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論文名稱: 溝通、合作和問題解決能力對學習投入之影響研究一以跨領域數位說故事專題課程為例
指導教授: 翁楊絲茜
Cathy Weng
口試委員: 陳秀玲
Shirley Chen
Regina Chu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 數位學習與教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 88
中文關鍵詞: 專題導向式學習跨領域學習投入溝通能力合作能力問題解決能力數位說故事
外文關鍵詞: Project-based learning, Interdisciplinary, Learning Effort, Communication skills, Collaborative skills, Problem-solving skills, Digital storytelling
相關次數: 點閱:1047下載:0
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關鍵字:專題導向式學習, 跨領域, 學習投入, 溝通能力, 合作能力, 問題解決能力, 數位說故事


Project-based learning (PBL) is an instructional strategy regarded by scholars as 21st century necessity that exposes learners to authentic problems in a diverse perspective and interactive environment, equipping them with requisite skills for survival in today’s world. The approach is popular for promoting student engagement, elevating them to co-constructors of knowledge as teachers become mere facilitators of the learning process. This study explored how collaborative skills, communication skills and problem solving skills would influence the learner’s input or effort in undertaking group projects. The experiment which was conducted over a period of 18 weeks involved university students (N=84), drawn from variant academic disciplines of a science and technology university in Taipei, Taiwan. In this particular exercise, the students were registered for four courses namely Educational Sociology, Gender, Music and English teaching. They worked in 14 groups each comprising of six (6) members throughout the semester with a task of building and telling digital stories. During this period, the learners interacted with their groupmates from cross-disciplinary academic departments prompting higher levels of collaboration to build the stories and communication skills to tell the stories. The participants’ levels of communication skills, collaborative skills and problem solving skills were assessed in relation to the amount of effort that they applied to the success of these digital stories both prior to and at the end of the task. The data for these two stages of the research was collected with the aid of a 92-items likert-scaled questionnaire survey. Utilizing a single group pre-test and post-test experimental design, the data was analysed by quantitative statistical techniques. The results revealed that Project-based digital storytelling (PBDS) is an effective instructional strategy at higher education with problem solving skills, aspects of communication skills and learners’ effort posting statistically significant differences. However, the difference in collaborative skills could have been occasioned by other factors as it was not significant in this study. The findings further alluded that problem solving skills is the most vital attribute that determines the amount of input and effort that learners would devote to the group PBL tasks. In particular, learners’ capability to apply scientific methods and their ability to take self-initiative in finding solutions to problems are the key determinants of their contribution to the group projects. The outcome of this research is expected to offer a fundamental framework to curriculum developers and instruction designers on the structure and delivery of group PBL tasks in a manner that elicits maximum collaboration, communication and problem solving skills among the trainees. This would subsequently determine how learners would apportion their effort and input to the respective group assignments in order to ensure the success of the entire project.

Keywords: Project-based learning, Interdisciplinary, Learning Effort, Communication skills, Collaborative skills, Problem-solving skills, Digital storytelling

TABLE OF CONTENTS DEDICATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ix CHAPTER ONE - 1 - INTRODUCTION - 1 - 1.1 Background of the study - 1 - 1.2 Statement of the problem - 4 - 1.3 Research Objectives - 6 - 1.4 Significance of the study - 6 - 1.5 Scope of the study - 7 - 1.6 Operational definition of terminology - 7 - CHAPTER TWO - 9 - LITERATURE REVIEW - 9 - 2.1 Project Based Learning Perspectives - 9 - 2.1.1 Active construction - 10 - 2.1.2 Situated learning - 10 - 2.1.3 Social interaction - 11 - 2.1.4 Cognitive tools - 12 - 2.2 Project-based learning as an effective strategy in higher education - 12 - 2.3 Failures, inadequacies and critiques to project-based learning - 14 - 2.4 Input and effort as core determinants of learning outcome and achievement - 15 - 2.5 Digital storytelling and the importance of telling stories - 16 - 2.6 Indicators and measures of learning effort in project based learning - 18 - 2.6.1 Communication skills and learning effort in project-based learning - 18 - 2.6.2 Collaborative skills and learning effort in project-based learning - 20 - 2.6.3 Problem solving skills and effort in project-based learning - 20 - CHAPTER THREE - 22 - METHODOLOGY - 22 - 3.1 Participants - 22 - 3.2 Research design - 22 - 3.2.1 Procedure - 24 - 3.3 Instruments - 26 - 3.4 Data Collection - 31 - 3.5 Data Analysis - 31 - CHAPTER FOUR - 33 - RESULTS AND ANALYSIS - 33 - 4.1 Data Description - 33 - 4.2 Results of the research questions - 33 - 4.2.1 Descriptive results - 33 - 4.2.2 Effectiveness of project-based digital storytelling as an instructional strategy in higher education - 34 - 4.2.3 Strongest determinant of learning input and effort between communication skills, collaborative skills and problem solving skills - 41 - CHAPTER FIVE - 45 - DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION - 45 - 5.1 Effectiveness of group project-based digital storytelling as an instructional method in higher education - 45 - 5.1.1 Discussion of the facets of communication skills - 46 - 5.1.2 Discussion of collaborative skills - 47 - 5.1.3 Discussion of the facets of problem solving skills - 48 - 5.1.4 Discussion on learning input and effort - 48 - 5.2 Strongest determinant of learning input and effort - 49 - 5.3 Conclusion - 51 - 5.4 Implications to classroom instruction - 52 - 5.5 Implications to the instructional designers - 53 - 5.6 Limitations of the study - 54 - REFERENCES - 56 - APPENDICES - 63 - Appendix 1(a) : Questionnaire – Chinese version - 63 - Appendix 1(b): Questionnaire – English Transcription - 68 - Appendix 2: Consent to participate in the research study - 70 - Appendix 3: Interpersonal Communication Competence Scale (ICCS) - 72 - Appendix 4: Team Skills Scale - 73 - Appendix 5: Scale for Problem Solving Skills in Mathematics (SPSSM) - 74 - Appendix 6: Foreign Language Learning Effort Scale (FLLES) - 76 -


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