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研究生: 林子虹
Zih-Hong - Lin
論文名稱: 使用者經驗於行動介面音效設計之研究
User Experience Study on the Sound Design of Mobile User Interface
指導教授: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
口試委員: 鄭金典
Jin-Dean Cheng
Yung-Chin Tsao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 124
中文關鍵詞: 音效設計互動設計使用者經驗使用性評估
外文關鍵詞: Sound Design, Interaction Design, User Experience, Usability Evaluation
相關次數: 點閱:490下載:69
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  • 在人人皆可成為行動應用程式開發者的世代,傳遞美好的使用者經驗成為設計數位產品時不可或缺的要素。相較於在視覺層面對於使用者介面及資訊架構的琢磨,音效設計一直是互動設計中鮮少被人探索的領域。本研究針對互動音效應用於App之主觀感受進行探索,分析影響使用者經驗之音效構成與設計方式,並進一步評估音效是否影響使用者對於App本身之使用性及整體操作體驗,試圖提供給產品設計師及使用者一個不同以往的思考及新型態的互動方式,創造出嶄新的使用者經驗。


    驗證實驗採2(音調變化有無) x 3(音色類型)雙因子混合設計方式進行,「音調變化有無」採取兩層級:(1)有音調變化:隨操作事件產生升降階音調變化;(2)無音調變化:操作事件時不產生升降階音調變化。而「音色類型」分為三層級:(1)現實合成音:與現實物件產生對應關係之現實取樣音色;(2)複合數位合成音:與現實物件產生對應之數位合成音色;(3)電子合成音:與現實物件無對應關係之數位合成音色。


    In an era that everyone can be a developer of mobile application, delivering a wonderful user experience has become an essential element when designing digital products. Compared to the extensive explorations of the user interface and information architecture in the visual level, the sound design is an area that has remained rarely explored in the interactive design. In this study, the subjective experience of the interactive sound effects applied in the App has been explored in order to analyze the construction and design methods of sound effects that have an impact on the user experience. After that, further evaluation in terms of whether the sound effects affect interface usability and overall operation experience of the App. In th end, it is hoped to provide designers and users with an innovative way of thinking and interacting to create a new user experience.

    The experiment in this study consists of two stages: (1) Pre-test: Through the theoretical basis of the literature, the preliminary investigation and research testing of the sound effects have been conducted to clarify the function types and classification methods of sound effects, and further explore the differences in the usability of App by adding the sound effects based on the samples in the pre-test. (2) Verification experiment: Based on the results of pre-test, the constructing elements of sound effect samples have been decomposed in order to thoroughly explore whether the subtle differences in sound effects would have an impact on users’ usability and subjective feelings toward the App.

    The verification experiment is conducted on a 3 (with or without tone changes) by 2 (tone types) two-factor mixed design. The tone changes are divided into two levels: (1) With tone changes: The tone has been rising or falling during the operation; (2) Without tone changes: The tone has not been rising or falling during the operation. The tone types are divided into three levels: (1) Auditory Icons: On-site samples in correspondence with actual objects; (2) Compound Earcons: Digitally generated sounds in correspondence with actual objects; (3) Earcons: Digitally generated sounds that have no correspondence with actual objects.

    The results show that: (1) There is no significant difference in the recognition and feeling of the interactive sound effects whether the user has learned to play a musical instrument or not; they all suggest that the samples with sound effects are better than the ones with no sound effects; (2) Compound earcons and earcons have better evaluations in the indication and usability of basic functions. (3) Auditory icons and compound earcons have better performances in being easy to use and learn; (4) The addition of tone changes in auditory icons would lower the evaluation of usability, whereas the addition of tone changes in compound earcons would improve the evaluation of usability; (5) The addition of sound effects to a specific operation task can bring multi-level feelings of enjoyment and accomplishment to users, which would make them feel amused and willing to continue to use the product.

    摘 要 i ABSTRACT ii 誌 謝 iv 目 錄 v 圖目錄 ix 表目錄 x 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 4 1.3 研究架構與流程 5 1.4 研究範圍與限制 7 第二章 文獻探討 8 2.1 音效設計 8 2.1.1 音效之功能分類 8 2.1.2 音效之聲音種類 9 2.1.3 非語言聲音的分類 11 2.1.4 音效之意義對照 13 2.1.5 音效在行動介面上的重要性 14 2.1.6 音效之設計要點 15 2.1.7 音效在行動介面上的優勢 16 2.1.8 小結 18 2.2 人的感知與認知 19 2.2.1 感覺系統 19 2.2.2 視覺感知 19 2.2.3 聽覺感知 20 2.2.4 視覺與聽覺的比較 20 2.2.5 認知過程 20 2.2.6 小結 21 2.3 使用者導向設計 23 2.3.1 使用者導向設計之原則 23 2.3.2 使用者經驗 25 2.3.3 小結 26 2.4 使用性工程 27 2.4.1 使用性工程原則 27 2.4.2 使用性工程評估 28 第三章 研究方法與實驗步驟 31 3.1 研究進行步驟 31 3.2 實驗流程與建構 32 3.3 實驗方法 34 第四章 前導性實驗 35 4.1 前導性實驗研究架構 35 4.2 前導性實驗樣本 36 4.2.1 現有音效樣本分析 37 4.2.2 音效使用性實驗設計 38 4.2.3 前導性實驗問卷設計 38 4.2.4 實驗步驟與設備 39 4.3 前導性實驗對象 39 4.4 前導性實驗結果 40 4.5 受測者主觀感受訪談 43 4.6 綜合討論分析 47 4.6.1 前導性實驗結果 47 4.6.2 後續建議與規劃 48 第五章 驗證實驗 49 5.1 驗證實驗方法 49 5.1.1 驗證實驗研究變項 49 5.1.2 驗證實驗App原型製作 51 5.1.3 驗證實驗設計 54 5.1.4 驗證實驗對象 57 5.2 驗證實驗結果 59 5.2.1 系統使用性尺度(SUS)量表之分析 59 5.2.2 知覺有用性與易用性(PUEU)量表之分析 62 知覺有用性與易用性量表「更快速完成任務」之分析 62 知覺有用性與易用性量表「提升操作表現」之分析 65 知覺有用性與易用性量表「提高工作效率」之分析 67 知覺有用性與易用性量表「更容易完成任務」之分析 70 知覺有用性與易用性量表「學習理解容易度」之分析 72 知覺有用性與易用性量表「察覺操作狀態容易度」之分析 75 知覺有用性與易用性量表「互動方式理解程度」之分析 77 知覺有用性與易用性量表「互動彈性程度」之分析 80 知覺有用性與易用性量表「熟悉記憶程度」之分析 83 第六章 結論與建議 87 6.1 研究結果 87 6.1.1 音調變化與音色類型之使用經驗研究結果重點整理 88 6.2 結論與建議 92 6.3 後續研究建議 95 參考文獻 96 英文文獻 96 中文文獻 100 網路文獻 101 附錄一、前導性實驗問卷 102 附錄二、驗證實驗問卷 105

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