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研究生: 李泓哲
Hong-Jhe Li
論文名稱: 使用奇異值分解與基因演算法應用在雜湊值對影像認證
SVD-based Image Hashing Optimization via Genetic Algorithm Technique
指導教授: 鄭博仁
Albert B. Jeng
Li-Chung Chang
口試委員: 李漢銘
Hahn-Ming Lee
Der-Feng Tseng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 88
中文關鍵詞: 影像辨識影像雜湊值奇異值分解基因演算法最佳化安全性強健性
外文關鍵詞: Image authentication, Image hash, SVD, GA, Optimization, Security, Robustness
相關次數: 點閱:436下載:0
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本論文是以Vishal Monga論文中提到的奇異值分解演算法為基礎,嘗試探討此演算法各個參數的最佳化,並且實際應用在影像辨識上。原始作者的參數定義一組固定的參數(如:總共幾張子圖、每張子圖的大小、幾組特徵向量等等),以及使用固定值0.02當作判別兩張圖片是否相似或相異的門檻值。原作者將預先設定的參數全部送入奇異分解演算法內進行運算,最後產生的影像雜湊值差異率如果高於門檻值則判定為兩張不同的影像。經過實驗結果,單單使用固定的參數組,不夠安全也不具有強健性,不足以適用在所有影像上面。



A perceptual image hashing maps an image to a short binary string based on an image's appearance to the human eye. It has to meet two important requirements, namely security and robustness. Security is to detect malicious tampering or modification in images correctly, and robustness is to tolerate incidental modification in images such as rotating, scaling, and transformation.

This thesis makes use of a useful image hashing program tool by Vishal Monga to explore a better parameter set for singular value decomposition (SVD) hashing function used in image authentication. One of the functions provided in Monga’s tool is a SVD based image hashing which currently uses a predefined parameter set to compute the image hashing. However, Monga’s approach starts with an arbitrary threshold constant of 0.02 value to judge the similarity or dissimilarity between two given images, and a predefined parameter set of other parameters (e.g. partition size, sub-image size, and eigenvector number), which may not be optimal or suitable for generating a secure and robust image hashing for all general images.

First, we cut-and-try a different parameter set to compute the image hash for each image using this SVD algorithm in order to enhance the robustness and security of this algorithm. We present our experiment results in Chapters 2 and 3. It shows the optimal parameter set derived by us has a better performance than Monga’s predefined set. It also constantly shows our approach generates a more secure and robust image authentication when it was tested using the standard test images provided by the USC-SIPI image database.

Next, Genetic Algorithm (GA) given in Chapter 4 is utilized as a preprocessing step to replace the cut-and-try approach in selecting an optimized parameter set for the SVD algorithm. The experiment results listed in Chapter 5 shows our approach works better than Monga and even the redefined parameter sets derived by our cut-and-try method. It clearly demonstrates that SVD optimized by GA technique is an automatic, efficient, secure and robust scheme for image authentication application.

摘要 Abstract 銘謝 第一章:緒論 第二章:理論背景介紹 2.1. 奇異值分解的介紹 2.2. 基因演算法的介紹 2.2.1. 複製過程 2.2.2. 交配過程 2.2.3. 突變過程 第三章:奇異值分解實作影像雜湊值 3.1. 資料庫 3.2. 步驟 3.3. 使用奇異值分解實作影像雜湊值 3.3.1.介面 3.3.2.參數設定 3.4. 模擬結果 3.4.1.不同參數設定 3.4.2.不同的特徵向量數 第四章:基因演算法實作影像雜湊值 4.1. 資料庫 4.2. 步驟 4.3. 使用基因演算法實作影像雜湊值 4.4. 模擬結果 結論與未來研究方向 參考文獻 附錄一:不同參數的實驗數據 附錄二:ICMLC會議文章

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