簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 黃晗
Han Huang
論文名稱: 參與式手法應用於社會議題創作 —以安樂死在台灣合法化討論為例
Participatory Creation of Curatorial Design -The Case of Taking the Legalization of Euthanasia in Taiwan as an example
指導教授: 李根在
Ken-Tsai Lee
口試委員: 柯志祥
Chih-Hsiang Ko
Sung-Te Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 154
中文關鍵詞: 安樂死參與式手法視覺傳達資訊設計
外文關鍵詞: euthanasia, information design, participatory approach, visual communication
相關次數: 點閱:436下載:0
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From the beginning of the twentieth century to the present, the average life expectancy of the world's population has continued to increase, and almost all developed countries and some developing countries are facing a serious population aging problem. With the increase in age of the elderly population, the vulnerability of living individuals also increases. Although medical technology continues to advance and develop, there are still a considerable number of diseases that cannot be cured by existing medical technology. The only thing doctors can do is Extend the length of the patient's life as long as possible, waiting for their final result is only "death", so are we prolonging life or pain?
The issue of euthanasia has a more direct and specific impact on human nature than death. It involves issues at different levels such as law, morality, ethics, medicine, religion, faith, hope, and philosophy. It also touches on the inconclusive issue of life and death. It has always been debated in society. In Taiwan, a society that promotes freedom and human rights, what is everyone's attitude towards the legalization of euthanasia? This research and creation will be based on this kind of caring for life as the starting point, trying to find a balance point from the endless debate and each has its own correct discussion, so as to arouse the public's deeper thinking and discussion on the issue of euthanasia.
Through preliminary data collection, questionnaire survey and other preliminary operations, this study understands that although the public has high support for legalization of euthanasia, it is often based on perceptual cognition and does not know much about euthanasia. After many considerations, the designer decided to participate in the research and creation of this topic through participatory design, and set up an exhibition in the form of simulating a commercial pharmacy. The exhibition introduces the information related to euthanasia by category, and investigates the audience's euthanasia value identification. The exhibition was finally named " Euthanasia consulting room ". The exhibition content was mainly divided into three parts, namely "Information Popularization", "opinion dialogue" and "audience's opinion expression". During the exhibition period, many visitors were attracted to watch. While the audience learned more about euthanasia through interaction with the exhibition hall, Through the guidance of the exhibition's presupposition, he gradually changed into an expression of views, and really became the master of the exhibition, adding a lot of enthusiasm for the discussion of the legalization of euthanasia. The designer also reexamined his position in this research and creation through this exhibition.

摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 謝 誌 III 一、 緒論 1 1.1 創作背景與動機 1 1.2 創作目的 3 1.3 本次創作之範圍與限制如下: 3 1.4 創作流程與架構 4 1.5 名詞解釋 6 1.5.1 安樂死的定義 6 1.5.2 主動安樂死 7 1.5.3 被動安樂死 7 1.5.4 協助自殺 8 1.5.5 安寧治療的真諦 8 1.5.6 安寧療護與安樂死的差異 8 1.5.7 《病人自主權力法》 9 1.5.8 安樂死在全球範圍內的執行與否 10 二、 文獻探討 12 2.1 參與式創作 12 2.1.1 定義與結構 12 2.1.2 參與式創作案例分析 14 2.2 小結 19 三、 創作方法與設計規劃 20 3.1 創作方法擬定 20 3.2 資料收集 21 3.2.1 安樂死議題相關的創作收集 21 3.2.2 人口現狀分析 24 3.3 問卷調查與分析 30 3.3.1 問卷設計 30 3.3.2 受訪者基本資料分析 36 3.3.3 受測者對安樂死的認知程度分析 37 3.3.4 受測者對於安樂死的價值認同分析 41 3.3.5 開放性問題答復統計 42 3.3.6 交叉分析 42 3.4 小結 43 四、 創作設計過程與創作成果 45 4.1 .展覽視覺設計 45 4.1.1 標誌設計 45 4.1.2 展場空間規劃 47 4.1.3 安樂死資訊圖文設計 49 4.1.4 藥盒設計 51 4.1.5 主題海報設計 95 4.1.6 互動遊戲設計 100 4.1.7 價值認同問詢裝置設計 104 4.1.8 觀點表達展板 107 4.1.9 參觀者意願聞訊 109 4.1.10 展覽介紹與主視覺設計 110 4.1.11 引導卡片設計 112 4.2 創作成果 113 4.2.1 資訊藥盒與疊疊樂藥盒製作 113 4.2.2 價值觀念問訊裝置製作 115 4.2.3 問訊裝置投票膠囊製作 117 4.2.4 成果展出 119 五、 結論與建議 133 5.1 自我評述 133 5.2 結論 134 5.3 建議 136 參考文獻 138

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