋰鹽電萃之鋰電池應用可行性分析
Feasibility study of applying ammonia-lithium salt electride to lithium battery
指導教授: 蔡大翔
Dah-Shyang Tsai
口試委員: 王復民
Fu-Ming Wang
Chia-Ying Chiang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 89
中文關鍵詞: 鋰鹽氨氣氨化液體電萃液體導電率鋰硫電池
外文關鍵詞: Lithium salt, Ammonia gas, Ammoniated liquid, Electride solution, Ion conductivity, Lithium-sulfur battery
相關次數: 點閱:300下載:1
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在這項研究中,我們研究了各種鋰鹽的氨化電萃溶液的電化學性質,以試圖將氨化電萃溶液用作Li-S電池中的液體電解質。鋰鹽包括LiBH4,LiClO4,LiNO3,LiTFSI,LiFSI,LiTriflate。氨化電萃溶液通常在放置於不銹鋼反應器中,在0.56 atm的氨氣分壓下形成。也可以將所述電萃溶液摻入Li-PAA樹脂中,並與20、30、40重量%的鋰鹽一起當作凝膠型電解質。
氨化的電子溶液的離子電導率很高,在室溫下通常約為10-3 S cm-1。LiClO4(或LiClO4 + LiNO3)的透明電萃溶液的離子電導率達到6x10-3 S cm-1。用循環伏安法測量電萃溶液的穩定性,發現電位窗口幾乎相同,為3.8 V。潛在的窗口大小主要取決於鋰鹽的氨化帶來的自由能下降。電位窗口大小對於Li-S電池已經足夠,其鋰離子電池的電位上限低於3.0 V.
氨化的電萃溶液不溶於多硫化物作為電解質。電萃溶液具有不溶多硫化物的巨大優勢,因為溶解的多硫化物會引起多硫化物的穿梭問題以及Li-S電池不可逆的電容量衰減。不幸的是,氨化的電萃溶液在直接接觸時也會與鋰金屬電極反應。我們嘗試了許多方法來保護氨化的電萃溶液免於與鋰金屬反應,但是失敗了。在鋰陽極上形成的類SEI無法提供足夠的氨防護。因此,我們組裝的Li-S電池是容量~1086 mA h g-1的一次電池。

In this study, we studied the electrochemical properties of ammoniated electride solutions of various lithium salts solvated by ammonia in an attempt to apply the ammoniated electride solution as the liquid electrolyte in the Li-S battery. The lithium salts include LiBH4, LiClO4, LiNO3, LiTFSI, LiFSI, LiTriflate. The ammoniated electride solution is generally formed in a stainless steel chamber under 0.56 atm ammonia in an argon atmosphere of 5.0 atm. The electride solution can also be incorporated in Li-PAA resin and utilized as a gel-type electrolyte with lithium salt 20, 30, 40 wt%.
The ion conductivity of the ammoniated electride solution is high, generally in the order of magnitude 10-3 S cm-1 at room temperature. The conductivity of the transparent electride solution of LiClO4 (or LiClO4+LiNO3) reaches 6x10-3 S cm-1. The stability of electride solutions is measured with cyclic voltammetry and found to be more and less the same, 3.8 V. The potential window size is mainly determined by the free energy benefits brought by ammonia solvation of lithium salts. The potential window size is sufficient for the Li-S battery, of which the upper potential limit is less than 3.0 V.
As an electrolyte, the ammoniated electride solution does not dissolve the polysulfides. The insoluble polysulfides in ammoniated electride solution offer a huge advantage over other electrolytes, since dissolved polysulfides cause the polysulfide shuttle problem and irreversible capacity decay of the Li-S battery. Unfortunately, the ammoniated electride solution also reacts with the lithium metal electrode upon direct contact. We have tried many approaches to protect the ammoniated electride solution from reaction with lithium metal, but failed. Common SEIs formed on the lithium anode cannot provide sufficient protection from ammonia. Consequently, the Li-S battery that we assembled is a primary battery with a capacity ~1086 mAh g-1.

摘要 I ABSTRACT III 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 XII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1前言 1 1.2研究動機 3 第二章 文獻回顧 6 2.1 液態電解質 6 2.2 鋰鹽氨電萃(Lithium ammonia electride)系統 7 2.3 膠態高分子電解質(GPE) 13 2.4 固態電解質(Solid electrolyte) 14 2.5 鋰硫電池 21 第三章 實驗方法與步驟 24 3.1實驗藥品耗材與儀器設備 24 3.1.1 實驗藥品 24 3.1.2 實驗儀器與設備 25 3.1.3 電化學測試儀器及設備 27 3.2實驗流程圖 28 3.2.1純鋰鹽氨化與Li-PAA添加鋰鹽氨化液體製作 28 3.2.2硫電極製作 29 3.2.3電化學量測組裝 30 3.2.4電化學分析 31 3.3實驗方法 32 3.3.1 Li-PAA與鋰鹽粉末製備 32 3.3.2 CR2032電池墊片前處理清洗 32 3.3.3 Li-PAA加鋰鹽的氨化處理 33 3.3.4 純鋰鹽氨化液體製備 33 3.3.5 電解質離子導電率電池製備 34 3.3.6 電解質之循環伏安法電池製備 34 3.3.7 觀察氨化液體/EDA/1,3-DAP與S和Li2S的混和溶解性 34 3.3.8 Li表面SEI層製作 35 3.3.9 硫電極製作 35 3.4電解質電化學特性分析 36 3.4.1交流阻抗分析(AC Impedance) 36 3.4.2循環伏安法(Cyclic Voltammetry) 38 第四章 結果與討論 39 4.1溶解性測試結果 39 4.1.1乙二胺EDA和1,3-DAP與S & Li2S溶解性 39 4.1.2 S & Li2S粉末在氨化鋰鹽溶液中的溶解 41 4.2氨化鋰鹽電萃液體 42 4.2.1 LiBH4+NH3 氨化電萃液體 42 4.2.2 LiFSI+NH3氨化電萃液體 43 4.2.3 LiTFSI+NH3氨化電萃液體 44 4.2.4 LiTriflate + NH3氨化電萃液體 45 4.2.5 LiClO4 + NH3氨化電萃液體 46 4.2.6 LiClO4 + LiNO3 + NH3 氨化電萃液體 47 4.3 AC交流阻抗分析 48 4.3.1 乙二胺EDA和1,3-DAP添加1M之LiClO4與LiNO3混和粉末 49 4.3.2 LiBH4 + NH3氨化電萃液體 50 4.3.3 LiFSI + NH3氨化電萃液體 51 4.3.4 LiTFSI + NH3氨化電萃液體 51 4.3.5 LiTriflate + NH3氨化電萃液體 52 4.3.6 LiClO4 + NH3氨化電萃液體 53 4.3.7 LiClO4 + LiNO3 + NH3氨化電萃液體 54 4.3.8 不同溫度下導電率測試 54 4.4 電化學循環伏安法(Cyclic Voltammetry) 59 4.4.1 LiFSI + NH3氨化電萃液體 59 4.4.2 LiTFSI + NH3氨化電萃液體 60 4.4.3 LiTriflate + NH3氨化電萃液體 61 4.4.4 LiClO4 + NH3氨化電萃液體 62 4.4.5 LiClO4 + LiNO3 + NH3氨化電萃液體 63 4.5 鋰硫電池充放電測試 64 4.5.1 以LiPAA+LiClO4+NH3-0.56atm-48hr作為電解質 64 4.5.2 以LiPAA+LiClO4+LiNO3+NH3-0.56atm-48hr作為電解質 67 4.6 鋰金屬表面SEI層製作與氨化電萃液體反應之結果 68 第五章 結論 71 參考文獻 72

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