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研究生: 邱柏瑞
Po-Jui Chiu
論文名稱: 系統不確定性與干擾影響下之多軸旋翼機姿態控制設計
Multirotor Attitude Control Design under the Influence of Plant Uncertainty and Disturbances
指導教授: 藍振洋
Chen-Yang Lan
口試委員: 劉孟昆
Meng-Kun Liu
Chi-Ying Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 140
中文關鍵詞: 多軸旋翼機姿態控制逆步控制干擾補償伺服架構
外文關鍵詞: Multirotor, Attitude Control, Backstepping, Disturbance Compensation, Servomechanism
相關次數: 點閱:291下載:9
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With the advancement of microcontroller systems and miniaturization of various sensors in the 21st century, multirotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have been through rapid development and gained major attention. As the commercial market for drones has matured in recent years, their applications have expanded into fields such as agriculture, industry, and transportation.
With the expansion of applications, the required control performance has raised due to specific features of various applications, such as flight accuracy and disturbance rejection capability. In addition to traditional PID controllers, non-linear controllers such as sliding mode, adaptive control, and backstepping control have become the focus of research.
This study focuses on the investigation of fluid sloshing effects due to fluid containers that often encountered in transportation and agricultural applications. Its impact of disturbances on attitude control is emulated and analyzed. Basic feedback control designs such as PID and state feedback control are used as benchmark for comparison. The control approach based on the backstepping control design is then developed to counter various disturbances. Furthermore, a servo structure is utilized to improve the hardware bandwidth limitations posted on the backstepping controller. The designed feedback control strategy is implemented on a multirotor for attitude control, and its performance is tested and compared to the benchmark design in terms of attitude control precision and rejection to various complex disturbances.

摘要 i ABSTRACT ii 誌謝 iii 目錄 iv 圖目錄 vii 表目錄 xi 符號表 xii 縮寫表 xv 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 文獻回顧 2 1.2.1 模型推導 2 1.2.2 系統鑑別 2 1.2.3 控制器 3 1.2.4 干擾估測方法 5 1.2.5 外部干擾源 8 1.3 研究問題與貢獻 8 1.4 論文架構概述 9 第二章 研究方法 10 2.1 基礎定義 10 2.1.1 座標系 10 2.1.2 姿態描述方法 11 2.1.3 旋轉矩陣 12 2.2 模型建構 14 2.2.1 機身模型 14 2.2.2 致動器模型 17 2.2.3 線性化模型 23 2.3 系統鑑別 24 2.3.1 機身參數 24 2.3.2 致動器參數 26 2.4 控制器 27 2.4.1 比例積分微分控制器 28 2.4.2 狀態回授控制器 29 2.4.3 逆步控制器 30 2.4.4 積分逆步控制器 34 2.4.5 干擾補償逆步控制器 39 2.4.6 伺服架構搭配干擾補償逆步控制器 44 第三章 實驗設備 53 3.1 多軸旋翼機 53 3.1.1 結構設計 53 3.1.2 動力零件 55 3.1.3 電源電路 55 3.1.4 感測器 56 3.1.5 飛控電腦 56 3.1.6 硬體規格一覽表 57 3.2 測試平台 58 3.3 馬達響應鑑別 59 第四章 參數鑑別與模型驗證 60 4.1 機身參數鑑別 60 4.1.1 機身參數 61 4.1.2 慣性矩 61 4.2 升力與阻力係數鑑別 62 4.3 馬達響應鑑別 66 4.4 模型建立與驗證模型 69 第五章 控制器設計與實現 72 5.1 控制規格設定、分析標準與測試條件 72 5.1.1 控制規格設定、分析標準 72 5.1.2 控制器測試條件 72 5.2 控制器模擬測試 74 5.2.1 比例積分微分控制器 74 5.2.2 狀態回授控制器 77 5.2.3 逆步控制器 80 5.2.4 積分逆步控制器 83 5.2.5 干擾補償逆步控制器 87 5.2.6 伺服架構搭配干擾補償逆步控制器 90 5.2.7 模擬測試比較與分析 100 5.3 控制器實際測試 104 5.3.1 積分逆步控制器 104 5.3.2 干擾補償逆步控制器 105 5.3.3 伺服架構搭配干擾補償逆步控制器 106 5.3.4 實際測試比較與分析 111 第六章 結論 115 6.1 結果討論 115 6.2 未來展望 116 參考文獻 117

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