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研究生: 蘇品嘉
Pin-chia Su
論文名稱: 應用太陽熱能之炊具設計創作
The innovative design of solar thermal cooker
指導教授: 鄭金典
Jin-Dean Cheng
口試委員: 柯志祥
Chih-Hsiang Ko
Jeng-Neng Fan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 150
中文關鍵詞: 太陽熱能炊具綠能產品設計環保炊具
外文關鍵詞: Solar thermal cooker, green design, environmentallyl friendly cooker
相關次數: 點閱:194下載:0
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  • 人類不斷進步的表象背後,隱含著能源過度消耗與環境破壞的危機,再生能源的使用已成為永續發展之必經之路。眾多再生能源當中,太陽熱能的珍貴特性,對於導入產品設計有很大的機會與益處。以太陽熱能之炊具設計為例,其不需耗費資源生火,亦不會產生對人體有害的燃燒廢氣與灰燼,此種炊具以「太陽的熱」直接轉換為「烹煮的熱」做使用,是自然、環保又非常經濟的。此外,對於第三世界國家來說,如此炊具,作為一個負擔的起的替代方案,既可滿足烹飪需求,亦能解決燃料難以取得、爐火灰燼影響健康等問題,其重要性不容忽視。如此應用再生能源的生活必需品若能加以推廣,在環保的意義上將會產生極高的價值。


    Behind the appearance of the continuous progress of mankind, the crisis of excessive energy consumption and environmental destruction is hidden, and the use of renewable energy has become the only way which must be passed for sustainable development. Among numerous renewable energies, the precious features of solar thermal energy have tremendous chances and benefits for products design. Taking the design of solar thermal cooker as example, it does not need to consume other resources for making fire, and it will not produce harmful combustion exhaust gas and ash. Such cooker is used by transferring “the heat of sun” into “the heat for cooking”, which is natural, environmentally friendly and very economical. In addition, for the third world countries, such kind of cooker serves as an affordable alternative which does not only meet the cooking needs, but can solve the problems like that fuel is difficult to be obtained and ashes has bad effects on human health. Its importance can not be ignored. If such necessities with application of renewable energy can be promoted, high value shall be generated in the sense of environmental protection.

    This thesis started from literature review on solar radiation, heat collecting technology and cooking principles, and it assembled cases of solar thermal cooker for cross-analysis in order to explore the opportunities for further development and to develop new kind of concept prototypes. During the design process, it was dedicated to present through design methods and experimental spirit by repeating validation tests and finally used two works, “Solar cooker for disaster area” and “Solar pot”, for interpretation: (1) chances for solar thermal cooker to be applied in different situations; (2) to improve the problems on different aspects of the existing solar thermal cooker and explore the possibility for it to be accepted by more people. The results of this thesis are: by applying the miniaturization of green energy technology into creative product design, contribution can be made to the environment, and certain assistance can be brought to the users.

    論文摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 圖表索引 VII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1創作背景 1 1.2創作動機 2 1.3 設計創作目的 3 1.4 設計創作方法與流程 4 1.5研究與設計創作架構 5 1.6創作範圍與限制 6 第二章 文獻探討 7 2.1 太陽能源概述 7 2.1.1太陽常數 8 2.1.2大氣對太陽輻射之影響 8 2.1.3地球運動對太陽輻射之影響 9 2.1.4太陽高度角與方位角 11 2.1.5日照豐沛地區 13 2.2 太陽熱能應用技術 15 2.2.1集熱技術 15 2.2.2聚光技術 20 2.2.3聚光元件比較 29 2.2.4太陽熱能技術應用概況與小結 29 2.3 烹飪概述 30 2.3.1 熟食條件 30 2.3.2 加熱原理 31 2.3.3 烹飪方式 32 第三章 太陽熱能炊具案例研究 33 3.1太陽熱能炊具的分類 33 3.1.1箱型蓄熱式太陽爐 - Box type solar cooker 35 3.1.2拋物面式太陽爐 - Parabolic solar cooker 39 3.1.3摺疊式太陽爐 - Panel type solar cooker 44 3.1.4其他型式太陽爐 – 菲涅爾透鏡太陽爐 47 3.1.5太陽爐比較 48 3.2太陽爐的設計 50 3.2.1截光面積 50 3.2.2功率計算 50 3.2.3測試標準 51 3.3太陽爐發展現狀 53 3.4小結 - 綜合分析 54 第四章 概念原型發展與實驗 55 4.1 點聚焦+線聚焦:船型聚光原型 55 4.1.1原型設計與光跡模擬 56 4.1.2 實驗原型製作 57 4.1.3 實驗過程 58 4.2 聚光+蓄熱:太陽鍋原型 60 4.2.1原型設計與光跡模擬 61 4.2.2原型模型製作 64 4.2.3 原型實驗 65 4.3 追日測試 67 4.3.1 更方便的人工追日 67 4.3.2 發條自動追日概念 68 4.4 小結 69 第五章 創作設計發展 70 5.1 船型聚光 -災區太陽爐 / Solar Cooker for Disaster Area 70 5.1.1 背景研究 71 5.1.2 設計過程 73 5.1.3 3D圖繪製與彩現 76 5.1.4 實體模型實驗與修正 78 5.1.5 實驗測試 80 5.2 蓄熱聚光 - 太陽鍋 / Solar Pot 82 5.2.1 背景研究 82 5.2.2 設計過程 87 5.2.3 3D圖繪製與彩現 90 5.2.4 測試模型製作 96 5.2.5 實驗測試與評估 102 5.2.6 設計成果 112 第六章 結論與建議 119 6.1 自我評述 119 6.1.1災區太陽爐 / Solar Cooker for Disaster area 119 6.1.2太陽鍋 / Solar Pot 120 6.1.3創作成果整體評述 121 6.2結論與建議 121 6.2.1 設計創作結論 121 6.2.2 參考與建議 122 參考文獻 124 附錄

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