簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林淑姿
Shu-Tzu Lin
論文名稱: 中小企業轉型與傳承計畫之研究
A Study on Business Transformation and Secession Planning in Small and Medium-Sized Companies
指導教授: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
口試委員: 歐陽超
Chao Ou-Yang
Ming-Shiow Lo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 53
中文關鍵詞: SWOT 分析企業轉型企業接班
外文關鍵詞: SWOT analysis, business transformation, business succession
相關次數: 點閱:453下載:0
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  • 本個案論文是以哈佛個案型式呈現,主要在探討中小企業轉型與接班傳承計
    畫的問題。個案主角第一代企業主邱老闆50 年前隨著公司至泰國拓展業務,後
    曼谷打拼,一手創立的道路工程公司。 五十年來,歷經承接之時的亞洲金融風
    暴,泰國經濟蕭條等艱困時期, 邱老闆以其對道路工程的專業與泰國市場的敏
    與台灣大多數的中小型企業一樣,80 歲的邱老闆終究得面臨企業接班的議題。
    藉由本個案論文之案例,進一步探討如何透過企業接班的四個程序: 啟
    公司成功交棒給接班人, 這也是邱老闆接下來最重要的課題!

    This case is presented in a Harvard case style, mainly to explore the small
    and medium-sized company’s business transformation and the passing over of a
    company between generations. The business owner in this case, Mr. Chiu, went to
    Thailand fifty years ago to help explore the market there for the company he was
    working for at that time. When his company decided to abandon the business there,
    Mr. Chiu took over the equipment and factories and since then started his own road construction business in Thailand. For fifty years, the company survived through the economic crisis in Asia and the declining markets in Thailand, leveraging Mr. Chiu’s expertise in road construction and sensitivity toward the markets. In recent years, he also led the employees in the company to actively explore different dynamics in traditional business to keep up with the market trends. However, there is a danger lying within the bright future of the company. Just like most of the small and middle-sized companies in Taiwan, Mr. Chiu, who is almost eighty now, must face the topic in regard to the passing over of his company to the second generation. Through this case presented in this thesis, we will further discuss four stages of the passing on of a company: The choosing of the candidate, the planning of the human resource, the succession of the passing over and the completion of the handed over. For the knowledge and expertise to thrive, this is also Mr. Chiu’s first priority at this moment.

    摘 要 ..................................................... I Abstract .................................................. II 誌 謝 ..................................................... III 目錄 ...................................................... IV 圖目錄 ..................................................... V 表目錄 .................................................... VI 第一章 個案本文 ............................................ 1 一. 序場 .................................................. 1 二. 個案公司前身 ........................................... 1 三. 泰國市場變化 ........................................... 4 四. 陷入困境 .............................................. 6 五. 絕處逢生 ............................................... 7 六. 個案工廠簡介 ............................................ 7 七. 泰國工程產業分析......................................... 17 八. 接班者的考量 ........................................... 20 九. 問題討論 .............................................. 22 第二章 教學指引 ............................................. 23 一. 個案總覽 .............................................. 23 二. 教學目標 .............................................. 24 三. 課前準備 .............................................. 25 四. 個案人物/ 背景 ........................................ 25 五. 個案分析 .............................................. 26 參考文獻 .................................................. 43

    1. 中華工程發展歷史時間軸圖
    2. 維基百科 亞洲金融風暴
    3. 中央通訊社 美中貿易戰兩面刃 泰國提升經濟體質分散風險2019-10-13 15:21 中央社 記者呂欣憓曼谷13 日專電
    4. 泰國台商 https://www.ocac.gov.tw/dep3new/yearbook/106/images/pdf/4.pdf
    5. 強弱危機分析(英語:SWOT Analysis),又稱優劣分析法、SWOT 分析法或道斯矩陣,是一種企業競爭態勢分析方法,是市場行銷的基礎分析方法之一,透過評價自身的優勢(Strengths)、劣勢(Weaknesses)、外部競爭上的機會(Opportunities)和威脅(Threats),用以在制定發展戰略前對自身進行深入全面的分析以及競爭優勢的定位。此方法是Albert Humphrey 所提。
    6. 臺商在泰國投資設廠原因分布https://www.ocac.gov.tw/dep3new/yearbook/106/images/pdf/4.pdf
    7. 陳明璋 (1994) 企業轉型
    8. Growth 企業轉型七步驟 https://growthmarketing.tw/business-transformation/#i-5
    9. 二代接班 學習成功
    10. 消失的接班人 今周刊(第1144 期)
    11. Lewis (2000) 接班人計劃。

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