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研究生: 林進輝
Chin-Hui Lin
論文名稱: 邁萪公司經由企業轉型成功IPO之研究
A Study on How Microloops Successfully Achieves IPO Through Enterprise Transformation
指導教授: 陳崇文
Chung-Wen Chen
Guang-Di Chang
口試委員: 羅乃維
Nai-Wei Lo
Wei-Chung Miao
Chung-Wen Chen
Guang-Di Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 49
中文關鍵詞: 人才精兵制TPS提案技巧企業轉型股權稀釋首次公開發行
外文關鍵詞: Talent-focused Management, TPS Proposal Techniques, Enterprise Transformation, Equity Dilution, Initial Public Offering
相關次數: 點閱:237下載:3
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邁萪公司,起初以散熱零件為主,並研發航太專用均熱板,逐漸轉型成為散熱模組商,以先進的高效率散熱產品在競爭激烈的市場中成功立足。然而,過去11年公司持續 虧損已達到 6,369萬 元(單位:新台幣) ),帳上現金只剩下 3,320萬元(單位:新台幣) ),面臨客戶及上游廠商壟斷訂單、競爭激烈、人才流失及工廠搬遷引發罷工等多重問題。為因應危機,董事長趙元山提出一系列策略。
首先,公司實行精簡人員,高薪聘請優秀人才,並採用人才精兵制以提高工作效能。其次,公司借鏡日本汽車公司的提案技巧,每月讓改善小組提出工作改善方案,以優化員工作業流程,提高公司 KPI。在財務控管方面,邁萪進行投資架構的重組,調整內部資源和資金分配,以確保更多資源流向轉型所需的領域。
對於股權結構,公司進行分階段稀釋,實現了更加均衡的股權結構,有助於減少風險並吸引更多投資者。最終,公司與承銷商合作 成功 IPO,帶領公司走出長達11年的虧損,同時優化公司內部營運模式,實現雙贏。
這是一個 歷史性的管理學實務案例,為未來企業領導人提供豐富的經驗和課題。

Microloops, initially focused on heat dissipation components and the development of aerospace-specific uniform heating plates, gradually transformed into a heat dissipation module provider, successfully establishing itself in the fiercely competitive market with advanced and efficient heat dissipation products. However, over the past 11 years, the company has consistently incurred losses, amounting to NT$60 million. It faced challenges such as customer and upstream supplier monopolies, intense competition, talent attrition, and factory relocation leading to strikes. To address these crises, Chairman Zhao Yuanshan proposed a series of strategies.
Firstly, the company implemented staff streamlining, hiring top talents at competitive salaries, and adopting a talent-focused management approach to enhance work efficiency. Secondly, inspired by the proposal techniques of Japanese automotive companies, the company facilitated monthly improvement team submissions to optimize employee workflows and increase company KPI. In terms of financial control, Microloops restructured its investment framework, adjusted internal resource and fund allocations, ensuring more resources flowed into areas essential for transformation. Regarding equity structure, the company underwent staged dilution, achieving a more balanced equity structure, reducing risks, and attracting more investors. Ultimately, collaborating with underwriters, the company successfully went public IPO)), emerging from 11 years of losses, while optimizing internal operational models for a win-win outcome.
This paper adopts the Harvard case study format, comprising two main sections: case content and teaching guidelines. Through this narrative, participants can explore operational models, leadership management, talent acquisition practices, capital utilization management, and crisis handling from a business management perspective.
This historical management case provides valuable experiences and challenges for future corporate leaders.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 圖目錄 IV 目錄 VI 壹、個案本文 1 第一章、個案介紹狀況總覽(序言) 1 第二章、個案公司發展歷程 2 一、公司創立與成長 2 二、公司經營概況 4 第三章、個案之分公司介紹 10 一、分公司簡介 10 二、分公司議題 12 第四章、產業概述 14 一、產品產業現況 14 二、全球產業市場發展趨勢 16 三、產品本身趨勢 18 第五章、關鍵時刻 19 貳、教學指引 20 第一章、總覽 21 第二章、個案問題探討 22 一、個案議題之外部分析–探討邁萪公司是否在對的產業別 22 二、個案議題之內部分析 24 第三章、教學目標與適用課程 27 一、破曉新征程:”邁”向散熱領頭羊之路,”萪”技的革新啟示 27 二、營運資金擴充之籌措方式 31 三、人才選用 32 四、防範人才外流 35 五、「123人力精實」原則 38 六、重塑未來:激勵部門改善提案的革新精神 40 第四章、教學建議與時間分配 45 第五章、板書規劃 46 參、參考文獻 48

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