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研究生: 吳卿瑤
Qing-Yao Wu
論文名稱: 以服務設計觀點建構無人商店推薦系統與消費者服務體驗之探討
A Study on the Construction of Unmanned Store Recommendation System and Consumer Service Experience Based on Service Design Perspectives
指導教授: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
口試委員: 吳志富
Chih-Fu Wu
Chih-Hsiang Ko
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 87
中文關鍵詞: 無人商店服務設計人臉辨識推薦系統服務體驗
外文關鍵詞: Unmanned store, Service design, Facial recognition, Recommendation system, Service experience
相關次數: 點閱:333下載:0
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  • 在工時長且快節奏的生活模式下,許多零售企業為搶進商機,因應消費者需求,紛紛將資訊技術導入營運流程中,以降低成本並提高生產力,促使傳統實體商店朝無人商店轉型發展,然而,在不同環境、文化、習慣下,人們對無人商店的需求、資訊系統接受度與熟悉度也不盡相同。因此,本研究以臺灣現有之無人商店系統作為研究目標,以「服務設計」觀點,規劃符合顧客需求之服務流程,設計完整的商業模式,以提升顧客於無人商店之服務體驗,進而建立顧客對品牌的忠誠度。

    本研究參考Design Council提出之雙鑽石服務設計流程(The Double Diamond Design Process),將研究流程分為四大階段:第一階段「確立研究議題」,透過研究相關文獻,廣泛探討研究背景,釐清研究動機與目的,綜合性提出具體研究架構與探索議題; 第二階段「定義研究議題」,利用服務設計工具,收斂研究問題,找出關鍵服務缺口; 第三階段「設計建構」,統整關鍵服務缺口,建構概念原型,列出評估指標; 第四階段「實行評估」,藉由不同評估指標,評測各子系統,並且透過深度訪談,評估、分析本研究研製之無人商店推薦系統整體服務流程。


    In an increasingly digital era, shoppers naturally gravitate towards faster and more convenient shopping experiences. Retailers seek to tailor to these audiences by incorporating technology into their production assembly line to streamline the checkout process. Specifically, unmanned stores stood out as a promising candidate for the new retail experience. However, there are high variations in the acceptance rate of unmanned stores among different population of ages, demographics, and cultures. In this study, the purpose is to focus on optimizing the unmanned convenience store experience in Taiwan through the viewpoints of service design.
    Inspired by Design Council’s Double Diamond Design Process, this study was divided into four main phases. In the first phase, related works were surveyed to help determine a specific direction for this study. During the second phase, the potential flaws of current unmanned convenience store design was carefully analyzed. The discovered issues by service design tool was then tackled. In the third phase, according to the design principles, the user interface was created with selection criteria. In the past phase, the proposed service design system was evaluated by monitoring the objective metrics of the design model. The pros and cons were analyzed through carefully conducted interviews with the target audience.
    The generated results showed that there were 6 main service gaps in the current design of unmanned stores in Taiwan, i.e., process of design is redundant, product discounts and coupons for members, not recommended according to personal consumption behavior, the function of system is too single, failure to restock items immediately when they are sold out, failed to clean up immediately. Based on the proposed service flow of this study, the facial recognition and recommendation system of this unmanned convenience store revealed high users satisfaction. The value pertinent to user experience of shopping in the unmanned convenience store can also be enhanced.

    摘要 i Abstract ii 致謝 iii 目錄 iv 圖目錄 vi 表目錄 viii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 3 1.3研究目的 4 1.4研究架構 5 第二章 文獻探討 7 2.1 無人商店 7 2.1.1 無人商店定義與發展 7 2.1.2無人商店類型 8 2.2 服務設計 10 2.2.1 服務定義 10 2.2.1 服務設計定義 11 2.2.1 服務設計流程 14 2.3 推薦系統 20 第三章 研究方法與步驟 23 3.1 研究方法 23 3.1.1 參與式觀察法(Participant Observation) 23 3.1.2 深度訪談法(In-depth interviewing) 25 3.1.3 利害關係人地圖(Stakeholder Maps) 27 3.1.4 人物誌(Persona) 31 3.1.5 顧客旅程地圖(Customer Journey Maps, CJM) 32 3.1.6 POV設計觀點句型(Point of View) 34 3.1.7 HMW提問(How might we…?) 35 3.2 研究流程 37 第四章 系統設計與展示 39 4.1 無人商店推薦系統需求分析 39 4.1.1 無人商店之文獻問題彙整與分析 39 4.1.2 訪談執行流程與步驟 40 4.1.4 無人商店顧客旅程地圖彙整之服務缺口 43 4.1.5 小結 47 4.2 無人商店推薦系統設計 47 4.2.1 系統分析 47 4.2.2 系統架構 50 4.3 系統設計與功能展示 53 第五章 研究結果與討論 62 第六章 結論與建議 67 6.1 研究結論 67 6.2 未來建議 69 參考文獻 70 中文文獻 70 英文文獻 70 網路資源 75

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