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研究生: 于衍超
Yen-Chao Yu
論文名稱: 飛行旅程嶄新變革-星宇航空科技服務創新
Technological Service Innovation of STARLUX Airlines
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
Chien-Wei Ho
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 77
中文關鍵詞: 航空業商業模式服務主導邏輯服務創新科技賦能能動性價值主張
外文關鍵詞: Aviation industry, business models, service-dominant logic, service innovation, technology enablement, agency, value proposition
相關次數: 點閱:418下載:11
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Currently, our country has eight civilian aviation transport companies. Among them, China Airlines, EVA Air, Tigerair Taiwan, and STARLUX Airlines are four airlines that specialize in international routes. Meanwhile, Mandarin Airlines and Uni Air, the other two companies, operate both short-haul international and domestic routes. Amidst the global pandemic, China Airlines and EVA Air captured the cargo market. In 2021, they not only attained monthly revenues in the billions but also recorded profits that reached a nearly decade-long high. Amidst the wave of over 40 airlines worldwide going bankrupt or undergoing debt restructuring, Taiwan's aviation industry gained significant recognition. However, in terms of inbound and outbound passenger transport numbers, the market share of domestic airlines dropped from 60.5% in 2009 to 53.8% in 2019. China Airlines and EVA Air accounted for a share of 45.1%, indicating that foreign airlines are notably consuming a larger portion of Taiwan's aviation passenger market.
The former Chairman of EVA Air, who is also the fourth son of Chang Yung-fa, Mr. Chang Kuo-Wei, officially established "Starlux Airlines" in 2018 to enter the international aviation market, delivering a significant shock to Taiwan's aviation industry. Chairman Chang Kuo-Wei has publicly stated on multiple occasions that the primary goal of founding Starlux Airlines was not to compete with China Airlines and EVA Air, but rather to foster collaboration with these major players, collectively expanding the market. "Starlux Airlines" aims to take a distinct approach in the aviation industry, striving to become an airline that relentlessly pursues excellence through a professional team and a spirit of innovation. With the highest standards and meticulous attention to detail, the company aims to promote employee well-being and exceed customer expectations. Amidst the competitive aviation landscape, what kind of future does Mr. Chang Kuo-Wei envision for Starlux Airlines?
This study utilizes the Harvard case study methodology to analyze and explore the impact of operational business models and the agency shaped by founders' experiences and abilities on enterprise operations. Through the development of case narratives, it examines how the airline industry, centered around customer service, engages in service innovation guided by a service-dominant logic. Finally, the study investigates how Starlux Airlines, operating in the aviation industry characterized by rapid spending, slow recovery, high risk, and operational challenges, employs technology-enabled strategies to reduce operational costs, enhance operational efficiency, and strengthen brand image and competitiveness.

摘要 I ABSTRACT III 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 X 1. 個案本文 1 1.1. 序場:是流星?恆星?一顆新亮星顛覆航空舊壟斷 1 1.2. 亞太區航空轉運樞紐看台灣航空業 3 1.2.1. 新冠疫情前台灣航空運輸業榮景 3 1.2.2. 新冠疫情衝擊航空運輸 旅客運量急凍 進出口貨運量爆炸 4 1.3. 一個遠大艱難但必須完成的目標 6 1.3.1. 親兄弟鬧鬩牆—雖卸甲難歸田 6 1.3.2. 化遺憾為力量—創立星宇航空 7 1.3.3. 台灣天空很大—合作取代競爭 9 1.3.4. 滿足客戶需求—看見星宇價值 11 1.3.5. 面對疫情嚴峻—是變也是不變 12 1.3.6. 完成父親遺願—誓奪「亞洲皇冠」 17 1.4. 做台灣航空規格的制定者 19 1.4.1. 滿足五感的飛行體驗 19 1.4.2. 高效能的新世代機隊 21 1.4.3. 善用科技輔助營運 23 1.5. 星宇航空的科技創新應用與賦能 25 1.5.1. 飛航通訊系統的新變革—ACARS over IP 25 1.5.2. 新電子飛行包—EFB的跨平台與行動化 28 1.5.3. 新世代飛航計畫系統提升運營效能(Lido Flight Plan) 31 1.5.4. 新航機維護管理系統 (Ultramain) 34 1.6. 星宇航空的挑戰 38 1.7. 下一步 40 2. 個案討論 42 2.1. 個案總覽 42 2.2. 個案學習的步驟 44 2.3. 教學目標與適用課程 44 2.4. 學生課前討論問題 46 2.5. 個案人物背景 46 2.6. 個案分析 47 2.6.1. 教學目標一:商業模式(Business Model) 48 理論教學 48 課前問題 51 討論分析 52 2.6.2. 教學目標二:能動性(Agency Theory) 56 理論教學 56 課前問題 57 討論分析 57 2.6.3. 教學目標三:服務主導邏輯(Service Dominant Logic) 59 理論教學: 59 課前問題 60 討論分析 60 2.6.4. 教學目標四:科技賦能(Technology Enablement) 62 理論教學 62 課前問題 66 討論分析 66 2.7. 課程結論 70 2.8. 教學建議 70 2.9. 板書規劃 71 參考文獻 72 一、中文參考文獻 72 二、英文參考文獻 72 三、 網站部分 73

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全文公開日期 2027/01/18 (校外網路)
全文公開日期 2027/01/18 (國家圖書館:臺灣博碩士論文系統)