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研究生: 陳旭洹
Syu-Huan Chen
論文名稱: 在MapReduce中使用壓縮合併字典樹的均衡分群機制之研究
A Balanced Partitioning Mechanism with Condensed, Collapsed Trie in MapReduce
指導教授: 陳省隆
Hsing-Lung Chen
口試委員: 呂政修
Jenq-Shiou Leu
Yie-Tarng Chen
Po-jen Chuang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 60
中文關鍵詞: 大數據偏態分佈Hadoop負載平衡MapReduce
外文關鍵詞: big data, data skew, Hadoop, load balance, MapReduce
相關次數: 點閱:724下載:1
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  • MapReduce 最近已成為處理大數據的高效率平台,經由消除資料關
    聯性,然後將工作量分送至 reducers 做平行處理達成其目標,齊夫定律
    MapReduce 的雜湊函數通常產生不均勻的工作量給 reducers,大大降低
    MapReduce 的效能,因此發展一個均衡分配工作量的分群演算法是一
    均勻分配工作量至 reducers。首先提出壓縮字典樹以確實掌握資料統計,
    法將子群均勻分配至 reducers,以降低總執行時間。所提出的分群機制

    The MapReduce has emerged as an efficient platform for coping with
    big data. It achieves this goal by decoupling the data and then distributing
    the workloads to multiple reducers for processing in a fully parallel manner.
    The hash function of MapReduce usually generates the unbalanced
    workloads to multiple reducers for the skewed data. The unbalanced
    workloads to multiple reducers lead to degrading the performance of
    MapReduce significantly, because the overall running time of a map-reduce
    cycle is determined by the longest running reducer. Thus, it is an important
    issue to develop a balanced partitioning algorithm which partitions the
    workloads evenly for all the reducers.
    The aim of this proposal is to propose a balanced partitioning
    mechanism with condensed trie in mapreduce, which evenly distributes the
    data to the reducers. Then, we propose a quasi-optimal packing algorithm to
    assign sub-partitions to the reducers evenly, resulting in reducing the total
    execution time. The proposed partitioning mechanism requires a reasonable
    amount of memory usage and incurs a small running overhead. The
    experiments using Inverted Indexing on several real-world datasets are
    conducted to evaluate the performance of our proposed partitioning

    誌謝 2 摘要 3 Abstract 4 目錄 5 圖目錄 8 表目錄 10 第1章 導論 11 1.1 研究背景 11 1.2 研究動機與目的 12 1.2.1 研究動機 13 1.2.2 研究目的 14 1.3 後續章節內容 14 第2章 相關研究 15 2.1 沒做前置處理的方法 16 2.2 有做前置處理的方法 16 第3章 背景知識 22 3.1 Apache Hadoop 22 3.1.1 分散式檔案系統(HDFS) 22 3.1.2 MapReduce 平行運算架構 23 3.1.3 MapReduce執行過程 24 3.1.4 YARN 25 3.1.5 MapReduce、YARN、HDFS環境設定說明 26 3.1.6 MapReduce使用不同參數設定的影響 28 3.2 字典樹 29 3.2.1 字典樹的特性 30 3.2.2 字典樹的建立 30 第4章 壓縮合併字典樹與均衡分配機制 32 4.1 MapReduce專案應用介紹-反向索引 33 4.2 壓縮字典樹 34 4.3 合併字典樹 38 4.4 頻率統計 39 4.5 取樣 41 4.6 均衡分群機制 42 4.6.1 切割子切割塊 42 4.6.2 裝箱演算法 46 4.6.3 分群器 47 第5章 實驗環境與實驗結果 49 5.1 實驗環境 49 5.2 壓縮合併字典樹的效能評估 49 5.3 IR測試結果 50 5.4 反向索引測試結果 51 第6章 結論與未來展望 55 6.1 結論 55 6.2 未來展望 56 參考文獻 57

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